Thursday, June 22, 2006

Molasses & Sweat

Tomorrow marks week 33 of my pregnancy. I have to say that so far this last trimester has been the hardest. I guess that's what I should've expected. It's what all the books told me. Really, it has nothing to do with the stress of current events and everything to do with body changes.

The first trimester was pretty decent. I had some issues with a yucky feeling tummy, but that was about it. I never once tossed my cookies. I came close a couple of times, but I was able to fight it. I was also overcome with overwhelming tiredness at times and losses of emotional control. I got to go to DisneyLand. I cried through the fireworks display. "These are the best fireworks....EVER" -sniffle-. No sweat.

The second trimester was okay too. I felt really good. Yucky tummy went away and appetite soared. I was putting away more food than huzbend for a change. The tiredness started to subside and I was able to NOT cry over the stupid baby commercials I would catch on tv. You know the ones..."Having a baby changes everything". I don't remember the product just the commercial. It was a mom bathing her baby in a sink. Got me everytime. Belly was growing, but not substantially. Baby was movin', but just little kicks and hiccups. Awwwww, how cute!

Then, dunnnnnn-dun-duuuuuunnnnnn! The third trimester comes along and kicks my ass. Dudes. I am SO not kidding. It felt like as soon as I hit month number 7 my belly grew exponentially. Like, overnight even. I can't sleep through the night without having to pee every 2 hours or without having some whacked out dream about elephant shaped trees that come to life and kill people. I'm starving hungry all the time, but if I eat too much then my belly pops out. I bang my belly on everything - counters, chairs, when shutting doors etc. I can't sit down the way I want to anymore without it taking me a half hour to lift myself off the couch. I also think that the baby has honed her ninja skillz and is now working on perfecting the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.

The reason I bring this all up is because for the past 2 or 3 weeks I have been getting slower and slower and s-l-o-w-e-r. I work out just about every day of the week. Mondays is prenatal yoga day. Tuesday-Saturday are aerobic workout days (with some light weights mixed in). Sunday is a pregnancy toning workout with a chick from Cirque. Every week, I use the treadmill for my aerobic workouts and every week I have had to slow it down. It's pretty annoying. Usually, it's a strong feeling that I'm going to pee my pants that makes me slow up. Ahhhh, how nice it would be to run again. To ride a bike again. To not walk like a penguin!

Dear readers, I may be forced to use the elliptical machine. The woosiest of all aerobic workout machines (sorry to all you elliptical fans out there). I got on the ellip machine last week and I was able to workout the whole 30 minutes without feeling a loss of bladder control fast approaching or having baby dancing a jig. Maybe the walking is just becoming too jarring. I don't know. I can't believe that I may have to use this machine daily. What a LOSER I have become. Oh baby, you just wait until your old enough to hear what I had to go through for you. What a travesty.

Today, I tried the treadmill again. It went okay. There was a guy on the elliptical so I couldn't use it. I was thinking that when he got off that I could hop on for the rest of my workout time. Ummmmm, can you say EWWWWWW? He got off the thing and there were puddles of sweat on the floor and the pedals. There were streaks of sweat down the arms of the thing and it was splattered all over the console. It was totally disgusting. Of course, since the gym is free to people in the complex there are NO towels or paper towels to be found. It just dried there. Totally pukey. I guess I shouldn't really complain. At least he didn't smell.

News on the "house" front. Today we signed another binder to sell our house back east. The price was, mmmmm, okay. It was a bit lower than we had wanted, but they offered to close at the end of July. This would mean that we would only have to pay that extra mortgage thingie for, like, a few weeks. This would save us enough money to make the deal worthwhile. We went for it. Now, we just have to wait for them to have their inspection and deal with the consequences of that. We've already fixed up the bum septic system so that shouldn't (fingers crossed) be an issue. They'll probably have the inspection sometime next week and then we'll know the official results about a week after that. Hopefully, there will be NO more negotiating for price. A girl can dream, can't she?

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...