I figured I might as well do something constructive.
It's just about 11pm. Everytime I have laid down to try and catch some Z's, Katie wakes up and cries.
I figure if I just stay up, she'll sleep. I know. Twisted logic. A Vulcan, I am not.
I guess this is what two nights of not-so-normal sleep does to a 10.5 month old.
Let's jump back to Tuesday evening, shall we?
Cue Flashback sound effect reminiscent of Wayne & Garth~
Huzbend: "Transformers comes out today. It's playing at the Drive-In. Do you wanna go see it?"
Me: "Um. Sure."
We went through Katie's normal bedtime routine. But, instead of putting her in the crib we plopped her into the car seat and off we went. The hope was that she would fall asleep on the ride over. No go.
She eventually succumbed to the sleepiness about 20 minutes into the movie. Notwithstanding a few ultra-loud explosions and Optimus Prime's booming voice, she slept through the entire thing!
This is gonna sound sooooo fan-girlish, but it was everything that I ever wanted Transformers to be. When I was little, I drew Transformers. I watched the cartoon Transformers. I wrote stories about the Transformers. I pretended I WAS a Transformer. I loved the Transformers.
The movie kicked major ass. I would have paid the $8.50 admission for the 2 second scene showing Starscream transform from robot to jet. In case you didn't know, Starscream is the shiznit.
Holy Nerd-dom, Batman.
I hadn't been to a Drive-In in forever. The last time I went, my family went to see Harry And The Henderson's. I remember it because we kept looking out the back window of the station wagon. The screen behind us was playing The Terminator. Ooooooo. Rated R movie. Oooooooo.
It's still the same experience. Just as cool, I mean. The picture on the huge screen was amazingly clear. The sound that came through the radio was awesome. I guess it helped that there were, like, 200 other cars all playing the same thing. I'd definitely do it again. As long as Katie decided to cooperate.
She ended up waking up before the second movie could start. The Drive-In plays double features. So, we decided we had seen what we wanted to see and decided to head home. We got back and put Katie in her crib at about 1am. She was not a happy camper and it took me about 30 minutes to get her settled down. Oh well. I got to see a CURRENT MOVIE. The first one I have seen since before she was born. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It was SOOOOOO worth it.
**Well, it's 11:30 and there hasn't been a peep from the other room. I'm gonna try and lay down again. If you don't hear from me for a while.....DUDES. You are so NOT gonna believe this! As I was typing that she started making noise. Is she psychic? Is that even how you spell psychic? Dammit, I'm tired.**
Yesterday was the 4th. I wanted to check out the local parade so we headed downtown. It was okay as far as local parades go. There were plenty of scouts, firetrucks and old cars. Katie wasn't too fond of the sirens. They also had Revolutionary soldiers shooting their muskets. She didn't like that much either. Oh well. We left before the "Pirates" came. These "Pirates" shot a cannon every 5 minutes. Damn thing was loud as hell. We booked outta there before it could explode next to Katie. Man, she woulda freaked.
The rest of the day was spent lounging around the house.
Class C fireworks happen to be legal where we live and so, with dusk approaching, the explosions began. Needless to say, Katie was not happy with the whines, concussions and sparkles occuring right outside her window. She began to wail.
I took her downstairs to the couch and she quickly fell asleep on my lap. It was all good because I was able to watch one of our big city's fireworks shows on TV (there's more than one show for some reason). Another cool thing about being West Coast is that you can watch ALL the major fireworks shows. They had New York, Boston and D.C. on too.
The neighborhood fireworks quieted down at about midnight. I put Katie in her crib and I was able to get to sleep at about 12:30. I was shocked. I thought that it was gonna be an all night thing. And you know what? The next morning, the lady across the street went out with a broom and swept up all her shells from the night before. Nice.
**I haven't heard a peep from Katie. I think I'll give it 10 more minutes. Why not make it midnight?**
Today was spent at a local zoo. Not as large as the big city zoo, this one seemed to be a good size for Katie. It was like a baby zoo. I learned a lot too.
Lemurs are matriarchal.
A Cougar can take down prey 10 times its body weight; by ITSELF. They can also run at 40 mph and jump 20 ft. straight up into the air. No joke.
Wallabies can get pregnant WHILE they are pregnant. Yeah. How about that? Mrs. Wallabie gets preggers with Baby #1. Baby #1 begins to grow. In the meatime, she has sex and Baby #2 is formed. Baby #2 (who's just a ball of cells) stalls it's development until Baby #1 is out of pouch. As soon as Baby #1 is out, Baby #2 begins to grow. Wow, huh?
**Alright. It's midnight. I'm hittin' the hay. Wish me luck.**
**Tired Mommy......OUT.**