Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Baby Update

Nothing has changed. Ugh. How frustrating.

I go in to the OB/GYN every week hoping she'll say, "This is it! This is the week!" Or, maybe something like this, "Why, you're in labor right now! You mean to tell me that you didn't notice? Let us rush you to the maternity ward, STAT!"

I haven't changed at all since my appt. last week. Still 1cm and still 70% effaced. HELLO, LITTLE DUDETTE!! Get a move on already.

My blood pressure is perfect. I have gained another 1.5 pounds. Baby's heart rate is at 148bpm. The measurement of my uterus is 36cm from top to bottom. This is still, according to doc, on the low end of the normal scale. Normal is anywhere between 36 and 40 at this point in a pregnancy. Since baby is within this "normal" range, she shouldn't have to do an ultrasound to see that baby is developing properly or a check for proper amniotic fluid amount. I guess that's a good thing. I really don't like it when she says, "the low-end of normal." Why can't I just be "perfectly in the middle of normal"? Sigh.

The doc attributes my excessive last minute weight gain to the water retention. She said that she should be able to get me some meds after labor that will help me shed the water fast. Can't do it before birth, because it's not good for baby. Guess I'll just have to waddle around for a little while longer. I've actually gotten used to the big feet and the numb fingers.

She asked me about the baby's movement and if I have felt any contractions. There is no problem with the baby moving. She loves to push her feet up against my right side, right under my ribs. Sometimes she pushes so hard that it hurts. Not only can I feel her feeties at least four to five times a day (especially when I try to lay down to sleep), I can feel her squirming around in my lower abdomen.

Contractions, well, that's another thing. I have NO IDEA if I am feeling any contractions. There are times when I feel a sharp pain in my side, but most of the time that is in reaction to the round-house kick I just received from baby. I really haven't had any cramping or any tightness that has stopped me in my tracks. Hmmmph.

So, my next appt. is next Tuesday. If nothing has happened by then, which means no water breaking, no contractions, no nuthin', we are going to have to schedule an induction. They'll schedule it at my next appt. so that I can make sure I have a place in line. It will be either one week to ten days after my due date. This doesn't mean that I will absolutely HAVE to be induced. Hopefully, baby will get the hint and decide that she might want to come out on her own. Come on kid, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

November & December 2024

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