Wednesday, February 25, 2009

HEADLINE: Another Kuhzin?!?

Quote From Katie:  "It's a boy.  He needs baby food."

Meet Matthew.  

AKA Matty.

AKA Don Mateo.

Welcome to the family, pal!

The stats: Born 11:05am Eastern time, 10 pounds 5oz., 21 1/2 inches long.

Congrats to the proud Mama & Papa.

Ahhhhhhhh.  Doesn't he look soooooo peaceful in that picture?  

Today, he's gonna wake up every couple of hours to eat, he'll look around a bit and then fall back into that blissful newborn sleep.  His parents will fall so totally in love with him that they won't know what hit them and then.........WHAM!

Just wait until tomorrow.  That's when the real fun begins.


Ah.  Who am I kiddin'?  

Babies are, like, the best thing ever. 

Friday, February 20, 2009

A funny thing happened at the zoo.....

Say hello to Mr. DeBrazza's Monkey.  He resides at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle.

  Yesterday, I guess he decided that he didn't quite like his 
new digs and made a run for it. 

At about 10:30am he swam his moat, climbed an electrified wall and escaped into the zoo.

Can you guess who else was at the zoo at 10:30am?

"Um.  Mommy?  Did I just see what I think I just saw?"

"Dat monkey's got another thing comin' if he thinks 
he's gonna lay a paw on my ice cream samwich!" 

We didn't really see him, although we were in his vicinity.

They kicked everyone out of the zoo while they tracked him down, tranquilized
him and returned him to his Monkey House.  All in all, it took about an hour.

After the drama, it was back for more zoo fun with
 our preschool buddies.

"Mmmm.  Grapes.  Do gorillas like grapes?"

"Sorry, gorilla.  I ate 'em all.  Sticks are all you
got left."

Katie and her buddies, 
communing with the hippos.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just Some Random Things

Katie knows the difference between right and left.  When did this happen?  I tested her a few times yesterday, because I just didn't believe it.  She got it right every time.

It is my job to know where ALL toys are at ALL times.  If a favorite toy cannot be found, it is Mommy's job to find it.  It doesn't matter if that favorite toy has not been played with for 24 hours or even a week.  I must know where it is.  So far, I'm at 100%.  The ole brain is still kickin'.

Katie has no interest in the potty.  She will not be potty trained any time soon.

Our Christmas tree is sitting outside next to our house waiting to be recycled.  I tried to cut it in half and alas, failed.  I must begin to pester Huzbend.  If that doesn't work I will just have to wait for a beaver with wanderlust to pass our way.  The beaver thing might take a while, but will probably happen sooner than Huzbend acquiescing to my will.

Katie likes to pick her own clothes out.  So, we let her.  The end result is usually pretty comical and ultra-cute.  Hey, the best part about it is NO temper tantrums.

And now, my fine feathered friends, some photos with Katie captions.  

"I'm clomping around in Mommy's shoes!"


"Time to use my 'noculars."

"Mommy, can you come look at what I made?"

Monday, February 09, 2009

Does Not Play Well With Others

Katie is having a hard time with kids taking toys she is either playing with or is interested in playing with.

Even when we are alone at our house, she'll hold on to a toy so that, her words, "No one will take it."

We were at playgroup today and she had three screaming fits because someone decided to play with a toy that she had put on the ground.

How do you explain to a 2.5 year old that if something is laying on the ground, it's fair game?  If it's not in your hand, then you are not playing with it?


When I say screaming, I mean it was like an "I've just seen Freddy Kruger" type of scream.  The scream is then followed by crying.

I guess this is all part and parcel of learning how to share.

I just wish that she could figure out if someone takes the toy on the floor next to her that there are, like, a million other toys right near by to play with.

I've had a rough day.  I guess Katie has too.  We needed a break.

Thank you, Mr. Nap for saving my sanity!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day

"Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

On Gobbler's Knob this glorious Groundhog Day, February 2nd, 2009,

Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Prognosticator of all Prognosticators,

Awoke to the call of President Bill Cooper

And greeted his handlers, Ben Hughes and John Griffiths.

After casting a joyful eye towards thousands of his faithful followers,

Phil proclaimed that his beloved Pittsburgh Steelers were World Champions one more time!

And a bright sky above me,

Showed my shadow beside me.

So, six more weeks of winter it will be."


Good on ya, Phil.

As Phil was busy making his predictions, Katie and I were busy visiting her allergist.  They then sent us to the local Children's Hospital for a blood draw.  Ugh.

Katie did really good.  She only cried when the needle went in and not even enough for tears. The nurse and I kept her distracted with talk of stickers.  It was over in a minute and then she got a nice pink wrap on her arm.  They use this wrap stuff now instead of tape so your skin doesn't rip off.  It's pretty nice.

Anyways, she told me that she cried because the needle was "owweee".  So, I told her that's why I hugged her the whole time so that I could make her feel better.  Then she says, "No, Mommy.  The pink band-aid made me feel better."

Oh well.  All I can do is try.

On another note, today is 13 years.  Yep.  13 years of marriage today.  I will not even get into how long we have actually been together, like the year that we actually started to date.  It will scare you too much.

Not much planned for today.  We did have a nice dinner this weekend at Cheesecake Factory and then a uber-yummy Huzbend-made Chicken Pot Pie yesterday.  

Ladies, there ain't nothin' better than a man that can cook AND has a bod' that looks drool-worthy in superhero-tight cycling clothes.  


November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...