Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I have an important question for the makers of Saltine crackers.

Why, oh why, do you find it necessary to put a recipe for corn chowder on the back of your box when this might be the only food that a woman can eat during her first few months of pregnancy?!?!

Don't you know that the last thing that we want to stare at as we are choking down crackers in between bouts of nausea is a bowl of hot, steaming chunky corn freakin' chowder!  Come on, people!

There.  I said it.  It's out.  I've been holding on to that for about 5 or so months now.  Phew.  I feel release.

Oh.  Um.  Yeah.  I'm pregnant.  Again.  

You thought once was enough for little 'ole me, huh?  Yeah.  I'll be the first to admit, having Katie was no walk in the park.  "Life got flipped, turned upside down" a la The Fresh Prince and all that jazz.

But, hey.  I jumped in 35 degree ocean water.  Then the next year, I did it again.  You know why?  'Cause it was more of a challenge knowing what was in store for me the second time around.

I'm just kidding.  It's just that you gotta have a back-up kid, you know.

No, really.  We've got a lot of love to give.  Hahahahahaha.

Anyways, the first few months were rough.  Really rough.  Some complications here, some no-lifting/no-exercise of any kind there.  Modified bed-rest sucks.  It was some scary shtuff.  This all lasted for the first 3 months.  It all panned out in the end, but during that time it was very hard to remain optimistic.

I also went through some really bad nausea those first three months.  Saltines and pretzels were just about the only thing I wanted to eat.  I also decided that onions in anything was just totally disgusting.

But, that is all over now.  Things are looking good.  Nausea is gone.  My insatiable need for Saltines and pretzels is gone.  Though, I'm still not very interested in Mexican food.

The baby is kicking, punching and rolling all over the place.  He's gotten some pretty good shots in already.  A couple have made me jump.  Katie was able to feel him kicking the other day.  She thought it was hilarious.

All is good right now.  Unless you talk to Huzbend.  He told me this morning that the pregnancy snoring is back.  Time to crack open that package of ear plugs buddy.  It ain't gonna get any better in the next three months.  

I constantly obsess about how this second one is going to come out.  Is it going to be a VBAC  (you can look that up if you want) or is it going to be another slice and dice?  It's still up in the air at this point.

I admit that neither option sounds very appealing to me.  I kinda wish that I could have Scotty beam-up my baby so that I wouldn't have to worry about anything other than my child having to wear some god-awful Star Trek uniform for the rest of his life.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...