Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Five O's

I love the Olympics.

Let me clarify that.

I love the Winter Olympics.

I have to say it is quite a challenge trying to watch the Olympics this time around. I record the nightly broadcast and watch periodically throughout the following day. And though I can't watch all that I want, I get my fill. All the exciting bits.

No, I can't go online and watch it. If I go online, you find out who won what almost immediately. I like the suspense.

The best part about watching during the day is that Katie is really into it. I'm not sure if she is genuinely interested in the sports or if it's just 'cause the TV is on.

She is most content watching figure skating. YAY!!!! Huzbend hates (is hate too weak a word?) figure skating. So, this is great for me. Let's just hope the interest is sustainable for another four years.

Warning: Winter Olympics Fandom exposure imminent......

Go, Evan! That Yevgeny dude needs a good slap upside his ego-filled blonde head. Do it to it, bro.

Mikey laughed out loud at Katie for the first time today. She was jumping on the bed and he thought it was the most hilarious thing he has ever seen. He's smiled at her before, but never laughed at her antics. I'm beginning to see the bond forming. I am gonna be in sooo much trouble when he is old enough to boss around. It'll be two against one.

Then there was this gem.

Mikey finished helping out some students with a study today at the UDUB. As we were leaving the building, Katie noticed that some girls were sitting at a table covered with baked goods.

"Mommy? Am I allergic to that?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure you are, kiddo."

"Are there eggs in there?"

"Yep. Eggs and maybe some nuts too."

"Well, maybe I can eat that stuff when I grow up and I'm not allergic to eggs anymore."

"Sure. Maybe you can."

Katie walks over to the girls at the table.....

"Um, can you make sure that no one eats any of this stuff 'cause I'm gonna come back when I'm not allergic to eggs anymore, okay, so I can have some."

Ahhhhh. Two great Mommy-moments in one day.

I think my heart grew two sizes today.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...