Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2 Cool 2 B 2 Months


Huh?  Whazzat!!!!!

Oh.  Man.  It's you.  You scared the cradle cap outta me.

Hello.  How are you?

Oh?  Me?  I'm totally awesome.  

Yeah, just like my middle name.  The initial is A for Awesome.  You didn't know that?  Learn somethin' new every day don't ya?

You wanna know what went on this past month?

Hmmmmmm.  Let me break it down for ya.  

I ate a lot.  I pooped a lot.  I peed a lot.  I kicked my feet and punched my arms, um, a lot.

I notice a trend here.  I do things a lot.

I also got all flaky on my face and scalp.  I had some plugged up tear ducts.  I had some acne too. I wasn't looking too good.  I think I might be over the hump now though.

Do you wanna know the secret to getting insta-hugs?  Right here, bucko.

Is that not the most pathetic pouty face, like, ever?  I believe I have perfected it.  You use this, dude, and you'll be getting major cuddles in about .02 seconds.  I've timed it.

Besides my pouty face, I can smile now too.  Smiling is great.  It gets me all sorts of attention from, like, everybody.

Family life is cool.  Daddy is laid back.  We like to have some nice conversations.

Mommy, well, she seems a little rushed.  She's always running around here trying to "get stuff done".  What other stuff is there besides ME?  Oh yeah.  Big sister.

Speaking of Big Sis, she loves me a bunch.  She is always concerned about my emotional state.  She likes to announce when I am happy and when I am sad.  Sometimes, though, I sense a bit of jealousy.  Like, when she tells Mommy to not feed me and let me cry 'cause she wants a snack.  Hmph.  Not too nice.

She also likes to make sure that I am entertained at all times.  As an example, see the picture below.  She never thinks that I have enough toys to play with.  So, she piles them on top of me.  She's got a lot of love to give, that sister of mine.  Love her to pieces, I do.

I had my two month checkup the other day.  Everything is A-okay with me.  I'm lookin' pretty good.  Here are my stats.  Read 'em and weep, baby:
Height - 23 inches - 50th percentile
Weight - 12 pounds 3 oz. - 70th percentile
Head Size - 16.5 inches - 90th percentile

I like to make lots of noises now.  Ahhh-gooooos and such.  Sometimes, I can work myself up to a scream if I really, really try.

I also partake of a little tummy time now and again.  Doc says I gotta work on strengthening my neck muscles.  Guess I have a pretty big head or something.  It's gonna take some strong neck muscles to lift it.  Maybe I should start on a lifting regimen.  Get myself a protein drink or somethin'.

Here's a video of me doing my thang.  Check it out.

I can't really think of anything else new.  I guess there's one more thing.....

I recently graduated to sitting up in my tub.  

Okay, so it's not that exciting.  

I just wanted to show you how sophisticated I am.  I'm a man of the world, you see.  I can be quite serious on occasion.  Very pensive and the like.  I could be contemplating the fate of the universe.  I could be formulating a way to harness dark energy.  Thoughts that are way beyond that of any normal human being.  

Ahhhhh, enough of that high brow stuff.

Now, it's time for me to try to eat my towel.  

Now make like trees and get outta here, kiddies.  

Catch you on the flip side.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Temper Tantrum of the Day

Katie was taking a nap and then started crying.  This happens at least three times a week. 

Of course, I was feeding Mikey and couldn't go up to her room to see what she was upset about. Yelling out to her would have scared the living crap outta Mikey, so I had to just sit there in hopes that she would just resolve the issue herself.

No such luck.  

Down the stairs she came screaming and crying about boogies.

I asked her if she wanted me to help her blow her nose and I got out a tissue.  I went to wipe her nose and then she threw herself on the ground and screamed.

I spent the next twenty minutes trying to decipher what she wanted of me.  

She kept telling me that she wanted to calm down and then we would try our calm down technique (counting and deep breathes) over and over again.  But, she just wouldn't calm down.

Finally, she went to her "calm down place", which is next to the couch, and was able to finally communicate with me.

She was upset because she "had boogies" and then when she went to blow her nose there were "no boogies".

Yeah.  That was the reason.  Spock would not be amused.

In the middle of all this, I put a sleepy Mikey down on the couch.  Not the best place for him to be, I know, but I had to engage Katie to get her to at least try to calm down.  It's hard to do that with Mikey in the middle of us.  

Miraculously, he is still asleep.  He slept through the whole thing.   Even when she was standing next to him screaming at the top of her lungs.

Katie, took herself back to her room to "relax" a bit.

All is quiet.  

Now it's time for ME to count to 10 and take some looooong deeeeeep breathes........ 

Friday, September 18, 2009


Katie, Mikey and I took a visit to a local Mom hangout for our playgroup today.

It's a cafe/coffee house where Mom's and Dad's can sit, talk and eat and the kids can play with various toys. They had a Thomas train table, so all was well.  Katie carried "Gordon" around for the hour and a half that we were there.  I had to make him talk only a couple of times.

The only problem with the place was that they served PB&J.  So, I was on hyper-alert mode looking for signs of an allergic reaction every time Katie touched something.

