Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Just a quick note to tell you all that I am the World's Worst Mom.


Last night, Mikey kept waking up every hour or so.

He was just fussing all night long. He wasn't really interested in nursing. All I really had to do to get him to fall back to sleep was to pick him up, rock him and gently lay him back down. Pretty easy.

This morning he ate like a champ - a whole package of Apple Cinnamon oatmeal. Wow.

We were at a friends house and he got cranky again. He looked tired so I had him put his head on my chest to fall asleep and....


He was burning up. We came home and I took his temp. 101.

Yikes. How long he's had the temp, I don't know.

Guess that's why he didn't sleep well last night.

Dammit. The same thing would happen with Katie when she was a baby. You would think that I would have learned to check for fever?

Nooooooo. Not me.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

"It's Squishy!"

The theme at preschool this month is Oviparous animals.

You'll get an A+ for the day if you know what the word "oviparous" means.

Okay. It's totally not fair that you just looked that up on the Internets.

F+ to you for cheating. You only got the "plus" because I like you.

Anyways, now you know that it means egg laying animals.

Birds and fish lay eggs, but so do snakes and lizards. So, we packed up the preschool kiddies and visited the reptile zoo.

The kids had a great time checking out the snakes, lizards, crocs and turtles who called the zoo home. The zoo also had some frogs and giant spiders as well. I know they're not reptiles, but they seemed to go with the overall theme of the zoo - things that make you say "Ew".

Katie was unsure at first, but quickly warmed up to the inhabitants.

It didn't take much really. With the blink of a yellow beady eye or the twitch of a scaly foot, this is what you would hear....

"Awwwww. Look at him swimming in the water.
How cute is that?"

She ssssss-ed at the snakes.....

....and communed with the chameleons.

Oh yeah, Mikey was there too.

He was more into the ceiling fans than the snakes.

At the end of the visit, they brought out a giant yellow snake
for a touch and feel session.

Katie was all over that. She wouldn't leave the thing alone.

She gave it a few pats. Then she gave it a couple of hugs.

And she was the only child to try to give the snake a kiss.

Here's what we took away from our visit:

Katie learned that you do not kiss snakes because they slither around in their own poop.

Mikey learned that reptiles don't move around very much and are quite boring.

I learned two things.

My daughter is a master of parseltongue and that reptile zoos smell really, REALLY bad.

It was a good trip.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Welcome Visitors

Easter was great. We colored eggs the night before and only had one casualty. It was okay though. I'm the only one that eats hard boiled eggs in the house. Eleven eggs was plenty.

Katie only need a few hints to find all the eggs and she was able to follow the clues to her Easter basket filled with, what else, a chocolate Easter bunny and two princess dolls. What more could you want? I'll get to posting the pics on Flickr real soon.

Next up, GmaC and GpaC paid us a visit. As luck would have it, Huzbend was scheduled for an office move and was told to stay home a few days. So, we all got to hang together.

The weather cooperated. It was mostly sunny, although a bit on the chilly/windy side.

Here we are at a zoo/aquarium where we came face to face with a polar bear eating his lunch. Lunch happened to be some kind of animal leg. Yeah. Pretty freakin' sweet. Wish I would've thought to take a picture. Oh well. All you get to see is a lame picture of us walking. Sorry.

After a failed attempt at a waterfall hike - there was, like, a foot of snow on the ground in the mountains - we decided to stick closer to home the next day and visit Seattle Center. We had a nice picnic lunch at the International Fountain and then made our way to the PacSci Center to visit Mars.

Yep. Mars.

Here is Huzbend "walking" on Mars. I will let the photo speak for itself.

Katie had a great time exploring. Here she is flying over Mars. Cape optional.

Mikey had a pretty good time at all these outings too. Wellllll, except for the car rides. He hates car rides.

Here's a picture of "Sad Clown" Mikey on our doomed trip to the mountains. Even prunes wouldn't help.

The rest of the visit was spent hanging around, eating lots of food, doing various chores and getting some quality Granma and Granpa time.

Oh yeah, and riding a motorcycle.

Huzbend and I even got to go to an actual THEATRE and see a MOVIE. The first time since Katie was born. Really. I'm not kidding. We saw "How to Train Your Dragon". In 3d. We had a date. Sigh. It was wonderful.

I'd like to send a big "THANKS" to GmaC and GpaC for everything.

And now, it's time for a little well-deserved nap.....

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...