Thursday, November 23, 2006

Gobble Gobble!!!

Happy Turkey Day!!!

This was our first Turkey Day in the Northwest. It was funny. It was exactly the same weather here as it was back east. Cold and rainy.

It was weird to have to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on tape and not live. I mean, we were watching it and it was already over. So, the people back east have a 3-hour head start on the holiday shopping season. It just doesn't seem fair.

Huzbend's Mom and Dad (GMaC & GPaC) were here for a visit and a good time was had by all. GMaC brought K.T. some cute new clothes. Is this not the cutest thing you have EVER seen?

It was also K.T.'s first Turkey Day. I really can't tell if she enjoyed it. She actually slept through most of it. Can tryptophan be passed through breast milk?

She DID enjoy putting on a Thanksgiving fashion show courtesy of Auntie Swims-with-Dolphins and Uncle Lil' Bro. She was decked out in Turkey goodness.

Huzbend decided to try something a little different with the turkey this year. He decided to try 'brining' it. This is when you take the turkey and soak it overnight in a salt water bath. The salt water also contains herbs and aromatics. I have to say that it was the most succulent turkey we think we had ever tasted. You know how you always have to put salt on turkey to get it to have some sort of taste? Well, that was totally not needed this time around. I think we might be doing this from now on.

I, again, made my candied yams. I just can't seem to be consistent with the quality. Last year, they were perfect. This year, not so good. Oh well. One of these years I'll get it right. I have to say that they will never be as good as my Mom's. I think it was because my heart just wasn't in it this year.

It was good to have GMaC and GPaC here. They sorta took the focus off of the fact that we are now all the way across the country from our families. I really missed my family. I called to say hi, but I kept wishing that we could just drive down and get some hugs. Just being SOOOOO far away and having K.T. and all. I don't know. It just doesn't seem like the holiday season for some reason. Sigh. I'm sure it will get better with time. In the meantime, X's and O's to you all! We miss you lots!

On a brighter note, K.T. has made some significant jumps in the past week. During "Tummy Time" she can lift her head off of the floor using her arm strength. She can almost look straight forward from a belly position. A week ago, she couldn't even get her head off the floor. She is so close to pushing up with both arms. If she can just get her legs in on the action, she might be able to turn over.

And FINALLY, K.T. has found her thumb. Yesterday, she was fussing. I turned away to grab her binky and suddenly, she stopped. I turned back and this is what I saw.....

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...