So, this is what happens after I pee on myself with no diaper on. A midnight bath in the master bath sink. SWEET. This rocks.
Is it just me, or are these giant music-playing, light-up bugs fascinating?
It's been a while since we posted any pics of our little girl. It's hard to believe that it's been three weeks since she entered the world. THREE weeks. Wow. It went fast. Now I know what all you moms out there were talking about when you said, "It goes quick!"
She smiles now. Well, okay, at least I think it's a smile. Who knows if it's really a smile except for Katie. She makes all sorts of noises now too.
Today, she had me laughing out loud for the first time. Sometimes she gets so frantic at the boob that she confuses my nipples for her hands. I know, so she's not a genius yet. Anyways, today she opened and closed her mouth like a little fish, swung her arms around and made snorting pig noises all at the same time. It was damn hilarious. If it happens again I think I would videotape it, but there is no way that I'm putting boob footage up on this blog. Bad enough my daughters mustard covered butt is bared for all to see.
Huzbend and I have learned to deal with her bouts of crying. I guess it's more like we have just gotten used to it. When we first got her home every time she cried we were like, "What is she crying for? We don't understand. Help!!!!" Then I would cry because she was crying. What a lame-o I am. Damn hormones. Three weeks later and it's a different story. It's not that we don't care that she is crying. We just don't freak out about it anymore. It's weird the crap that a person can get used to.
I had my first follow up with the OB/GYN. Things are healing up fine. She told me that I could take the steri-strips (peices of tape holding my scar together) off. I thought that SHE would do that stuff. She recommended that I wait until I was in the shower to do it. Ugh. I cried with every peice I took off thinking to myself, "Okay. This is the peice of tape that was holding my intestines in." She also told me that I have to wait another 4 weeks or so before I can do any regular excercise. The inside sutures are still healing. I feel like such a slug. I can't wait to be active again. Well, as active as little Katie will let me be.
I also wanted to tell ya'll how damn nice my neighbors are. My next door neighbor rallied the neighborhood moms and they have volunteered to make us food. So far we have gotten a tray of lasagne, poundcake, homemade pasta sauce with salad and bread, a full tray of spaghetti. Incredible. We got food from a woman that I have never even met! These people are too nice. Again, I state that there must be something wrong with them.
We've had some more visitors too. Uncle Little Bro' and Auntie Swims-with-Dolphins came to visit this past week. Thanks for all the gifts! Katie loves them all. Huzbend's mom also stopped in for a visit too. She brought along with her some damn fine cooking skillz. Her skillz are so great that she got me to eat MEATLOAF.