So, you're probably thinking to yourself, "Self? Is that the super-awesome Baybee K.T. relaxing on a nice patch of grass? No. It cannot be. My eyes must be deceiving me! Stupid eyes! Stupid, stupid, stupid!!"
Now, before you go jumping off a bridge or anything, you're right. That's me sitting in the backyard. I got myself a pair of shoes and decided that the prickly grass ain't so bad after all. To tell you the truth, I've even eaten some of it.
Ahhhh, my loyal readers, a lot has changed in the past month. I have hit the ripe old age of one. I am an infant no longer. I am TODDLER, here me WHINE!!!!!!
I can walk. I can point. I can talk (sorta). I can gesture. I can climb. I can eat food that doesn't have to be pureed.
I can, I can, I can. There's no such thing as lazy day in my book. I'm always GO, GO, GO!!! I'm all about hands on. I see something and I go get it. Nothing gets in my way.
Right after my eleven month 'birthday', I took my first steps. I kept working at it and now I'm a pro. I walk all over the place. Sometimes, I even run. One of my favorite things to do is to walk in a circle with a stuffed animal and then tackle-hug it. Everyone should give tackle-hugs. They are great.
I have about five or six words now: mama, dada, mooooo (mmmmmm), mickey (gigee), all done (ahhh duuuhhh), & quack-quack.
I like to point at everything I see. I mean EVERYTHING. Mommy and Daddy just can't keep up. They're always naming something that I pointed to, like, five minutes ago. I also figured out that pointing gets me what I want. Yesterday, I saw this yellow duck sitting on the top of my bookshelf. He's been there for months. I pointed at him and Mommy gave him to me. I was like, "WOW! How awesome is that? Point and ye shall receive!!" I quickly gave him a big tackle-hug. I've named him "Quack-Quack".
I can wave hi and bye-bye. I can blow kisses. I can clap. I can signal "All done/All gone" by holding up my hands as if to say, "Where'd it go?" I can pretend to wash my face with a washcloth. I can put on a hat or crown (I've got a couple laying around now) and even brush my hair. I also like to lift peoples shirts to find their belly buttons. Mommy's not so sure she should have taught me that one.
I'm smart enough to know what no means and devious enough to try and get around it. Daddy fell off his bike the other day and got lots of boo-boos. He taught me that I shouldn't touch them. So, you know what I do? I point to them and say, "Boooo" and then get as close as I possibly can to touching them without really touching them. It's a riot.
Well, enough chit chat. Let's get down to business. Here are some photos of my exploits over the past month. Enjoy!
For clarification the comments posted are related to the pictures located directly below them.
Here's me at my Baby/Parent Group. We graduated today. They sang me "Happy Birthday" and then we got to pick our favorite song for everyone to sing. We picked, "The Popcorn Man". You get thrown up in the air a bunch of times.
Anyways, there is definitely a benefit to being able to walk here. Say you see a toy that you want to play with. The kid that has it is only a crawler or better yet is completely immobile. You sidle up to them, grab the toy and then just walk away with it. Their so slow, they never catch up. Ha-Haaaaaaaaaaa!
See an example below. Gimme that!
Can you see me now?
How 'bout now?
Here's me at playgroup. We've been going to lots of playgrounds lately because of the nice weather.
Get outta that stroller, dudette! Let's go! Commmmeee onnnnnnnn!
Race ya to the swings!!! Last one there has to smell my diaper!!!
Um. Mommy? Did I give you permission to take out the trash? Get back here right this instant, Missy!!!!!!
RIBBIT! Frogzilla on the loose!!!
Uh. I think it's for you......
I see broccoli.......It doesn't even know that it's broccoli.....
Here's a pic of me looking all girly with a hair clip in. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
Hey! There's no camera in this thing. JIP.
Please don't eat my hat, Mr. Cow.
Hey Mommy, what's that? And that? And that? And that? And....Oh wow! And that?
DOH! Caught red handed! I'm stealing your measuring cups and there's nothing you can do about it! BWA-HAHAHAHAHA!
I like chili.
And now for more good stuff. Here's a couple of videos.
In this first vid, you'll see a shot of some of my first steps. It's the second scene. The first scene is a "cute shot" intended to draw you the unsuspecting viewer into my powwwweerrrrrrrr.
This second vid is just me being totally awesome. Do not try this at home.
Well, that just about does it for me this time around. I'm exhausted and I really need to relax.
Now, just 'cause I'm a whole one year old doesn't mean that there won't be updates of my adventures. I mean the real fun is just starting! I'll be sure to keep ya'll updated from time to time.
Thanks for sharing my first year with me. It's been loads of fun. Now, let's get a move on with Year Number Two!!!
xxxxoooo to you all!
Baybee K.T.