Friday, November 15, 2013

Halloween 2013

October means that it's donut time at Katie's school.

Dads and Donuts that is.

This time Katie was a much more gracious host.

Here she is hanging with Dad, post-donut.
He ate a gigantic one.
I think they were all gigantic.

This year, Mikey and Katie were able to have treats too!
Nut-free scones were on hand.
Yay for nut-free!

Katie took us to her classroom for a peek in the window.  Her teacher was there and opened the door for us.  Katie was able to give us a tour of her classroom.

It made her really happy to share that with Dad and Mikey.

This is really the first recognizable "guy" Mikey's ever drawn.

Usually he has a huge story about what's happening in his drawings,
but no patience whatsoever to actually attempt drawing it.

It's usually a bunch of scribble punctuated by his excited description of what's happening.

Now that's trust.

We went to a Halloween party at one of our neighbors houses.

The kids weren't allowed to wear their costumes.  Instead, they had to make them when they got there.

They had a really good time getting creative with all the materials that were brought.

We had superheroes, warriors, ninjas (with duct tape on their arms), princesses, Jedi, and I can't remember what Katie and her friend were.....

Here's a close up.
Mikey was Thor.  He had some parental help with his costume which was just a hat.

The hat was such a success that he wore it again the next day.

The weekend before Halloween all of us were in varying stages of sickness.

Huzbend and I were both sick.

Mikey was being treated for pneumonia (antibiotics and albuterol puffies).

Katie was soon to follow with the albuterol puffies.

It was not a happy time.

Well, except for pumpkin carving and the fact that we did not end up at Children's Hospital.

This year the kids decided to do their own pumpkin face designs.

Here is Mikey's creation.

And here's Katie's creation.

At first she stated that this was her "cute" pumpkin.

I begged to differ, stating that it was actually the scariest pumpkin of the bunch.

It had a  definite scary clown vibe.

She then said that it was "The Joker" pumpkin.


Halloween was finally here!

Mikey and his PreK class got to dress up in their costumes and practice safe trick or treating.

Meet Batman....

One of my friends took Mikey home after preschool so that I could run and help out at Katie's class party.

She was so excited.

It might have been because of the "Decorate Your Own Cupcake" station we had set up.

Here is her cupcake masterpiece.  She ate the WHOLE thing.

Katie's class didn't wear costumes at their party.

They had worked for about a week creating a costume based on a word that each kid selected.

Katie's word was .......

Each kid did a quick presentation of their chosen word.
They were so proud.

And then, school was over and it was time to.....

Hey!  The Boy Wonder!

The kids collected SO much candy.  Wow.
It was impressive.

We got home and snapped a quick family picture before the candy gorging began.

The Fire Nation was not going to stop Katara from venturing out for even MORE candy.

It also helped that she had Appa to go with her.

Batman decided that he had enough of trick or treating.

He de-cowled.

The Dynamic Duo decided to chill at the mansion.

With his trusty side kick by his side, Bruce Wayne enjoyed his two tons of candy while watching Ninjago on the Surface.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...