After hanging out there for a while, we headed outside to a playground.  Katie climbed a rope ladder thingie all by herself and then hung from a trapeze looking contraption.  She also managed to almost fall off a kid-sized merry-go-round too.  Mikey slept the entire time.

Mikey finally started to get cranky, so I decided to pack it up.  We got back to the car and Katie saw this "train" riding by with some kids in it.  The train was actually made up of four cars and was pulled by an engine that was actually a tractor in disguise. 

I fed and changed Mikey in the car and we went over to ride the train.  Each ride is, like, $3.50, but I had coupons for two free rides from some haircuts that Katie had gotten.

Katie sat in the caboose all by herself, while Mikey and I plopped down into another train car. She was very proud of herself and told me that the caboose was really bumpy.

There's nothing like a tractor ride on a nice day.

I miss Poppop.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Yesterday, Katie was holding on to my hands and jumping up and down in front of me.  She jumped once and hit my stomach.  It hurt.

And now it's time for the obligatory "I hate my body" post.  This happened after the last kid too.

I know.  I know.  You're saying to yourself, "Well, she's only, like, seven weeks postpartum."

Yeah.  I am.  But, I want this gone NOW.

It's worse than last time.  Last time, there was extra weight.  I think it was something like 20 pounds that I had to lose.  It was in the form of a little bit of belly and there were no stretch marks.  Oh yeah, and there was the scar - ugly and pink.  

This time, I've got belly to spare.  

It's a big pouch of fat that over hangs my c-scar.  I mean IT HANGS.  I just found out there's a phrase for this phenomenon - "A Mother's Apron".  On that big pouch is my still distended belly button, the dark brown pregnancy line (called linea negra) caused by hormones, a whole bunch of little pink squiggly stretch marks and then a few large dark pink stretch marks on my left side (that was where Mikey spent most of this time).  This pouch of fat/skin hurts when it's touched.  It even feels like it's bruised. 

The c-scar seems deeper looking and indents a little on the right side now.

I feel deformed.  Ahhhh, frig it, I am deformed.

I was wondering if all this was normal and guess what, it is.  

I found this website that allows women to post pics of their postpartum bodies.  Lots of belly overhangs on here.  Phew.  I'm not the only one.

Somehow, some way I'll figure out a time to start working out.  I guess I could be doing that right now instead of whining about my problems here on the blog.  It's just so nice to sit and do NOTHING.

Ahhhhh, nothing.  Sometimes nothing is great.  No nursing, no diaper changing, no making various guys talk, no crying, no diffusing temper tantrums.....You know what?  I should be sleeping.

The only thing I got going for me right now are huge boobs.  The only problem is that they frequently explode because of an excess of milk. Hmph.  Not so attractive.


For now, I'll just have to be happy with my two cute kids, my hunky huzbend, my huge milk-filled boobs and my Size G underwear.

That's G for Ginormous.

Friday, September 11, 2009

I Suck

Some women look as if they have been nursing babies all their lives.  Like, they have some knowledge that was passed down from their mama's mama's mama's mama.

Me, on the other hand, I look like I read the Cliffs Notes booklet on it.

My right boob feels like it is going to fall off.  When Mikey nurses on it, I have to either cry or try to use deep breathing to get through it.

I have no idea what is going on with it.  I just know that it hurts.  A lot.

Nursing just doesn't come easy to me for some reason.  

Nursing wasn't easy with Katie.  We had shields to use, formula supplementing, pumping, etc. To tell the truth, it was kinda horrible until the 3rd month.

This time around, it's a tad bit easier.  My milk came early (before I left the hospital) and Mikey was ready to eat.  It's just the whole pain thing that I can't stand.  Why can't I just nurse and be happy?  Why does everything with me have to be a challenge?  I want it easy, folks.  Can you blame me?

So, if this boob pain doesn't clear up I'm gonna have to visit a doctor.  Sigh.

There is one thing about nursing the second time around though.  I am not shy about getting it done in public.  

Last weekend, we had to get new tires on our truck.  I was seriously thinking about nursing on one of the display couches of the Fred Meyer that was next door to the tire place.  Huzbend protested.  So, I opted for a bench outside the entrance to the Fred Meyer.

So far, I've nursed at the zoo, a water park, in the truck a bunch of times, at a park or two, at a preschool meeting and outside a Fred Meyer.  Where will I whip 'em out next?  We have a trip coming up - the airport?  the airplane?  my sister's wedding?

Stay tuned.  

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Just Some Stuff

If Mikey really put his heart into it, I bet his poop could shoot across the room.  There may be a Guinness World Record there somewhere....

I used to not like raspberries.  Then I picked them at an organic farm with Katie.  Now they are my favorite berry.

When we walk into just about any public place, Katie will initiate a conversation with anyone standing near her.  If someone initiates a conversation with her, she suddenly turns shy.

I always buy stuff and then when I bring it home and it doesn't fit.  Like, curtains and this new dish rack.  It's really annoying.

I have serious Mommy Guilt.  I always feel like I am ignoring one kid in favor of the other.  It sucks.

Huzbend is scary when he raises his voice.  I feel like I should be in 'time out' or something.

Katie will grow up to be a starlet in the horror genre.  Her screams pierce your soul.

And now is de time on blog vhen vee dance......

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...