Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Back Issues

Sometimes, I like to go back and read past entries.  I like to see what I was doing at this same time three years ago - like, "Pre-Katie".

I have to say, I usually come away impressed with my writing skills.  

Am I really that witty?  Alas, only in the blogosphere where I can edit and re-edit to my hearts delight.

I'm past the 32 week mark in my pregnancy.  I've got another appointment coming up next week.  Another one of those pee-in-a-cup, get-uterus-measurement, hear-baby-heartbeat, say-hi-to- doctor,  and then leave appointments.  Ugh.

Then, starting in July, I'm at the doc's office every week.  That's when things get really fun. Group-B Strep tests, exams to tell effacement, dilation, baby position.  Whoo-hoo.  

All this should be made extra fun with Katie in tow.  Each appointment she climbs up onto a chair so that she can watch the nurse take her measurements and find the heartbeat.  Not quite sure what I am going to do to distract her once "exams" start taking place.  Sigh.

I had to go out and buy more stoopid prego clothes today.  What the hell?  I have no pants that are comfortable to wear besides these moo-moo looking things that I bought the last few weeks of Katie's pregnancy.  It's embarrassing to leave the house with them on.  So, I dropped $36 bucks on two pairs of sweatpant-type shorts and two shirts.  I'm not sure these are any better than the moo-moo pants, but at least they are "sporty".

There's really nothing "sporty" about me at this point in time.  Well, except my hair.  I got it cut short at the end of May.  It was the last drop-off day for Katie's preschool.  I went and decided to treat myself to a hair cut since I was looking quite hippy-ish.

I noticed on the door that they took donations for "Locks of Love."  I asked the woman if my hair was long enough.  They require 11 inches.  It was....barely.  The lady gave me a nice Mommy-ish cut though. 

Which reminds me, I have no prego pictures up in this here blog.  I'll start working on that.

Thus ends The Post of No Point.   


November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...