Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Other August Stuff

I apologize for the lack of content this month. It was atrocious.

It was a triple super-dee-dooper busy month. Totally jam packed with stuff.

Hopefully this post full of ultra-cute pictures will make up for it.

I guarantee that by the time you finish reading this entry, you will forget that I used a totally awesome word in my second sentence.

Wow. I didn't think you would forget that fast. You didn't even see any pictures yet.

On to the post......

Mikey has entered what we like to call around here "The Honeymoon Phase." We've gotten through the boring and even tedious baby months and now everything that he does is cute. He could be covered head to toe in mud, he could be throwing food around the room, he could've just pooped out the back of his diaper and it would still be cute.

Don't mind the cheese stuck to the top of his head. Just bask in the cuteness.

To start off our month, GmaC came for a visit. We had a good time hanging out at home and visiting our favorite Seattle attraction, the zoo.

"I'd like a bagel, a hotdog, some potatoes, carrots, raisins, grapes, a few strawberries, a cup of yogurt, a garden salad with dressing on the side and a fruit smoothie....."

We also took advantage of the spectacular weather by spending some quality outside time. We took a walk......

....and then ate some pretzels.

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to GmaC and to recover we went out and did some blueberry picking. Nothing helps you get over the goodbye blues like hiking out into the middle of a field full of bushes inhabited by lots and lots of spiders.

Mikey tried to pick some berries. The problem is that he doesn't like them. He'd pick one, eat it and then spit it out right onto my chest (he was in the Ergo carrier). Sigh. Another shirt ruined.

Katie had a great time trying to fill up her bucket. I actually think that more blueberries ended up in her tummy than in her bucket. I think the u-pick berry farms should weigh you before you enter the field and weigh you again when you come out. That way they can make sure they are getting the money they are due.

Here is a picture of me at age 4.

Oh wait, that's Katie.

Since you are a loyal reader, you know that I already posted about Katie's birthday exploits. The day after her party, we headed to the local water/amusement park. A good time was had by all, except Mikey who doesn't like cold water and Mommy who is not a big fan of water parks.

Daddy, the water taxi.

"Now this is more like it!"

Go, SpeedRacer, GO!

The next day we headed off to a state park cabin for a two night stay. I have to say, I was impressed with the digs. They weren't too skeevy and were actually quite comfortable.

"Hike you will, Mommy. Find the waterfall, you must."

It was totally worth it.

After the hike, we headed back to the cabin for some crawl around in the dirt time...

...some stair climbing...

...and some marshmallows.

A week or so later, we were off the the county fair in the pouring rain. Believe it or not, there were NO complaints. Katie walked the whole time. Mikey rode most of the time. There were lots of farm animals, lots of mullets and even some dinosaurs.

"Ummmmm. Did you hear something?"

Upon finding out that this cow's name was Princess, Katie told the owner, "I don't think her crown can fit on her head because it's so big."

Katie also got to play her first carnival game. We chose the pop the balloon with the dart game. We got three tries for five bucks.

After a quick dart throwing tutorial by Mommy, she managed to pop one! She was able to select her prize.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet "Wet Duck".

Mikey kept himself busy learning how to walk. Here he is taking Molly for a stroller ride.

Upon being disappointed with the late onset of his walking skills, Mikey decided to bulk up a little by doing some weight training.

As you'll see in a portion of this video, his efforts have paid off.

Friday, August 20, 2010



I can't believe it.

She's FOUR.


Somedays I just look at her in disbelief. She's so big now. I'm forgetting her baby-hood. I have to go back and look at pictures to remember how small she was. I want to scoop her up and ask her to never get a year older.

Her imagination is on fire. Her emotions run high. She has A LOT of love to give. She is the sweetest little girl, like, ever.

I am so proud to be her mother. You know what? I can't believe that I AM her mother.

In the past couple of days since her birthday there have been times when I look at her and I see a "mini-me". It is the strangest feeling ever.

