Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Today was the first "full class" day at preschool.

This year preschool is two days a week.  One day I go to school with Katie (my "work day") and the other day I drop her off.  The same goes for all the other parents.

This means there are 18 or so kids vs. 8 or so parents.  Each parent has a "buddy child", a kid they are supposed to keep an extra eye on in case of difficulties.

My buddies are twin boys.  Their mom decided to leave them at preschool today.

Insanity ensued.  

One of them immediately had a complete and utter meltdown.  He was screaming as if someone had reached into his chest and ripped his heart out.  There were big raindrop tears falling down his cheeks and the boogies were a-flowin'.  This, in turn, got his brother going.  Now there were two out of control toddlers.  The teacher and another parent stepped in to help out.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, could console them.

We waited 5 minutes (which felt like hours) and had to call the mom to come back.

Talk about stress.

Katie seemed to be okay with all this.  She didn't like it very much when I was carrying around one of the crying boys and demanded that I pick her up too, which I did.  But that ended quickly when he started screaming at the top of his lungs.  It seemed that she wanted to get as far away from him as possible.  

I only caught fleeting glances of her today at school.  I'm guessing she had a good time and I think she ate snack.  I did see that she held hands with one of her gal pals on the walk out to the playground.

We go to preschool again on Friday.  Friday is not my "work day" and so I have the option to drop Katie off and go away somewhere.  I don't think she'd have a problem with this.  It's ME that has the problem.

I don't know.  I'm not really worried that she'll have a reaction like the twins did today.  I guess it could happen, but I think she'd be totally okay.

It's just strange to think that I have spent these last two years sharing just about every experience with her.  And now, she's going to school and I'm going to have no idea what went on.  I'm going to have to ask her what she did at school and then wait to see if she's in the mood to answer.

Props to all of you out there who have to "let go" every day.  

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You know you're having a bad day when you fall
asleep with a cheese stick in your hand.

You know you're having a horrible day when you wake up with
a cheese stick in your hair.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I've neglected my blog.....again.

Last week, Cuzzin' Joey came for a visit.  He brought along his MaMa, DaDa and Granma too.

We had a whirlwind week of touristy type day trips.  The Aquarium, The Market, The Farm, The Space Needle, The Fair, The "Other" Farm.  Phew.  It was crazy.  There's loads of pics over on Flickr for you to peruse.  

Ooooooo, fancy word that is.  Peruse.

This week has been filled with meetings.  We had orientation for preschool on Monday night.  I had to talk about my board position in front of 60+ parents.  My hands shook, which in turn made my voice shake.  Totally embarrassing.  After that, I had to talk to my class about Katie's allergies.

Then on Tuesday I had another meeting for another preschool organization.  I'm the treasurer for this group.  Sigh.  It's kinda like I'm doing office work now and not getting paid for it.  Who's bright idea was that?  Oh yeah.  Mine.

I am happy to report that Katie has poopied and pee-pee'd on the potty.  It's not as great as it sounds, she's done it one time each.  So, I think it's time to get serious about the potty training thing.  I went out and bought a book as I have no idea how to get a person to WANT to use a toilet.  As we all know, It's not the funnest thing in the world. You gotta sit there and wait.  Not one of Katie's finer skills.

I will leave you all with this.

After contemplating for two years, I have figured out why having a C-section delivery is totally awesome.  Hear me out.

Katie showed me her belly today.  She wanted to see my belly.  I obliged.  I had pulled my pants down far enough for my C-scar to show.  She pointed at it.  I told her, "That is where you came out of my belly when you were a baby!"  She replies, "Katie was in Mommy's belly.  When I was a baby!"

How about that?  I can SHOW her where she came out.  There is actual proof that she came from somewhere.

Gimme a break, alright.  It's a stretch, but I'll take it.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Katie:  Um, dude?  What's that smell?  

Joey:  I don't know.  Smells like poopy.

Katie:  Come on, man.  Fess up.  That was so totally you.

Joey:  Nuh-uh.  Whoever smelt it dealt it, kid.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...