Monday, December 24, 2007

I got this really pretty dress from my Auntie for Christmas.
Check it out.  

Mommy and Daddy kept following me around the house trying to get a good picture.

For some reason, my regular shtick just wouldn't do.

No.  I had to be all lady-like and stuff.

I couldn't even climb on top of my musical table.


In order to get me to stay still, they had to give me a present early.

It was from my Granma & Granpa.

It was so cool that I played with it for a half an hour.

There were kitties on it.

I like kitties.

You got a problem with that?

I didn't think so.

From all of us
(monkey included)
 to all of you,
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Monday was a pretty good day.  I got me some presents (thanks to you all), got me some quality family time (Huzbend is home on vaca) and I got me some eggplant parmesan (yummy).  It was all good.

I'm 34 now.

Some people will think, "Garsh darnnit!  Why, she's just a yungin'!"

Some people will think, "OMG, she is, like, so totally old."

And some people will think, "She's jusssssst rigggghhhhhht."  Kinda like baby bears porridge. 

Cheers to all you December babies out there.  Just 'cause we don't get to have pool parties doesn't mean we can't get jiggy with it.  Solidarity, man.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

One More....

In preparation for the holiday season, I Katie, have decreed that all backlogged videos be posted on our site.

Here's a nice little vid of the time between Thanksgiving and last week.  So, now we are all up to date.


Uh, yeah, about that kitchen drawer....  Ya see, it's, um, now broken and sitting in the garage waiting to be fixed.  

Word to the people: Jumping in drawers is a bad thing.  

It can either get you seriously injured or, as in my case, get you one less kitchen drawer to stash banana pieces in.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Some Videos

I know it's been a while since we got some videos up here.  But, you gotta cut me some slack.

As you know from this blog, we recently picked up a Mac.  Macs come packaged with all this nifty software for doing all sorts of artsy-fartsy stuff.

You get iPhoto. You get iMovie.  You get Garage Band (recording studio software).  You get this thing called Front Row that lets you look at your photos and movies all theateristic like and stuff. And of course there's always iTunes.  

It's all a little weird and um, different.  So, MaMa had to learn how to use all this new stuff. 

This is her first attempt at iMovie.  I think it looks pretty decent.  

Oh yeah, I guess Macs have built in super-easy stuff too.  Like, for instance, MaMa didn't have to go to YouTube to download the movie (a painstakingly long and annoying process).  She was able to do it right from the Mac program and it took one quarter of the time.  According to her, it was "TOTALLY AWESOME."

This first video is from back in October/November.  Just some scenes jumbled together. Nothing spectacular. 

This next one is for my DaDa.  

Katie, out.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Teefies and Rahbie

Today was Katie's first dentist appointment.

We had a rough start in the waiting room.  There was a Dad that came in who was about 6 foot something tall and had a really deep voice.  Katie walked up to him, stared at him for about a minute or two and then burst into tears.  Then, in typical Katie fashion, she kept looking over at him or walking up to him so that she could cry again.  I have no idea why she does that.  It's the strangest thing.

The appointment itself was pretty quick.  The doc asked me a few questions and then it was time for the examination.  I had Katie on my lap facing me.  I then had to lean her back so that her head was on the doctors lap.  At this point, most babies start crying.  This makes it pretty easy to see everything that is going on in their mouths.  Katie was happy to oblige the doctor with a nice bit of wailing.

She's got a molar in there!  I didn't even know.  What a slacker Mom I am.  No wonder sleep has been a little rough the past month or so.  Jeez.  So, she's got eight teeth all together with another two right below the gum ready to come out.

She got a little goodie bag with a new toothbrush, floss, a smiley-face sticker and a fish bath toy.  Nice haul, huh?

This weekend I decided to write down all the words that Katie says now.

We found out that she has at least 45 words that she uses regularly.  I guess I could list them all out, but here's just a quick sampling:

pahta (pasta)
muh, muh, muh! (more)
beybee (baby)
nigh-nigh (night night)
mil-KUH (milk)
grrrr-grrrr (bear)
cah (car)
k-kie (cookie)

Most of her words either sound vaguely like the word they represent (i.e. boon (spoon/moon)) or are the sound that the object makes (i.e. bah-bah (sheep)).  But there's one word that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  It was Huzbend that actually figured out what she was trying to say.

It's "Rahbie". "Rahbie" equals water.  Yeah.  Weird, huh?  How do you get "rahbie" from water?  Who knows.

She also has another word.  "Mum-mie".  I can hear you already.  "Oh, how sweet!  She says Mommy".  Nope.  "Mum-mie" equals Monkey.

Huzbend and I have decided that we are going to start using Katie language so that we can have secret conversations.  For example:  

"The MMMM-MMMM ate a poon.  Then, DaDa got on his bye and went ba-ba.  There's a bah-oon in a teeee and I've got cheeeee in my buh."

For all you know, I could've just laid out our plans to take over the world.  Well, I guess you'll find out in due time.  Yes, in due time, my friends.   


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

No doubt you've seen the news. 

The rain.  The floods.

Our town took a pretty good hit on Monday.  There were lots of road closures, and quite a few houses and business parks had to be abandoned due to the rising waters.

I guess south of here they got hit even worse.  One of the major rivers overflowed its banks and put many towns underwater.  I hear that our major North/South highway (I-5) is still shut down somewhere because it's 10 feet under water.  Yeah.  That's pretty bad.

Back on the home front, Katie and I had a bitch of a time finding somewhere to go grocery shopping.  Monday is grocery shopping day.  I didn't have much of a choice as I was out of bananas.  We all know how much Katie likes her bananas.

The way to our normal store was shut down.  It was underwater.  So, we ended up at the "ritzy" grocery store.  It was either that place or the grocery store that's looks like it's been around since the Stone Ages.  I've been in there once.  There's more variety in a 7-11.

Holy crap.  That was one expensive shopping trip.  Damn floods.

Katie and I spent the rest of the day at home.  As for Huzbend, well, he was not so lucky.  He had to hop back on his bike to find his way home.  In the dark.  In the worst flooding the state has seen in, like, forever.  He rides home on a trail that has the word "river" in its name for cripes sake.

Was he frightened?  Was he nervous?  Was he going to call for me to come pick him up?

No.  No.  And No. 

And so it was that my husband cycle-surfed his way home.  

When other cyclists were stopped at the edge of raging flood waters, my husband was riding twenty plus miles an hour right on through them.  I can picture him in my head screaming, "YAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" as his speeding bike creates three foot wake waves through the water.

His excuse: "It was dark and raining.  By the time I saw the water, I was already in it.  I just kept on going."  

He also added that he knew how to swim and he wasn't worried.  I guess that was supposed to make me feel better about it.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...