Sunday, April 14, 2013

Fish, Jehovah, Chaos and Eggs!

First some updates.....

We still have fish.

It's been almost a month and the fish are still here.

An interesting dynamic has formed within the tank.

Our fish are schooling fish, but there are only two.

The big fish is now the alpha fish.  He chases the little fish away from the food and constantly swims around the tank establishing his dominance.

The little fish gets maybe one or two bites of food and hides in the corner of the tank in a little plastic tree forest I created for him.  I'm guessing he does this to conserve energy and avoid being attacked.

I believe that I have driven these fish insane.

Also, they got sick.  Well, really, they got ICK.
A fish parasite.

I had to give them medicine.

Medicine.  For fish.

Okay.  Next up.

No really, they do.

They have visited us, um, let's see.....about four times now.

And they might come back AGAIN!  Whooopeee.

They've given us a copy of their bible, a book with kids bible stories, 
a copy of their "informational" handouts The Watchtower and Awake!, a pamphlet about The Origins of Life, and last but not least a booklet about what the bible teaches.

It's love, I tell you.

I opened the door one Saturday and decided to be nice to the two at my door.

Now, they just keep coming back.  Especially, since they got to talk to Huzbend.
Oh man.  Some serious discussions going on at our front door.
Back and forth, back and forth.

I told Huzbend that if they keep asking him to read all their crazy stuff, that he should compile a reading list for them saying they aren't allowed to come back until they've "studied up".

Next.  Chaos Theory.

Ever heard of that?  If you've read or watched Jurassic Park you have.
Or, I guess, if you watch the Science Channel.
In between the stoopid shows about aliens showing the Egyptians how to build pyramids.
Don't get me started.....

We have an example of Chaos theory right in our yard.

This tree is actually TWO trees grafted together.

The trunk portion of our tree has branches that have grown up through the branches of the other.

And this is what happened....

"....the kind of control you're attempting simply's not possible.  If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us it's that life will not be contained.  Life breaks free.  It expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh....well, there it is."

Thank you, Dr. Malcolm.

We have pink and white blossoms on one tree.

Katie has decided to add "Fashion Designer" to her ever expanding resume.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the
United States of Corn.

The day before Easter we finally got that Spring weather we were wishing for.

It was sunny and close to 70.  Nice stuff.

Katie started an outdoor market.

Then the kids decided they wanted to ride bikes and guess what?????


It was awesome.

She was so proud of herself and we were proud of her.

Mikey's head has now grown too large for his helmet and now he's wearing mine.

And then, the next day it was EASTER!!!!

It was another beautiful day.

First up was the egg hunt.  Outside this time.

Katie and Mikey had their own eggs, so there was no confusion.
Katie = ladybugs and butterflies.
Mikey = bumblebees and caterpillars.

It actually took a good amount of time for them to find their eggs this year.

I think it was because they were hidden outside.

After the great Easter Basket Hunt, it was time to inventory the loot.

And to build the Lego sets.

Then we went to a neighbors house for a Neighborhood Easter Celebration including yummy brunch and an Easter egg hunt.

The neighborhood kids + some cousins
(minus two that had the pukies)


And then after the neighborhood event, the kids came home and 


Not just Mikey.  Katie did too.

As soon as it hits 60 around here, the pool comes out.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...