Saturday, August 31, 2013

Catching Up Summer: Part Five and a Half

There were lots of summer camps (as well as soccer) going on throughout the summer.

Katie went to a bunch of different ones - ice skating (which you saw in an earlier post),
Art Camp, Girl Scout Day Camp and most recently, Theater (Drama) Camp.

Mikey spent one week this summer at a half day Lego Super Hero Camp.
The description said "For PreK & K".
So, I thought, "Perfect!  A bunch of 4 and 5 year olds!"
Well, I didn't take into account that lots of people hold their boys back from kindergarten until they are 6 or even 7.  Sigh.
Mikey had JUST turned 4.
My bad.
He was the youngest and smallest dude there.
He was fine until the last day of camp.  He REALLY didn't want to stay.  He told me that he was going to be "lonely".
I think it was really hard to be the smallest guy.
There were lots of tears that day, but he decided to stay and made it through.
When I asked him if he liked camp, he said that he did.
Hmmm.  Not sure what to think about that.

Meanwhile, Katie was busy at camps of her own.

Here are some samples of the masterpieces she created at her Art camps....

A peacock.

"His tail feathers couldn't stand up, otherwise he would fall down."

I'm not quite sure what technique was used to make this.
But it involved a nature hike, paint and a giant press.

A still life dye painting.

"Nature stuff on a table."

Clay sea animals.

"An octopus, a sea star and a fishy."

A vase.

"Decorated with all sorts of sea stuff."

This is a rock painting of an orca whale.

And then, it was off to Girl Scout Day Camp.

She had a GREAT time!
Loved it.

She spent one night overnight.
She didn't like that so much.
She said the girls in her cabin were very noisy.
She kept telling them "the rules of camping" (which happened to be OUR rules of camping).
That you were supposed to lay there quietly until you fell asleep.
Like, reading or something.
But, they wouldn't listen.
She survived, but fell asleep in the car on the way home the next day.

The camp directors were great about working with me as far as her food allergies went.
I packed her a lunch everyday.
They provided snacks - just fruit and veggies.
For dinner on the night that she stayed over, the directors went above and beyond to check all of the food out.
The only thing I had to provide was dessert.
She was able to participate fully - which was fantastic.

At the end of the week all the parents were invited to Closing Circle.

This is a picture of her closing circle performance.
I didn't get video of it - but I DO have video of her performing the song at home.

Here is her section of camp:
"Hidden Forest"

This is where she spent the night.
Open air cabin.
Pretty cool.
I was so proud of her.

This is a fairy house that she and her camp friends built.


She must have been in a really good mood or missed Mikey or something because
when we got to the truck to leave she shared her last two dessert cookies with him.

Katie wanted me to put this on the blog,
"And this is what your feet look like after a day at Girl Scout Camp!"
Her words!

Next up, it was theater camp.
The kids got to make their own play.
They did everything in one week - create characters, develop a plot,
write dialog, make props and scenery, create costumes, etc.
On the last day they got to perform their play on stage in front of an audience made up of us families.

This is an advertisement for their play:

The Plan:  The Princess Rescue

Within the poster was some artwork I recognized.

Katie drew a picture of her character:  Sara, The Elf next to another character in the play,
Princess Celestia (she's the girl with the horn on her head in the video you'll see below).

Mikey was so excited to see the plays.

There were two of them and he sat through each without a sound.
Totally transfixed on the art playing out upon the stage.

Here is Sara The Elf in all her coolness.
Look at that attitude.

The heros finally capture "Dragboto".
Sara dances at a party celebrating his capture.

That is an elf ear sticking out the side of her hair.
Awesome, with a capital A.

So many things learned, new things tried, new friends made.

She's growing up into such a creative, imaginative, extraordinarily friendly little person.
She's so confident and brave.
Outgoing and adventurous, yet empathetic and loving.

He's learning that it's okay to miss people you love.
That they are always with you, even when you think you are on your own.
They love you from afar and that can give you strength.
He's brave and, although a little hesitant, is willing to give new things a try.
He wants so badly to lead and yet still feels small in such a big, big world.

Man.  As much as it's hard to watch their baby days disappear,
it's just wonderful to watch them blossom into great kids.

Next up, we have some visitors and do some pretty cool stuff.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Catching Up Summer: Part Five

Yeah.  Water parks.

Yay.  Not a big fan.

Kids and Huzbend are though.
So, I had to suck it up.

Of course the day we planned to go, it was breezy and chilly.

We opted to visit the amusement park half of the place in the morning, hoping the sun would pop out in the afternoon and save us from shivering.
Didn't quite work out that way.

Carousel time!

Then it was on to some hoppy kangaroos.
Katie really dug these guys.

