Friday, October 07, 2016

September, Anyone?

 Summer was over.  Almost.

School didn't start until the day after Labor Day.

Before that, we had some back-to-school PTA events to attend.

Besides my other PTA board members, I had some help manning our information table from......

Here's Mikey / 2nd Grader.

One last weekend of fun before we got down to Fall business.

Katie tried out her new mermaid fin at the pool.

And after that she baked, frosted and decorated a gluten free cake.

It was pretty good.

School time!

Yep. We made all the neighborhood kids pose for a Last First Day of School at their Current School picture.

Besides the kids that will be graduating on to middle school next year (including Katie), this is the last year our neighborhood will go to their current school.
Next year, the school boundary lines change and they'll be going to a school up the street.
Total bummer.

Ralph didn't miss the kids so much that first week of school.
He was distracted.

There was a baby bunny nest in our backyard.

"Mommy!  Bunnies!  Right there! I can SNIFF them!!"

Why did they put a nest in our backyard?
I don't know.

But.  Damn!  They're cute.

He was obsessed with them.
He wanted to go out every 2 seconds to patrol the bunny barrier I set up.

I'm sorry to say that all did not fare well for the bunnies.

Ralph got one.
He didn't eat it, but, uh, he played with it until it went "no play".
Katie came up with that, "no play". It's how she would think a dog would explain death.

A few weeks later, Ralph found and "played" with another one early in the morning before the sun was up.
Snuck up on the bugger, using darkness as a cover and thrashed him.

It took me a few days to like Ralph again.

On to happier and not so gruesome things.....

One day Katie looked like this:

And an hour later, she looked like this!
Braces off with only a retainer to remember them by.

They had curriculum nights at the school where us parental units get to go into the classrooms and hear about what the kids will learn this year.

I love looking at the cute beginning-of-the-year projects they do.

They get super creative in 5th grade.

Because Katie is in 5th grade this year she was able to become of part of the school Safety Patrol.

She helps kids get out of cars and keeps momentum going at morning drop off.

Here she is with some friends she just helped out of their car.

The kids (+ dog) had a sleepover in Katie's room one weekend.

Both kids read themselves to sleep.
Ralph just cuddled.

This sleeping bag is still on Katie's floor (it's October 7th) and Ralph has claimed it as his own.
I don't have the heart to take it away from him as he snuggles in it every night during our bedtime routine.

One weekend, Mikey made his own pizza AND ate it.
He was very proud.

Fall brought with it "activities".
Katie began art class and Mikey began soccer.

And I began co-coaching Mikey's U-8 soccer team.

I yell a lot.
Good yelling.  Positive and constructive yelling, I promise.

Best part of coaching so far this year...
Last weekend, when a boy from the other team said quite loudly,
"They have a GIRL for a coach."


Here's an example of a nice, calm, relaxing September Sunday afternoon.
Mikey was sharing an animal report with Huzbend.

And then the next thing you know, this happens....

Totally unprovoked.

 Ralph was not impressed.
He was enjoying the sunshine. 

And then, Katie "accessorized him".

"I was jus' mindin' my own business......"

At the end of the month, we headed down to Portland to visit with my mom who was at the English Setter Association of America's National Specialty show.

No trip is complete without a visit to the pool.

Even if it is at 7:30AM!
Before Breakfast!

The pool was a salt water pool and smelled like overcooked broccoli.
It was gross.
Kids didn't care though.

We hopped out, got cleaned up, threw some brekkie down and headed over to the convention center.

The kids got to meet and pet LOTS of dogs.....

...while Granma explained the in's and out's of dog shows.

Katie was rapt with attention.
She actually picked the winners!

Katie was in....


Mikey got his fair share of pets in too.
Katie was just a bit more dog crazy than he was.

This is the souvenir you get from an English Setter dog show.....

Genuine 100% English Setter Dog Hair! 
(as if we don't have enough dog hair at home.....)

Alas, the show was over and we had to head back North.

Bye, Granma!  We had a great time!

As soon as we got home, Katie went to work on training for her new career aspiration,
Professional Dog Handler.


 Her other career choices: veterinarian, artist, author and gluten-free/nut-free bakery owner, pastry chef and candy artisan (I'm sure I forgot some).
In case you were curious.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...