Sunday, November 04, 2012

It's Halloween Time!


I like to run in the Fall.  I mean, yeah, it's butt-ass dark at 6am.  Every single noise scares the living shit outta me.  But, I like it.  I think the best part is that it's QUIET.  There's not a lot of quiet here at our house anymore.  It's also not hot.  I don't like hot.  The smell of rotting leaves reminds me of trick-or-treating and playing rugby.

The stores around here had their x-mas stuff up for sale before October 31st.  What is up with THAT?

I really wish that people endorsing this and that candidate would stop calling me.  I already voted.

I was up on the roof today cleaning off leaves and emptying the gutters.  I like it up there.  It was warm today and a bit breezy.  I felt like Batman perched up on a gargoyle head surveying the unsuspecting inhabitants of Gotham City.  Well, I did, until a kid on a tricycle yelled out, "HEY!  WHATCHOO DOIN' ON THE ROOF?!?!  HEY!  WHERE'S MIKEY?!?!"  Poof.  Superhero daydream O V E R.  I like cleaning the gutters.  You know why?  Quiet.  It's real quiet up there.  Most of the time anyways.

The Hobbit is the best book, like, ever.  Read it.  Again.

Um.  Yeah.  I have no more random thoughts to share.  On to the rest of the month of October.

Earlier this month Mikey had a day off from preschool.  It wasn't raining and we got an invite to go to the zoo.  Sounded like a good plan to me.

Mikey hung with his good friend, Sienna.  They've known each other since they were born.  People watching them must think they are brother and sister.  Sienna's mom and me, well, we think they act like an old married couple.  They're always arguing about EVERYTHING - and yet, they always make up in the end.  Then they move on to the next argument.

They are quite the pair.


Here they are, putting on the cuteness.

And here they are, just a few moments later, arguing over
the zoo map.  Mikey is using his head to push Sienna away from the map.

We solved this problem by giving them their own maps.

Everyone was happy.

The leaves began to fall in our backyard and Katie was SO excited.

She ran to the shed, grabbed a rake and made herself a pile to jump in.

Next up = Dads And Donuts Day at school.

You're eyes are NOT deceiving you.

It was funny.  Katie SO wanted Huzbend to go to school.  And yet, when we got there, she was a little embarrassed to introduce him to her friends.  And then she spent most of the time trying to work her way towards the play area to finish out morning recess.

Before she completely dissed us, I did snap one photo of her and her Dad outside of her classroom.

Katie took a Creative Dance and Movement class.

She really liked it.  Right up her alley.

Katie.  Getting her groove on.


And then it was time for Halloweenie type stuff.

LOTS of Halloweenie type stuff.

The easiest way approach this was in a slideshow-type format.  Otherwise, I would be typing for, like, EVER.
I gotta get to sleep some time tonight.

I'll give you a run down of what you'll see in order of appearance.....

Mikey @ Preschool Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
Family @ Pumpkin Patch
Family @ Halloween Carnival
Costume Day @ Soccer Practice
Family @ Grocery Store Halloween Carnival
Pumpkin Carving @ Home
(Ghost - Mine, Small Cute Knight (Castle Crashers) - Katie, Knight with Sword & Sheild (Castle Crashers again) - Mikey, Mickey & Fireworks - Mine, Kai from Ninjago - Huzbend)
Mikey Preschool Halloween
Katie 1st Grade Halloween Party
Trick-or-Treating Time!
(Me - Hippolyta (Wonder Woman's Mommy), Katie - Wonder Woman, Mikey - Kai from LEGO Ninjago, Huzbend - Sensei Wu from LEGO Ninjago)
Our Pumpkins All Lit Up (huzbend's did not glow)

That's a lot of shtuff for a 4 minute video, eh?


November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...