Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I've been around just about four months now.  Four flippin' months.  Man.  Feels like forever.

You wanna see the most garsh darn "aw, how cute" picture there is?  Check it..... 

Is there something wrong when you KNOW how cute you are?  I mean, everyone tells me, like, ALL the time.  Something about some Gerber baby.  My Mommy says that I am WAY cuter than the Gerber baby.  My Daddy says that I can kick his baby food eatin' butt.

But, enough about me.  Let's talk shop.  What did I do this past month?

LOTS, dudes.  LOTS.  I took my first plane ride, I visited the East coast, I attended a fine theatrical performance of Snow White, and I laid my fine blue eyes on Disney On Ice.

I hear there is another holiday this month.  Something about eating and turkey and stuff.  I'm gonna get me some of that turkey milk, man.  You know it!

I met my Cuzzin' Matty on my trip.  He's hard to track down that guy.  Always crawlin' all over.  Seems like a cool dude.  Just wait, man.  I'll be crawlin' in about four more months or so and then we can hang.  Huh?  You'll be walking by then?!  Damn.

I met my other Cuzzin' Joey too.  But, he was too busy with Big Sisty to hang with me.  He plays a mean drum though.  Man, you gotta hear it to believe it.

In other news, I've been working on holding up my gigantic head.  It's really heavy.  You know what they say about guys with big heads......

.....They have really big brains.  What?  What were YOU thinkin'?

I'm pretty much doing all the stuff I was doing last month, but I'm better at it.

Smiling - check!
Laughing - check!
Pooping - check!
Eating - check!
Sleeping in my crib - um, well sometimes.  I figured out if I cry at night Mommy will pick me up and I can sleep on her all night.  Tee-hee.
Babbling - check! (Hey, I prefer to call it talking)
Sucking - check!

I've gotten much better at working this two hand thingies.  They grab stuff, you know?  It's pretty awesome.  You hand something to me and now I can put it up to my mouth and suck on it.  I also love to suck on my thumb.....whenever I can find it.  Darn thumb seems to move around a lot.

Speaking of sucking, Mommy gave me a First Thanksgiving rattle today in honor of the impending holiday.  I mouthed it so bad that the turkeys head just about came off.

I am too powerful.

Enjoy your turkey milk!  I know I will!



Monday, November 23, 2009

The Ice Princess

We went to see Disney on Ice two weekends ago. 

Katie sorta had a good time.  She freaked out when Ursula the Sea Witch came on the ice and said that she wanted to go home.  She also didn't like The Lion King part.  

So, we left the arena and took a break by eating a red dyed Sno-Cone.  After that, we were able to make it back in to watch Tinkerbell skate.

She did question us as to what happened to Ariel's tail and why Flounder now had legs....

Then last week we went to see a play.  Same deal there.  As soon as the play started, she wanted to go home.  So, we went on up to the back into the "cry" room and watched from there.

Then we went to see Santa.

Tears - no.
Want to go home - no.
Clinginess - none.

She danced for him, told him all about her holiday outfit, sat on his lap, smiled for pictures and then had a big discussion about what she wanted for xmas.

She told him she wanted a pink car with pink wheels and that Mikey probably wanted a shirt.

I just can't figure that girl out.

She's started addressing Mikey like Homer Simpson greets Bart, "Hello, boy."  It's hilarious.

Poor Mikey.  He's either The Boy when Katie is being Katie or Baby Crab when she is pretending that she is Ariel.

She has also come up with a creative use for her Flower Girl basket.  We now call it the "Snack Basket."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dueling Naps

I haven't posted much lately because the nap schedule is all over the place.

Nap was prime Blog time.  

Well, really, it was prime Me Doing Whatever I Want To Do Time.

Whether it was watching some TV or scrubbing toilets, it was my time.

Somedays it's no nap for Katie.  Other days, she wants to take a nap.

On the days that she wants to take a nap as soon as she lays down Little Mikey decides he wants to scream.

The only way to get him to stop screaming is to nurse him.

Then he falls asleep on me essentially pinning me to the couch.


All this means less blog posts, no workout time and definitely no World of Warcraft playing.

I feel my nerdness slowly drifting away......

Oh wait.....


It's still there.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Wedding That Made Me Feel Old

My youngest sister got married this past weekend.  

Boy, there is nothing to make you feel old than watching your littlest sister saying, "I do." AND realizing that YOU have been married for, like, ever AND you have two kids AND you had to dye your hair to hide your grey.


The wedding was fantastic.  What a party!  Damn.  Everyone ate, drank, danced and had an awesome time.

Not to take anything away from the bride and groom, but Katie and Cuzzin' Joey stole the show at times.  They were dancing machines and their walk down the aisle during the ceremony was priceless ("No, Joey!  Keep on walking!  Don't stop!").

I had a slight disaster with my hair though.  I wanted it cut a bit different.  The hairdresser did a good job and it did, at one point, look really cute.  Then she started to blow dry and kept blow drying and then KEPT blow drying until I had a helmet for hair.  I mean this is what I looked like.....

No, really.  I did.  It was ridiculous.  She made me look even more like a MOM than I already did, if that was possible.  After a quick wash out at my sisters condo, it looked kinda okay.

We also had a visit with Cuzzin' Matty, his Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Chris, Uncle Marty and Cuzzin' Gina.  We had the most awesome ham and fruit salad ever and Katie discovered that she loved squash.  She ate five bowls of it.

There was a lot that went on this past weekend.  All the pics are over on Flickr.  Feel free to check them out.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Sleepy time.  
The 3 hour time difference hit Katie pretty hard.

But not hard enough to keep her outta the
hotel pool.

Grandpa had Mikey in hysterics for about 10 minutes.

Kari and Andrew (can I call him Andy?) were
very relaxed about the wedding protocol.

Mikey was having a hard time, so they let
me wear him into the reception for my introduction.

He stayed there for the rest of the night.

Here is the happy couple cutting their totally
yummy cake.

The prettiest girls of the evening.

Grandma & Grandpa party down with the grandkids.

This is a great shot of Kari being Kari.

All three!  Looking in the same direction (sort of)!
I am awesome.

Three outta four smiling ain't bad.

And a little side note, Katie is wearing her flower girl dress as I am typing this entry.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Happy Halloween!

About two months ago, Katie fell in love with a video game character named Kirby.  I think this was mostly because he was pink.  Pink is her favorite color.

She decided that she wanted to be him for Halloween.  After some creative thinking, I managed to come up with a pretty good Kirby costume.  I used a preexisting costume and glued a felt face onto it.  I must say I was damn proud of my creation. Oh, I AM GOOD!  Oh, yes, I am.

As you'll see, the rest of us decided to stick with the video game theme.

We visited a preschool Halloween carnival last week.  Katie had fun playing little carnival games for cute Halloween treats.  She even got to ride a pony!  In her costume!  With Daddy!  

On Halloween, after spending the most of the day standing in line for the H1N1 FluMist, baking pumpkin bars and carving pumpkins, we visited the trick-or-treating event downtown.  

When we got home from that, Katie and Daddy patrolled the neighborhood for even MORE trick-or-treating.

Because of Katie's allergies she is really only allowed to have a very select group of candy. Unlucky for us that group includes all the things that rot your teeth the most.  Sigh.  

Katie was able to trade in the candy that she couldn't eat for a nice gift.  We threw out all the uneatable candy.  We did.  I swear.  Even the Butterfingers. Mmmm, Buuttterrrfinngerrss.  

I'd say she made out pretty good.  Oh, the sugar was flowin' through those veins...

Take a peak......

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...