Saturday, December 16, 2006

Um, you call that a birthday?

Has it been another month already?

Jeez. Time flies when you're havin' fun!

I've taken all the skills that I picked up last month and I've been workin' on perfectin' them.

I'm super-awesome now at getting my hands in my mouth. I'm getting better at grasping things too.

I've also figured out that I can make both of these hand thingies work together to do stuff.

Do you know what that means?!?! It means that I can take virtually anything you give me and put it into my mouth. Loads of fun let me tell you. You give me a blanket; BOOM in my mouth it goes. You give me a toy; BOOM, in it goes. You have long hair and lean over me; BOOM. And so the list goes on. Neverending fun.

I can even hold my own books now. Still can't read. But, the way things are going, Mommy thinks I should be able to do that by the end of next month.

I also encountered my nemesis this month. One day a knock came at the front door and there she was. Raggedy-Ann is her name and intimidation is her game. We have this game we play called "Stare Down". I never win. One day, I'm gonna turn my back and BAM she's gonna be on me. I can't let that happen. Not on my watch. I've got my eyes on you Raggedy-Ann! Don't be messin' with me or there's gonna be a throw down! Do you smell what the K-ROCK is COOKIN'?!?!?

Hey, you know what? I don't always have to lay flat on my back. I was gettin' kinda bored with that whole thing and decided one day that I would change perspective. I kicked up these leggies of mine and rolled over to the side. I found that there is much more to life than the ceiling. It also makes it much, much easier to get both my hands in on the action. Poor Squiggly Monkey. He never gets any peace and quiet now.

You know what else hands are good for. Grabbing feet! I've got two feet, do you? And on those feet are these little things called toes. Here let me show you.......

Man. How totally cool am I?

What else happened this month? I was visited by GMaC and GPaC. They stopped by and entertained me for a week. I got lots of cuddles from GMaC and learned a lot about these things called 'cars' from GPaC. They also helped Mommy and Daddy eat a turkey or something. I got to watch a thing called a parade on TV. Daddy says that it's his curse is to have to watch it for the rest of his life. I didn't think it was that bad.

This month I also got my own place. Oh yes. 'Party Central' is what I like to call it. I've got this rockin' crib all to myself. I really like the fact that I have my own space now. Mommy and Daddy were beginning to cramp my style. I mean, how can you have any sort of social life if you are still sleeping in your parents room? Mommy just didn't want to let go, I guess. She finally caved in to my incessant fidgeting. I annoyed her into letting me get my own place. I'll have to remember that for the future.

Daddy is teaching me the ultimate video game ninja stare. If I keep practicing, I might be able to take Raggedy-Ann one of these days. The only thing I can't figure out is how he can keep from drooling all over himself with his mouth open like that for hours on end. I just can't seem to do it. He's got mad crazy skillz. I can only hope to approach his level one day.

So, I have two complaints about this months birthday.

Number 1. For some reason this past Thursday night was ultra-cold at my place. It was also a lot darker and noisier than usual. Mommy said something about the power going out because of some big storm. She seemed quite nervous about the whole thing. There was talk of trees falling over and all that jazz. She even slept over on the floor. Sometimes I just don't get her. I don't know what all the hullaballoo was about. I slept fine. Almost 6 hours in a row. Hmmph. Then the next day, Daddy was home from work and it was still cold. They hung out at my place, like, ALL day. I guess it was the warmest room in the house, but still. I think they should have to pay me rent.

Number 2. Who decided to schedule a doctors appointment on my birthday? First of all, they tell me that I'm just an 'average' kid. Um. No, I don't think so. So what if I'm 12lbs. 13 oz. and 24.5 inches tall? So what if my head has a 16in. circumference? I'm special dammit. I've got feet for cripes sake, AND I can grab them. I mean, show me someone else that can do THAT.

Then at the end of the appointment, this nurse lady grabs my leg. I'm thinking to myself, "What the heck? Who the heck does she think she is?" and I let her have it. I begin to scream at her, "Back off, lady!!! You don't know who you're messin' wi...OWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!"

She must have bit me or something. Four freakin' times!! It hurt really, really bad. I screamed and wailed to try to scare her off, but she must have been made of tougher stuff than me. Good thing Mommy was there. She showed the lady the door and then gave me a bunch of hugs and kisses 'till I felt much better. Boy, sometimes that Mommy lady is pretty cool.

Here, check out my wicked cool moves.......

Until next month!


November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...