Thursday, March 10, 2011

Monotonous Mommy Syndrome

Man. I'm tired. Tired of the same old, same old. I need some variety.

I know that it's important for young kids to have schedules. Certain things that happen at certain times of the day. It gives them a feeling of security and permanence or something like that.

But, you know what? It is starting to drive me insane.

We wake up. We eat breakfast. We watch a show while eating breakfast. Then it's juice time. Then it's time for "steamies" and to pick out clothes. Off to preschool - driving here, there and everywhere. We come home. I make dinner while Mikey screams at me. We eat. I clean. We play. Bath time. After that comes more "steamies", cheese and books. Then bed. Throw in there a few diaper changes, some laundry, lunch, and other errand-y type stuff and you got a day.

No one ever mentioned that being a parent can be SO BORING sometimes. You just get all caught up in the schedule of the day and never seem to have time to enjoy, well, anything.

I've been having many days like that recently. Like, I'm going through the motions of parenthood. Doing things that I HAVE to do instead of things that I WANT to do. Somehow, I have to force myself to sit down every once in a while and take a little breather. Whether that is doing an art project with Katie, sitting on the floor enjoying the kids playing together, or trying to find the time to do some ME type stuff - I just need to do it.

If I don't, I think I might explode.

And so, in keeping with the changing it up theme of today's post. I thought I would throw in some videos. It's been a while.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

February. Done!

Boy. I am TOTALLY slacking in the blog department. February (like all months it seems) was a crazy month.

Mikey had a cold pretty much all month long and solid sleep moments
were few and far between. And fulfilling one of the requirements of parentdom, I immediately caught all of his colds and then took one of them a step further by managing to get a sinus infection. Yay, me.

Besides all that stuff, there was Valentine's Day, many preschool events, some birthday parties and a visit from GmaC.

Here's a glimpse of February.

Here's Mikey at preschool. He discovered play dough.


His other favorite thing to do is paint. He LOVES it.

He paints the paper... and the walls, and the chairs,
and the floor, other kids, parents, and of course himself.

As you can see, he really gets into his work.

Hey, do you know what's as fun to play with as paint and actually tastes good too?


Is there something on my face?

Here's Mikey practicing one of his new words,



(no Mikeys were harmed in the making of this photograph)

Even trained professionals have a bad day.


Katie was on the slopes again this month.

This is what we call, "Crazy Katie Hair."

It's quite a look, wouldn't you say?

GmaC flew in for a visit and wouldn't you know it, it got really cold and snowy.

We put Mikey to work.

Katie and Mikey kept her VERY busy.

I'd like to say THANKS one more time for helping out
so much while you were here!

Lunchtime with Granma.


And I will leave you all with this.

Please say hello to....

....Raisin girl.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...