Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So, um, yeah.

How to follow up that last post.....

HEY!!!  I know!

How about this one?  Here's a shocker.....

We went to the ER last night!  


We are so cool.  I bet you wish you were us.  We are at the ER so much, I think they are working on naming a wing after us.

Katie got a cold on Saturday.  Just your run of the mill stuffy nose.  Well, yesterday morning she started to cough and we just happened to have a follow-up doctor appt. regarding our visit to the ER from the week before.

Katie's doc checked her out.  There wasn't much going on in her lungs, but her blood oxygen level was at 94.  Since we all remembered what happened 6 months ago with a similar cold (our first ER trip for respiratory distress and subsequent 3 day stay), she sent a prescription off to our pharmacy for some albuterol (nebulizer stuff to help open her breathing passages - we call it 'Steamies').

We left the docs and everything was fine.  The pharmacy called to let me know that they had to order the albuterol and would not have it until tomorrow.  I told them that would be fine.  I mean what could possibly happen?

How much of a freakin' dumb ass can I be?  Of course, something was going to happen!  That's just the way it works around here.

Katie had a little meltdown and decided to go to bed early.  Her breathing was very labored and shallow.  She also spiked a pretty hot fever.  After much hemming and hawing we decided to pack her up at about 10:30pm and head to the ER.

When we got there, her blood oxygen level was hovering at about 88 or so (not good) and she had a temp of 100.4. Katie was nervous about all the doctors and nurses this time around.  She kept asking if they were going to "do pokies" or "poke" her.  I guess those epinephrine shots left a lasting impression.

After a dose of kids Tylenol, some nebulizer treatments, one surgical glove happy face balloon and a good dose of prednisone we made the decision to take her home to sleep.  We ended up settling into bed about 3 am or so.

And to think, if I had told the pharmacy that they needed to get me the meds ASAP we might have been able to avoid the whole ER thing.  It just makes me want to bang my head against the wall.

What a two weeks this has been.  Craziness.  Just craziness.  It's hard to focus on anything right now.  No.  I mean literally.  My eyes are bloodshot and the giant purple bags forming underneath them are probably bloodshot too.

I worry about Katie 24 hours, 7 days a week.  I worry about Baby Two 24 hours, 7 days a week. I worry about Huzbend.  I worry about myself.  But, drinking half of a 20 oz. bottle of root beer helped make all those worries disappear.  At least for about 10 minutes.

I need more root beer.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Owee, Owee, Oweeeeee!

This past Saturday night we decided to go out to eat.

Our standard procedure is that we read the kids menu to Katie and allow her to chose what she would like to eat.  Most times she will either pick "basgetti and meatballs" or "grilled cheese".  This time she chose pancakes and bacon.

Okkaaaaaay.  Pancakes, huh?  Well, there are eggs in pancakes, but they're cooked.  There might be some soy oil in there too.  Both shouldn't be a problem.  No nuts listed in the pancake description.  Bacon is okay.  We decided to give it a try, thinking that she would not eat any of it.

After spending some time sucking on the table (yeah.  ew.) and trying to wait patiently, a huge pancake finally came out of the kitchen.  Much to Katie's delight was shaped like Mickey Mouse.  It was topped with two raisins for the eyes and a strawberry for the nose.  She dug right into one of the ears, not even asking for any maple syrup.

After a few minutes of munching she stopped and put her hand to her mouth, "Oweee in my mouth."

I felt the pancake to see if it was hot.  It was kinda hot.  So I asked her, "Is it hot?"  She answered in the affirmative.  Although, we were a bit nervous about her 'owwweee' and the possibility that she might have ingested something that she was allergic to, she continued to pick at the pancake, eat the strawberry, and move on to some bread and cauliflower from our plates.  No other complaints ensued.

After dinner we had to go to the grocery store.  Katie was able to push her own kid sized cart through the store and was having a great time being a "big girl".

As we left the grocery store, Katie began to sniffle.

As we got to the car, Katie began to cough.

On the way home she began to cough harder and sounded congested.  We gave her some kids Benadryl.

As we pulled into the garage, her coughing would not stop.  It was like she couldn't stop to get a breath.  I pulled her out of her car seat and she puked all over me.

Shit.  This is a big one.

Huzbend had already gone inside to bring in the groceries.  I ran into our downstairs bathroom and had Katie hang her head over the toilet.  I dropped my purse to the floor and whipped out the EpiPen Jr..  I quickly pulled out the injector and held it in my hand.

Oh, fuck.  We're going to have to stick this needle into our little girls leg.

I called up and asked Huzbend to come down, yelling that we needed to use the Pen.  He came down and took the injector from me.  "Okay.  I'll do it.  You hold her leg so it doesn't move."

I grabbed her left leg at the knee and held it straight as I could.  My other arm was wrapped around her stomach.

