I had a Mom's Night out. Huzbend pulled some overtime at work. We had a playground play-date with our preschool buddies. We payed a visit to the farm to learn about bees and pick yummy raspberries. And, to top it off on Friday, we went to the playground and followed that up by eating Katie's favorite food, "tikka".
Saturday we went out and got ourselves a new camera. Is niiiiiiiiiicccccce. The camera we selected came in various hip colors. We decided upon a very posh poopy brown color.
Sunday we drove on down to REI for some post-birthday spending. Katie had a good time playing with her pal, "OWL".
"OWL" likes to go for rides in boats.

After our trip to REI, Huzbend decided that we were going to fly a kite.
Tired of watching him try to get the kite to stay in the air, Katie wanted to give it a try. Since she couldn't run fast enough to keep the kite in the air, here was the solution that we came up with.......
We took turns.
Right before we left, a good gust of wind blew in and Katie was finally able to fly the kite herself.
I am sorry to say that after our happy fun time kite flying, our afternoon quickly took a turn for the worse.
On the drive home, Katie puked up her entire lunch. She then began to leak snot out her nose and sneeze uncontrollably. That was followed by wheezing and lots of crying. We believe it was an allergic reaction to a small nugget of Clif bar she had eaten a half an hour before we left.
We got her home and she fell asleep. As she slept, she broke out in hives and her cheeks turned a splotchy bright red.
All in all, the reaction lasted about 4 hours.
Called the doc today. They're going to get her an appointment with an allergist ASAP so that we can pinpoint what might have caused that reaction. Our guess is either nuts or soy - both of which were in abundance in that Clif bar. I'll keep you posted.