Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Hoppy New Year

Hello all.  I know it's been a while since I've posted.  Like a week or something, right?  Sorry.  

I owe you all a Christmas pic/vid post.  I'll get to work on that.  

Um, soon.  Yeah.

In the meantime, you get to listen to me babble about the beginning of a new year and all that crap.

This past week I was looking through some of our photos.  There happened to be pictures from waaaaaaay back in 2003!

I was so young and full of life.

Look at me now.  

What the F happened?!  That is, like, the worst picture ever.  How many chins do I have there?  One....two......I'll let you count.  It's more fun that way.

Anyways, all this picture looking got me to thinking.  

I've done some pretty dumb and downright selfish things over my 30 some odd years on the planet.  I guess I've done some good stuff too.  For some reason, I never really think about that stuff though.

I think back on squandered opportunities and feel like smacking myself upside the head "I shoulda had a V8" style.

I think back on some choices I made that might have hurt other people.

I think back on some things that I SHOULD have said, but didn't.  Things I SHOULD have did, but didn't.

Sigh.  But they say, "Hindsight is 20/20."

What I'm really trying to say is:  I have no idea what I'm trying to say.

Stay in school.  Say no to drugs.  Blah, blah, blah.  

Why does the end of the year get me all sentimental and crap?  

Look, here it is.  Straight up and no BS.  

Sometimes there are opportunities in life to:

Tell people how much they mean to you.  Be sure to tell those special grandparents how much you enjoyed your time with them.  How much you enjoyed visiting them on a Saturday night as a kid. How much you loved having "just one"soda with them.  There's no time like the present. Time has a way of taking people away before you're ready for them to leave.

Take the time to make someone feel special.  Hey, Cool Whip Kid.  Yeah.  You.  I'm sorry for ignoring you when I was a teenager.  I thought I was too cool to hang out with a "little kid".  You're the coolest alien I know. 

Do things that you think you can't.  Run that damn marathon.  All you gotta do is train.  If Oprah can do it, for cripes sake so can you.  

To make choices that you think will flip your life upside down.  Get married, get pregnant, quit that job, move across the country.  All that jazz.

Go for it, man.  

What are you waiting for?

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...