Wednesday, October 28, 2009

THREE! Months, that is.

Hey.  Whazzup?  

It's me, Mikey.  

You didn't forget about me did you?

Nahhhh.  Didn't think so, man.  I'm unforgeddable.

I'm doin' good, real good.

Did a lot this past month.  Just a lot of stuff.  I'm a busy little dude.

Did I tell ya that I moved into my own room?  Yeah.  My VERY own room.  I also got my VERY own crib, and my VERY own changing table, and.....huh?  What's that?  What's a hand-me-down?  I don't think I like the sound of that....

Anyways, my room rocks.  You should come visit sometime and I'll show ya around.  It's got jungle animals in it.  

It's got a big green comfi chair too.  Mommy sits in it to nurse me at night.  Don't tell her I told you this, but she sleeps there a lot too.  Yeah.  She gets tired, that Mommy of mine.  Usually she passes out on it while waiting for me to settle down at night.

Speaking of settling down, I don't do it very well.  I usually need a little help.  In order for me to hit that nice, deep sleep I need to nurse.  I also need it to be silent.  No noise what so ever. I usually have to wait for my Big Sisty to go to sleep before I can get some shut eye.  She is a noisy one, she is.  

Once I get to sleep, I usually wake up about two hours later looking for something to suck on, much to Mommy's dismay.  I am addicted to sucking.  Binky, blanket, fingers, other peoples fingers - it's all fair game.

What else is going on?  Oh, I am very interested in other people.  I love to stare at them and make them squirm.  I look them right in the eye and they just can't look away.  Also, any type of movement or noise peaks my interest.  I like to consider myself very alert.

I like to hang with my Daddy.  He is very entertaining, he is.  He sings me songs and helps me to dance.  He's awesome.  I totally look up to him. 

The problem is that he's usually busy with my Big Sisty.  She's always having him throw her in the air, or dance with her, or play Mario for her.  I get my turn every now and again.  But, usually, when I do, Katie asks him politely, "Daddy, can you please give Mikey to Mommy so that you can play with me?"  I mean, how do you say no to that.  I gotta remember that whole polite thing for later.....

Hey, did you know that I have giant bugs in my house?  Yeah.  They frustrate me, so I punch them.  I punch them hard.  So hard that they jingle.

But, my most important accomplishment this month can be seen below:

I smile.  A lot.  No.  I mean A LOT.  Anytime someone talks to me or looks at me, I smile.  You play peek-a-boo with me, I smile.  You put my clothes on, I smile.  You change my super-smelly poopy diaper, I smile.

I also do another thing quite often as well.  This, my readers, is the key to my charm.  The ladies cannot resist....

And there you have it.  That's me at three months.

Hope you enjoyed looking at it as much as I did living it.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Trouble with Toys

I want to find a toy to give to Katie as a trade. 

The deal is that she trades in all the Halloween candy that she can't eat (which should be about 95% of it) and I give her a toy.

I went to the Disney store today to look for something princess-y to give to her.

Of course, there were dresses and clothes and nightgowns.  But, they aren't much fun.

I found toys that let you do a princesses hair, let you dress her in multiple princess-y dresses, playsets that let you retell various movie scenes, stuffed princesses, baby-fied princesses, etc.

Ugh.  How imaginative can you get with that crap?

I then looked at some princess figures.  If I got princess figures she could take them and put them into various make believe scenarios all of her choosing.  That would be perfect.  

Well, the problem with that was that there's a figure of Jasmine in the set.  Katie has already designated one of her other "guys" at home as Jasmine.  So, getting the REAL Jasmine would make that "made-up" Jasmine obsolete.

WTF.  Sometimes, I think that I think to much.

Hahahahahaha.  That last statement was funny.

I hate princesses.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch: A Journey In Pictures

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
My first trip to the pumpkin patch!
I'm SO excited!
Let's go!  Let's go!


Mommy, is the punkin patch left or right?
Why are there orange lights on the pole, Mommy?
Why are there punkins on the pole, Mommy?
What are the signs doing on the pole, Mommy?
When do we pick our punkin, Mommy?
First we go to the hay maze, then pet animules, then ride the
tractor, then pick a punkin and then get a special treat?
I wonder what the special treat is?
When do I get the special treat, Mommy?
Is that corn, Mommy?

I think ghosts like da hay maze.  It's dark.
Ghosts like the dark.  Maybe even skeletons too.

Let's go this way!

I went super-fast down the swide.
Teacher Judy caught me.

Is this the tractor we ride to the punkin patch, Mommy?
Why is it not moving, Mommy?

Mommy an' me an' Mikey went on da hay ride to
pick a punkin.

'Dis is my punkin.
It's heavy, Mommy.


Halloween is only two weeks away?!?!?


Friday, October 16, 2009

The Extremes

Today, both kids were laughing at the same time.  One was being tickled while getting a diaper change.  The other was jumping on the inflatable mattress rhyming made up words. 

It was one of my happiest moments, like, ever.

Today, both kids were screaming at the same time.  In the car.  One dropped a binky and was tired.  The other one was yelling at me to stop the other one from screaming.

It was one of the crappiest moments, like, ever.

Happy.  Crappy.


I think I might be going insane.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fine & Dandy

While I find myself with a spare few minutes, I will update zee blog.

Me:  Healthy.  Short temper.  Need more patience.  Too many Mommy Meetings.  Too much laundry.  Too much mess.  Need more Me Time, I mean more WoW time.

Huzbend:  Healthy.  Riding to work again.  Playing Mario on the Wii to entertain Katie.  Is not shaving.

Katie:  Healthy.  Pushing limits.  Loves to be naked.  Has mastered a somersault.  Loves preschool.  Goes to the potty without the kiddie potty seat now.  Still has NOT mastered getting her pee to shoot into the toilet (it's hard to explain).  Very imaginative and is very much into princesses.  

Mikey:  Healthy.  Smiles a whole lot.  Laughed for the first time the other day.  Still shooting poop across the room.  Entertains himself looking in a mirror.  Is now sleeping in own room (with me on the floor).  Has slept for at least a 6 hour stretch consistently for the past 3 nights.  I will most likely move back into my room this weekend.  Whose child is this?!?!?!? 

Gotta go.  Mikey calls.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Sickness Abounds

We are ALL sick.  Yep.  ALL of us.

We got something.  I have no idea how to tell if it is the flu.  

I always thought that the flu involved puking, but all the literature says that you can have at least two of the following symptoms and have the flu:  sore throat, coughing, runny nose, fatigue, body aches, head aches and possible vomiting/diarrhea.

So, maybe we have some flu and maybe we don't.  All I know is that it is pretty miserable around here.

I admit, it started with me.  I brought it in here.  I tried my best to wash hands as frequently as I could.  I used a lot of Purel.  All to no avail.  It spread anyways.

I don't think coughing and sneezing into your sleeve works when you have a baby.  I would do that and he would just rub his face in all the germs that were embedded in my sleeve.  Sigh.

Katie is snotty and coughing.

Huzbend is snotty.

Mikey has leaky eyes and is coughing.


Funny thing is that we are all scheduled for our seasonal flu shots next week.


November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...