Sunday, May 12, 2013

What April?

Figured I'd start with picturesque scenery in an attempt to calm you because I haven't updated the blog in, like, a month......did it work?

I TOTALLY forgot to tell you that I made my own hollow chocolate bunnies for Easter!

Yep.  Bought some nut-safe chocolate melts.  Found me some bunny molds and WENT TO TOWN!

Can you tell that I'm just a little proud of myself?

In the midst of preschool stuff, various meetings and a few birthday parties, there was a school break in the middle of April.

Granma C. came to visit!

I swear that all were healthy when she called to give me her flight info the day before her arrival.

By the time she got here, everyone in the family was sick with the unexpected exception of me.


I made the joke that she was going to go back home with more than just memories.....

On top of all the boogies, it was cold and rainy the whole week.

We did manage to find a non-rainy morning and decided to Ride the Ducks of Seattle.

I was a little leery of having the kids sit in a vehicle for 90 minutes for an edutainment tour of Seattle....

But, they LOVED it.

I did mention that it was cold?  And rainy?  You'll see why I asked that when you come to the end of this little video.

A good time was had by all.

You COULD even say, it was TOO good..... 

Have I mentioned that Mikey talks A LOT?

No.  I mean A LOT times infinity.

Granma now knows what I mean.

Here's a few pics of her trying to eat lunch while Mikey discourses on a variety of subjects.

We attempted to get a nice picture of Granma and the two grandkids.

This is the best we got out of about eight trys.

Sick of the constant disobedience and general chaos of our house, Granma decided to show us how it was done and laid down the law.

It was time for a little arm wrestling.

And then, it was time for Granma to go back home.
Saying good bye just never gets any easier.

School started back up again and so did "activities!"

Katie had a "parent observation day" at her ballet class.

Mikey was not impressed.

Mikey got new pajamas.

He wore them to the family fun run we did the next day.

There was A LOT of whining because not only did we have to get up early, but it was cloudy, windy and not so warm.

But, as soon as we started moving, it was all okay.

And then it was time to begin....


Jam packed with school AND preschool events, meetings of all shapes and sizes, and just normal life type stuff; May is by far the craziest month of the year.  Really.  It even beats out back-to-school month AND holiday time.

These are good May-type pictures....

May started off with the Washington State PTA Conference.

Yes.  I went to a PTA conference.  I even stayed overnight.

Go ahead.  Say it.


Mikey had a preschool field trip to the zoo.


Mikey pretty much ran through the whole zoo.

Very independent, this little man is.

He was always off by himself, having run from the last exhibit to the next.....

At one point, he wanted to pull the wagon.
It was long as it wasn't a down hill...

"Really?!?!  Eating lunch is picture worthy?!?!"

One of the most exciting parts of the day may have been the trips to the bathroom.
The hand dryer was TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!

Hey, remember this guy?

Fantastic impression, eh?

In case you were wondering, having three birds on your arm gets a tiny bit tiring.....

......but it's all for the kids!

After a quick stop at the playground to let the kids adults get the sillies out.... was time to pack it up and head home.

Zoo officially CONQUERED!!!

This past week, Mikey learned a valuable lesson about what happens when you
throw a rock and it accidentally lands on a glass patio table....

Meet Glitter Chicken.
A Mikey original.

 Phew.  That brings me all the way to Mid-May.

One whole half a month left to go!

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...