SLAM. In went the needle, right into her thigh.  In order for all the medication to work it's way out, you have to leave the needle inserted for 10 seconds.

Katie screamed immediately, "Oweeeee! Oweeeeee!  Owwwweeeeeeee!"  The 10 seconds were finally up and Huzbend went to call 911.  I held Katie close as she kept screaming for about 5 minutes after the injection.

As soon as she calmed, it was noticeable that all symptoms of the allergic reaction were gone.   It was immediate relief.

I held her as the EMT's came to visit, followed next by the medics.  The medics told us that we had to go to the hospital for observation, in case the symptoms returned.  Katie and I rode in an ambulance to the ER, while Huzbend followed close behind in the truck.

We spent a couple hours in the ER.  Sure enough, Katie's symptoms did start to make a come back.  The stuffy nose came back and a little coughing.  Then the hives started.  First on the backs of her knees and then started to progress to cover her entire legs and both of her arms.  She was miserable.  Scratching all over, non-stop.

The docs decided that she needed another dose of epinephrine.  This time they hit her right leg.  Because she was hooked up the monitors, we were able to see the epinephrine in action.  Her heart rate shot up past 190 BPM.

Once she settled back down to normal ranges we were ready to go home.  The hives mark the end of the allergic reaction.  Katie was still miserable, scratching like crazy and was so, so tired.  It was 11pm at this time.

We drove home and tried to sleep.  Katie ended up staying in bed with me for the majority of the evening because she was having a hard time sleeping with the itch.  She kept waking up every hour or so and looking around, sometimes she would say, "Mommy?  Are we at home?  Did we eat dinner?" and then lay back down.

Believe it or not, she was up at 7:30 am the next day!  A little sore in the leg from the EpiPen slam she got, but otherwise normal.  We actually went for a hike with friends and held a little picnic back at our place afterwards.

Because of this incident, we have a new plan in place.  Anytime Katie is eating and says, "Owee in my mouth" or something to that effect we are going to just stop eating and leave.  It doesn't matter if we are done with our meals or not.  We're also going to have to start getting obnoxious in our questions to the waiters about what is actually in the food they serve.

So, was it the pancakes?  Maybe.  They were cooked on a grill with a bunch of other food.  Could've been fried with peanut oil?  Could've had soy protein isolate in the mix?  Well, maybe it was Katie licking the stupid table.  Maybe the bread?  We'll never know.

I'm glad Huzbend was there with us.  I'm not sure how I would've given that injection to Katie on my own.  She tried really hard to pull her leg away.  It would be hard for me to hold her down and give it at the same time.  But, one day I might.  I'll just have to do it.

It was a horrible thing to have to do to Katie.  But, we remained calm and stopped the reaction.

We ended the night with a great, big parental hug.  No words exchanged.  Just grateful that we worked through it and that Katie was okay.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I have an important question for the makers of Saltine crackers.

Why, oh why, do you find it necessary to put a recipe for corn chowder on the back of your box when this might be the only food that a woman can eat during her first few months of pregnancy?!?!

Don't you know that the last thing that we want to stare at as we are choking down crackers in between bouts of nausea is a bowl of hot, steaming chunky corn freakin' chowder!  Come on, people!

There.  I said it.  It's out.  I've been holding on to that for about 5 or so months now.  Phew.  I feel release.

Oh.  Um.  Yeah.  I'm pregnant.  Again.  

You thought once was enough for little 'ole me, huh?  Yeah.  I'll be the first to admit, having Katie was no walk in the park.  "Life got flipped, turned upside down" a la The Fresh Prince and all that jazz.

But, hey.  I jumped in 35 degree ocean water.  Then the next year, I did it again.  You know why?  'Cause it was more of a challenge knowing what was in store for me the second time around.

I'm just kidding.  It's just that you gotta have a back-up kid, you know.

No, really.  We've got a lot of love to give.  Hahahahahaha.

Anyways, the first few months were rough.  Really rough.  Some complications here, some no-lifting/no-exercise of any kind there.  Modified bed-rest sucks.  It was some scary shtuff.  This all lasted for the first 3 months.  It all panned out in the end, but during that time it was very hard to remain optimistic.

I also went through some really bad nausea those first three months.  Saltines and pretzels were just about the only thing I wanted to eat.  I also decided that onions in anything was just totally disgusting.

But, that is all over now.  Things are looking good.  Nausea is gone.  My insatiable need for Saltines and pretzels is gone.  Though, I'm still not very interested in Mexican food.

The baby is kicking, punching and rolling all over the place.  He's gotten some pretty good shots in already.  A couple have made me jump.  Katie was able to feel him kicking the other day.  She thought it was hilarious.

All is good right now.  Unless you talk to Huzbend.  He told me this morning that the pregnancy snoring is back.  Time to crack open that package of ear plugs buddy.  It ain't gonna get any better in the next three months.  

