Our little family spent six days doing nothing. Some of us played video games, some of us did chores, and some of us did poopies. I'll let you figure out who did what.
While you're working out that little mystery. Here's a nice little photo collection of our Thanksgiving happenings.
I hear turkey is the meat of choice for Thanksgiving.
I met a turkey once. He made me cry.
How about Bunny Cookies instead?
Bunny cookies don't have enough protein?
Whaddaya mean you can't win the Tour de France eating Bunny Cookies?
Sigh. Fine. Turkey it is.
COME ON, DaDa! I'm starvin' over here!
Mmmmm. Me likey Thanksgiving.
Cranberry sauce. Not so much.
See how effortlessly I blend into the surroundings? They will
never find me. I AM the Christmas tree ninja.
Fear me.
MaMa wanted me to post this picture.
Something about "the ultimate wedgie" or something
like that. She's weird.
Later, dudes.