Mikey and Katie had fun riding some rides.  Just them.
It's great watching them have such a good time together.

Then it was time to swim.

The kiddie water playground section of the park was FRIGID.

We kept running back and forth to the hot tub.
Sitting in that was like sharing a bathtub with 20+ other humans; some of them kids in swim diapers.

To my relief, we moved over to the wave pool.  It was semi-heated and tolerable.
And, I guess it wasn't AS gross.  It was a bigger pool, so the pee could dissipate a little......

The kids had a great time and were starving when we got back to the car to leave.

Huzbend went straight to work finding a place for us to eat.
Yay for Mexican food!  Again.

The next day we headed over to The EMP in Seattle.
EMP = Experience Music Project
(also a Sci-Fi museum, of sorts.)

There was a fantasy exhibit and it was supposed to have the "Iron Throne" on display.  You could sit on it and take pictures and stuff. is our luck....we missed the "Iron Throne" by, like, a week.
Oh well.

We DID get to see The Captain's Chair and TRIBBLES!

The kids thought they were amusing.

Then we got to play with a green screen.

Watch out!  DRAGON!

Katie was most impressed with the sign for the sci-fi display.
She liked all the little pictures and naming the ones she knew.

Then we visited the fantasy exhibit and met a very sleepy
Mommy Dragon.

On to the music section of the museum for a little jam session.

Here's some video.....

And to finish off the week of crazy vacation stuff strong,
we visited the local Renaissance Faire.

Okay.  Personal beef.  Why "Renaissance Faire"?
I have never understood that.
Why not "Fantasy Faire"?
Or would that be uber-dorky instead of just dorky?
I don't know.

I DO know that the kids had a great time.

Mikey dressed up as a dragon and Katie as her alter-ego, Sara The Elf.

They met fairies!

They met pirates!

Mommy threw axes!

We ate a Medieval Icee and then enjoyed the joust competition.

On the way out, Katie decided to spend a bit of her hard earned
chore money on some most excellent face painting.

It was beautiful.  She was beautiful.

And she knew it.
: )

Next up, a slight detour to talk about summer camps.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Catching Up Summer: Part Four

The night of Mikey's birthday party, we headed to Panera for dinner.

It was Mikey's turn to pick where we ate and that's his go-to place.

Katie asked to eat a cucumber off the salad I had ordered.

I said sure.

Within 5-10 minutes she was complaining that, "Something smells bad!  EWWWWW!  It smells like nuts!"

We thought she was insane.  Until she broke out in hives.  Then came the sniffles.  Then came the throat clearing and coughing.

It was an allergic reaction.

We were quick to dose out the Benadryl and cross our fingers that it's progression would stop.  And, it did.  All that from less than a 1/4 teaspoon of dressing that had hydrolyzed soy protein in it.

So, we had some fro-yo to make it all better.
Fro-yo makes everything better.

After shaking that off, we went camping again at Deception Pass State Park.

Just us this time.

We put those kids to work!

The kids went exploring and found this hollowed out tree.
They came up with a whole story about who lived there and why they left.
It was complicated - as most of their stories are.  So, I can't remember all of it.

After setting up camp, it was time to head to the beach.

First, we had to climb up the rocks and bushwhack our way through the scrub to get there.
On orders of Hike Leader Mike.

Katie and I had to take a slight detour as she refused to push through
a pricker bush that hobbit-sized Mike could walk underneath.

We all ended up making it to the same place though and then the hunt for forts was on.

Meanwhile, Huzbend busied himself with carving a wood shiv and shoving it up his nose.
As is typical for him.

Seems like the only time I get cuddles is
when it's time to sit and eat some kinda food.

We headed back to camp to make some dinner.
This time Katie wanted to lead.
Mikey wasn't too excited about that.


It's hard to see, but here's a picture of the famous bridge through the fog.

Do you see the resemblance?

Again with the food involved cuddles.
I'll take what I can get.

The calm before the marshmallow toasting.

Notice the looks of extreme concentration......

And the payoff is oh so sweet!

And then this is what happens post-marshmallow.
And an asthma attack because she ran all the way back to camp from the potty.

We were up early and did one last hike along the coast.
We saw some otters and a bald eagle.
Katie and Mikey collected LOTS of rocks.
I mean lots.

Mikey was tired and decided to hitch a ride.

When we got back to camp it was time to pack it all up.
The kids busied themselves in various ways.

Katie sat quietly at the picnic table and drew and colored some pictures.

Mikey went exploring and got himself stuck in a rotted tree trunk.

One last family photo before hopping in the truck to head home.
We had something important to do.....

....celebrate Mikey's actual birthday!!

Next up, we do lots of stuff.

Did you know my kids love water parks and I do not? 

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...