Sunday, February 28, 2010

Seven Months of Me

Yep. Seven months. SEVEN. Okay, so not as cool as One, but I'm getting there. Before you know it, you'll be seeing me as a toddler.

But, hey, no rush. Until then, I'm gonna rock out my baby months.

I'm pretty good at sitting up now. Not good enough not to have a safety-boppy in place, but still pretty good.

Every now and then I take a good hard header. Let me tell you, taking a header for me is a BIG deal. Sometimes, Mommy has to check to see if I've put a dent in the floor.

I roll over, belly to back, real easy now. Mommy says that I have to start working on rolling back to belly. You see, I get all cranky when a toy is out of reach. She mentioned something about learning how to crawl so I can get them myself. I gotta work on that.

I've pretty much mastered all of the vowels by now......"AHHHHH" "OHHHHH" "OOOOOOO" and the like. I've tried out just a few consonants. Mostly in words like, "NAH" and "DAH" and "BUH". But, you know what I really like to do? Blow raspberries. I do it, like, ALL the time. I'm gonna have to get Mommy to get a video up here of my tooty serenade sometime.

I think the only other thing that I've been working on is expanding my culinary repertoire. It's not just baby cereals anymore. And much to Mommy and Daddy's surprise there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that I do not like. They call me a 'GOURMET', or something like that.

I've conquered the yellow veggies......

I've moved on to the green veggies.....

And do you know what I absolutely LOVE?


I could eat a whole box of these things. No, really, I could.

That's about it, folks. Eating, playing and talking take up most of my time now.

I do save some of my time for my Big Sisty, though.

Here she is showing me how to drive a car while eating a lollipop. She doesn't even need clothes to get these things done. Man, she is so knowledgeable. I'm gonna learn a lot from her.

I guess the only other thing I do on a typical day is sleep. And much to Mommy's delight, I am getting much better at doing this for longer stretches of time.

I gotta go. It's lunchtime and I think I just saw a big yellow box being taken out of the cabinet. Yummmmmmmmmm.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Has it been ONE YEAR already?!?!?

Something wonderful happened exactly one year ago yesterday.

Don Matteo made his grand entrance into the world and, well, he's never looked back.

Can you believe that this not-so-little baby........

Turned into this mischievous lookin' mini-dude?!?!?!?!?!


Happy Birthday, Matty!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Little Bro Blues

Sometimes being the Little Brother ain't all it's cracked up to be.


See Exhibit A below.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Five O's

I love the Olympics.

Let me clarify that.

I love the Winter Olympics.

I have to say it is quite a challenge trying to watch the Olympics this time around. I record the nightly broadcast and watch periodically throughout the following day. And though I can't watch all that I want, I get my fill. All the exciting bits.

No, I can't go online and watch it. If I go online, you find out who won what almost immediately. I like the suspense.

The best part about watching during the day is that Katie is really into it. I'm not sure if she is genuinely interested in the sports or if it's just 'cause the TV is on.

She is most content watching figure skating. YAY!!!! Huzbend hates (is hate too weak a word?) figure skating. So, this is great for me. Let's just hope the interest is sustainable for another four years.

Warning: Winter Olympics Fandom exposure imminent......

Go, Evan! That Yevgeny dude needs a good slap upside his ego-filled blonde head. Do it to it, bro.

Mikey laughed out loud at Katie for the first time today. She was jumping on the bed and he thought it was the most hilarious thing he has ever seen. He's smiled at her before, but never laughed at her antics. I'm beginning to see the bond forming. I am gonna be in sooo much trouble when he is old enough to boss around. It'll be two against one.

Then there was this gem.

Mikey finished helping out some students with a study today at the UDUB. As we were leaving the building, Katie noticed that some girls were sitting at a table covered with baked goods.

"Mommy? Am I allergic to that?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure you are, kiddo."

"Are there eggs in there?"

"Yep. Eggs and maybe some nuts too."

"Well, maybe I can eat that stuff when I grow up and I'm not allergic to eggs anymore."

"Sure. Maybe you can."

Katie walks over to the girls at the table.....

"Um, can you make sure that no one eats any of this stuff 'cause I'm gonna come back when I'm not allergic to eggs anymore, okay, so I can have some."

Ahhhhh. Two great Mommy-moments in one day.

I think my heart grew two sizes today.

Friday, February 12, 2010


This is it, folks. My first chance at a blog in like a week and a half and I can't think of anything worth saying.


I'm still tired. I don't let Mikey sleep on me anymore. Yes, it had come to that. It was either get one hour if I put him in the crib or two to three hours if he slept on me. Which would you choose?

Hmph. I thought so.

Anyways, he still eats all night long; nursing about four plus times a night. But, as soon as he is done, I put him in that crib and he can now make it about two to three hours all by himself.

That is enough for me.

Katie went skiing again a few weeks ago.

Mikey and I hung out at the lodge and handled the camera. Daddy was on chase duty. Katie had a good time "goin' fast", until she had a fabulous crash. After a few tears, it was in to the lodge for a break and some hot chocolate.

Before Hot Chocolate.....

After Hot Chocolate.....

The healing properties of Hot Chocolate should be further studied.

Mikey is making his way through "yellow" vegetables. He's currently enjoying squash. We still have yet to get a YUCKY face picture. Maybe with the carrots? He's definitely gotta make a face when he eats green beans. Come on.

We decided to turn Superbowl Sunday into FishBowl Sunday. We packed up and visited our local aquarium.

A good time was had by all mermaid princesses and all flounders.

Katie ended up bringing home a new friend. She had the pick of the store. We told her she could have ONE toy from the store. There were fuzzy pink otters there. There were mermaids there. There were pink frilly octopuses there. But, she turned her nose up at all that nonsense and brought home this little guy.....

Her very own squid.

Man, how awesome is that?!?

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

February 2nd already?

Phil's official forecast as read February 2nd, 2009 at sunrise at Gobbler's Knob:

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

On Gobbler's Knob on this glorious Groundhog Day, February 2nd, 2010, Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Prognosticator of all Prognosticators awoke to the call of President Bill Deeley and greeted his handlers, John Griffiths and Ben Hughes.

After casting a joyful eye towards thousands of his faithful followers, Phil proclaimed, "If you want to know next, you must read my text. As the sky shines bright above me, my shadow I see beside me. So six more weeks of winter it will be."

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...