Monday, February 09, 2009

Does Not Play Well With Others

Katie is having a hard time with kids taking toys she is either playing with or is interested in playing with.

Even when we are alone at our house, she'll hold on to a toy so that, her words, "No one will take it."

We were at playgroup today and she had three screaming fits because someone decided to play with a toy that she had put on the ground.

How do you explain to a 2.5 year old that if something is laying on the ground, it's fair game?  If it's not in your hand, then you are not playing with it?


When I say screaming, I mean it was like an "I've just seen Freddy Kruger" type of scream.  The scream is then followed by crying.

I guess this is all part and parcel of learning how to share.

I just wish that she could figure out if someone takes the toy on the floor next to her that there are, like, a million other toys right near by to play with.

I've had a rough day.  I guess Katie has too.  We needed a break.

Thank you, Mr. Nap for saving my sanity!

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...