I got three hours of sleep last night.
This sucks.
Sorry to complain yet again, but I just gotta get it out of my system.
I've already complained to K-T about it. We sat down this morning and had a talk about this 'no sleeping' thing. She just stared at me while I asked her what her issue was. Sadly, there was no give and take. It was kind of disappointing in a way. I was hoping that I would at least get an AH-GOOO or something. Come on K-T, throw Mommy a freakin' bone. I did get some smiles though.
K-T's cheeks and chin became very chapped due to her excessive drool. I think the drool comes with teething (nope, no teeth yet). The dry skin became itchy. So, she did what any itchy baby would do. She scratched it until it became red and began to ooze yellow pus.
I couldn't get the sores to go away. No amount of lotion would stop the itch. She would just rub, rub, rub.
I couldn't take it anymore. There had to be something that I could do to alleviate her discomfort. Tuesday we went to the doctors. He told me that the sores were infected and prescribed an antibiotic ointment.
I've been using the ointment and the sores seem much, much better. One has completely disappeared and the other is on its way out.
In addition to using the ointment, I took the binky away. It seemed to irritate the problem even more. Maybe because it trapped the drool against the skin in those areas. Not really sure. I think that this is causing her some major sleep issues. She can't seem to sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time. For lack of anything else to blame it on at this point, it might be the binky.
I think the only reason that she is getting any sleep at all is because she exhausts herself by screaming.
So, it's been a week without the binky. Each night has gotten worse and worse in terms of lack of sleep. My hope that I could break the binky habit early to avoid fights with a toddler are backfiring.
For the sake of my sanity, the binky must come back.