Monday, November 02, 2009

Happy Halloween!

About two months ago, Katie fell in love with a video game character named Kirby.  I think this was mostly because he was pink.  Pink is her favorite color.

She decided that she wanted to be him for Halloween.  After some creative thinking, I managed to come up with a pretty good Kirby costume.  I used a preexisting costume and glued a felt face onto it.  I must say I was damn proud of my creation. Oh, I AM GOOD!  Oh, yes, I am.

As you'll see, the rest of us decided to stick with the video game theme.

We visited a preschool Halloween carnival last week.  Katie had fun playing little carnival games for cute Halloween treats.  She even got to ride a pony!  In her costume!  With Daddy!  

On Halloween, after spending the most of the day standing in line for the H1N1 FluMist, baking pumpkin bars and carving pumpkins, we visited the trick-or-treating event downtown.  

When we got home from that, Katie and Daddy patrolled the neighborhood for even MORE trick-or-treating.

Because of Katie's allergies she is really only allowed to have a very select group of candy. Unlucky for us that group includes all the things that rot your teeth the most.  Sigh.  

Katie was able to trade in the candy that she couldn't eat for a nice gift.  We threw out all the uneatable candy.  We did.  I swear.  Even the Butterfingers. Mmmm, Buuttterrrfinngerrss.  

I'd say she made out pretty good.  Oh, the sugar was flowin' through those veins...

Take a peak......

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...