Ugh. Enough about that stuff. I'm getting all verklempt.

On to the party!!!

The day before her party, Katie helped me make her "birthday treat". She requested chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and with a little help from Martha Stewart, I delivered. There was a lot of cocoa in dem dere cupcakes.

We held the party at Katie's favorite park. Lots of her preschool buddies came out to celebrate her big day with her. She picked "Star Wars" as her party theme. Ahhhhhhh, chip off the ole blocks. Yes, even the nerd in us seems to have been passed on to our children. And believe me when I say don't get her started on World of Warcraft.

The kids enjoyed the cupcakes and after the gift unwrapping we packed it up. Mikey was SO done and it was getting close to 90 degrees. So, we went home and Katie continued the present unwrapping.

The rest of the birthday weekend was spent at a water/amusement park and then we went camping in a cabin for two nights. I don't know how we are going to top that next year.

And so now we are the parents of a four year old AND a one year old. There's a lot of old going on around here.......

Friday, August 06, 2010

What's A Year?


Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm huntin' cheerios.

Whazzat? You saw me? Darn it all! What good is wearing camo jammies if everyone can still see you? Jeez.

Well, since you found me I guess that means that I have to post an entry or something.

July was a super busy month.

It started off with a march in a parade!

All I know is that my stroller had balloons and pinwheels on it and I was freezing my butt off. Then at the end of the parade it got really loud and big red trucks drove by us. Hmph. I got to eat grapes though. So, it was all good.

Then all of a sudden, the sun came back and it got warm again. I hear that is what is supposed to happen in the summer.

We hit a whole bunch of playgrounds and I got to ride in a swing. It was totally awesome.

It got SO hot, that Mommy put on my swim shorts and plopped me into a pool. I did NOT like the pool.

Here's what I think of YOU, pool!! THBBBBBBBBBPPPPPPPPP!

Here's something I DO like.


I love me some cherries.

Actually, I love me A LOT of cherries. Bags and bags and bags of them.

Here's a look at some of the other goings on in the month of July......

Although I am not walking yet, I get around ya'll. I crawl faster than the cat who sits in our yard runs when the sprinklers go on. That's right. Ludicrous speed, people.

I'm working on the walking, alright? I "cruise" as they say. It's just a matter of time.

So, in the meantime, I've been working on other modes of transportation.

Here's me and Daddy doin' a little biking.

And in case he's busy, I've always got my fall back.

I just have to figure out how to get it to move when I am actually sitting on it.....

We went away last month too. All the way to a place called Portland. Daddy rode to it on his bike. I hear it's a long way. All I know is that I was sitting in the truck a long, long, long time and I was not, not, not very happy. We had to stop at an "Old MacDonalds" parking lot (as Katie calls it) for a little "sanity" break (as Mommy calls it).

But, once we got to Portland it was all good. I tell ya, I had a good time investigating every inch of our hotel room. Here's me and Katie smudging up the closet mirror.

And then, before you know it, someone told me that I was a whole year old.

Huh? I don't even know what a year is.

But, I guess it's good 'cause we had a party. I like parties.

My whole family sang to me and there was this flashy light on a stick and they blew and it disappeared. I was a little creeped out by that. But then, they gave me a taste of the stuff the stick was in and WOW, it was awesome.

After I ate that cake stuff, I got a whole bunch of new toys from all my relatives from all the way across the country. I loved the toys as much as the cake. I play with them every day!

I want these birthday things more often. They totally rock.

Now listen up.

If you for one second think that I am going to disappear just 'cause I've hit one year you've got another thing coming.

With all the cool stuff that's happened in Year One, I can't wait to get to work on Year Two!.

I'm just gettin' started.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


We're still here.

Lot's going on.

Stomach bugs, a 1st birthday, a Gramma visit.....

Been too busy to write or to call. I send you all big virtual hugs.

Consider yourself loved.

: )

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...