Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Playing God

I started playing a new video game called Spore.

Here's a little blurb from the instruction manual: "Spore is your own personal universe.  In this universe, you can create and evolve life, establish tribes, build civilizations, and even sculpt entire worlds."

And so, there it is.  Your "guy" starts off as a little cell in a tidal pool and gradually you evolve him into a spacefaring race of creatures.

This video game made me THINK.

What did I think about?  Intelligent design.

It's basically what I am doing in this video game.  I'm playing God.  

My little creature gets his ass kicked by a neighbor and so I decide that I need to give him bigger claws so he can go back and get some bloody revenge.  I upgrade him.  I evolve him.

Completely ignoring the whole Adam and Eve thing, I had always thought, "Sure.  I guess it could be possible for God to have created life at its most basic structure.  Then it just evolved on it's own."

But, now that I am in control of evolving my own little creature and realizing how time consuming it is to evolve him all the time, I'm thinking to myself, "Why waste the time?"

Say I'm this all-knowing, all-seeing being.  I'm infinite and all that jazz.  Why would I waste the time building an inferior creature?  Why wouldn't I just make the bestest, most awesome thing I could right off the bat?  Why wait millions of years for a finished product when I could have one instantaneously?

Which leads me to another question, why create life at all?  What's the point?  I guess it could be some sort of entertainment.  Are our lives just a large version of a 'Chose Your Own Adventure' book for God?  

Here's another one.  This one might explain the reason for waiting millions of years for us.  Maybe we're just food.  Like, it took all this time to cultivate us to be the perfect meal for some other 'chosen' species.  They're actually the perfect beings and they're gonna swoop down and make us all into cheese burgers.

Deep thoughts, eh?  Brought on by a video game.

November & December 2024

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