Needless to say, it's been a wild and crazy year. It's been nice to be able to share it all with you via this blog thingie. I hope you've enjoyed the trip as much as we have. Stay tuned, things are definitely going to get much more interesting!
Moving onnnnnnn.......
Since she's been able to eat solids, I've been really good about feeding Katie healthy stuff. I decided that her birthday cake should be no exception. I was going to go for healthy. I mean, she wouldn't know the difference anyways. She's never had REAL cake or frosting. She'll have plenty of years after this to go into sugar overload. So, I did lots of research to find a cake to make that didn't have too much sugar in it.
I ended up making cardamom cake. I'd never had cardamom before. It's a kind of a spice. A little like cinnamon, I guess. It wasn't half bad. A little on the mild side as far as sweetness goes, but still okay. Oh yeah, it also had prunes peices in it. Katie likes prunes. I also made banana cupcakes (with no sugar), but the cake was still sweeter.
We decided that we would feed her the cardamom cake along with REAL whipped cream that we made ourselves. Mmmmmmm. REAL whip cream. It can't get any better than that.
So, the cake was baked. The presents were wrapped. The decorations were hung. WAIT! I need balloons. What's a birthday without balloons?
Before Katie woke up, I got on my bike and rode down to the grocery store to buy the balloons. I picked out a 'Happy Birthday' balloon and a ladybug balloon. I must have looked downright ridiculous riding back to the house with the two balloons trailing behind me.
Most of the day was spent at the zoo. Katie had a great time pointing at everything. I think her favorite animals were the gorillas.
They had an indoor playground at the zoo that Katie spent a few minutes roaming around. Here's a pic of me and a clingy Katie.
Huzbend took Katie into the petting zoo area to check out some bunnies, goats and donkeys.
Then it was time for a little exploration.
When we got back home, we found that a special guest had stopped by for some cake.
Say, "Hi!" to Dobby the House Elf, everyone! (Or is it Yoda? "Eat cake I will. Yeeeesssssss.")
Here's Katies peice of cake. Looks yummy, doesn't it? DOESN'T IT?!?!? Say yes. Now.
Thank you. You're too kind.
"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birrrthhhhdaaaayyy to yooooouuuuu."
Here's Huzbend kindly blowing out the candle for Katie. It was very nice of him.Time to dig in!!!!
Um. Maybe not. Katie was not impressed. She didn't like the cake. I even cut it up into small chunks and she still wouldn't eat it. She just mushed it in her hands and wiped it all over her tray. Hmph. So much for the requisite "Eating Cake" pictures. Sigh.
So, I broke out the strawberries and she seemed to enjoy those a lot better.A little break in the action for clean-up allowed some quality time with the ladybug balloon.
"It is MYYYYYYYY birthday......."
Katie had a good time opening presents with our help. She loved walking around showing off all her new stuff. She just couldn't figure out why this hat wouldn't stay on.....
She also mistakenly thought that we had bought edible wrapping paper.
Here's a quick vid of the festivities. I never noticed that when people sing "Happy Birthday", they sing it sooooo solemnly. Katie noticed and began to cry. We had to quickly revert to our Mommy and Daddy voices. It's kinda funny. Oh yeah, and during the shot of her in her high chair she is not eating cake, she's eating strawberries. I threw in a couple present opening moments too.
Thanks again for tuning in.
Love ya!