I constantly obsess about how this second one is going to come out.  Is it going to be a VBAC  (you can look that up if you want) or is it going to be another slice and dice?  It's still up in the air at this point.

I admit that neither option sounds very appealing to me.  I kinda wish that I could have Scotty beam-up my baby so that I wouldn't have to worry about anything other than my child having to wear some god-awful Star Trek uniform for the rest of his life.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who Needs Facebook?!?!?

With no 360 games left to play on a boring Saturday afternoon, I gently prodded Huzbend to create his own Warcraft character.

After about six or seven hours of play in one weekend, he is now level 9.

I have succeeded in converting another to the Cult of WarCrack.


Friday, April 17, 2009

The Trip

I know that I've been promising a big entry about our trip, but I just feel distracted right now.  I can't really focus.  I mean, I've been holding on to some of this stuff for about six months now. 

So, here's the super quick skinny on our trip:

The trip out was looooooong.  We took a red-eye from Seattle to Boston.  Katie slept with her feet on Huzbend's lap and her head on mine.  She got pretty decent sleep.  We, on the other hand, did not.

Baby Matthew was as cuddly as advertised.  He held up well to the almost constant attention. He also survived Katie playing games of chicken with his swing.

Katie really only managed to wake him up a couple of times.  I know one time was because he dropped his binky and she wanted to give it back (shove it into his mouth while he is sleeping) and another time because "Baby Matthew wanted a toy" (shove it into his face while he is sleeping).

Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.

And, now Baby Matthew knows what we all know.  

Sometimes his Uncle is a very strange man.

Katie and her cuz Joey had an awesome time running, jumping, hugging, yelling, throwing and laughing.  We also got to wish my youngest sis a happy 30th birthday and eat some yummy pizza/burgers/BLTs.   

Enough of this posing for pictures stuff.  Can we go play now?

There was also Uncle C's birthday and Easter to celebrate as well!  It was all kicked off with an outdoor Egg Hunt and a couple of Easter baskets full of goodies.

I see another EGG!

After the great search was over.  Katie got down to business laying out her loot.

The trip back wasn't too bad.  Katie was awake for most of it.  We spent some time reading  and coloring in some Thomas coloring books and then she watched videos on the portable DVD player.  I watched with her......Winnie the Pooh, Elmo, Barney and eventually CARS.  She fell asleep for the last hour or so of the flight.  

We had a great time getting a little quality time with the families.  

Big THANK YOUs go out to:
Auntie S and Uncle C for opening their house to us for the weekend and for doing the whole Easter Egg thing for Katie.
Auntie K and Uncle Junior for hosting the family get together that same weekend.
Everyone else for all the gifts!

As a cool side note to our trip.  Katie received a DoodlePro in one of her Easter baskets and decided to draw "happy faces" for us for the first time.  Totally awesome.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Still Busy. Busy.

We got back from our trip on Monday evening.

A good time was had by all, especially if the smallest of the three of us was well-fed and well-napped.

It's another crazy week here with a field trip, two preschool business meetings, a doctors appt., a baby pool visit and finally a birthday party.

I'll try to get something up about the trip in a few days.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Busy. Busy.

Of to the Northeast we go.

Will have pics and gab galore when we get back.

Later, dudes.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Things of Note

That last blog post was a little down in the dumps, huh?

Yesterday, Katie ate the following:
4 spoonfuls of my breakfast Cheerios
toast with butter
bowl of corn
bowl of yogurt with strawberries
bowl of Cheerios
1 small piece of cheddar cheese

That was it.

Today was a whole different story.  For example, at lunch she ate 3 pieces of "cheezy toast" (toasted bread with melted cheddar cheese on it).  THREE.  That was with a bowl of chopped melon and pineapple and a glass of milk.

I don't get it.

Hmmmm.  What else?

Katie has worn underwear for the past two days with no accidents.  This is not to say that she is remotely close to being potty trained.  I ask her if she has to use the potty every 15 minutes or so to remind her.  There are some times when she actually uses the potty by herself without my prodding.  This has been pretty easy to accomplish as we have been house bound for the past two days with a cold.  I'm not going to push it too much until after we get back from our trip back east.  Could it be the end of diapers?!?!  We shall see.

Oh yeah.  We're back to hitting again.  I thought that we were done with that around the 1.5 year mark.  Sigh.  When she's angry or frustrated she'll yell and whack me.  Kinda like Miss Piggy.  Now we have to go through that whole, "We don't hit.  Hitting is not nice." crap....AGAIN.  Repetition and consistency...bla bla bla.  Ugh.

I tell ya, this repetition stuff gets old really quick.  It's good for her, but murder on us.  I mean, who really wants to read "Prince Elmo and the Pea" a million times in a row?  Well, Katie does.  You know why?  She memorizes it.  She has memorized a bunch of her books and can recite them word for word.  I should take video and claim that she is reading or something.  Get myself booked on Oprah. 

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...