Friday, August 06, 2010

What's A Year?


Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm huntin' cheerios.

Whazzat? You saw me? Darn it all! What good is wearing camo jammies if everyone can still see you? Jeez.

Well, since you found me I guess that means that I have to post an entry or something.

July was a super busy month.

It started off with a march in a parade!

All I know is that my stroller had balloons and pinwheels on it and I was freezing my butt off. Then at the end of the parade it got really loud and big red trucks drove by us. Hmph. I got to eat grapes though. So, it was all good.

Then all of a sudden, the sun came back and it got warm again. I hear that is what is supposed to happen in the summer.

We hit a whole bunch of playgrounds and I got to ride in a swing. It was totally awesome.

It got SO hot, that Mommy put on my swim shorts and plopped me into a pool. I did NOT like the pool.

Here's what I think of YOU, pool!! THBBBBBBBBBPPPPPPPPP!

Here's something I DO like.


I love me some cherries.

Actually, I love me A LOT of cherries. Bags and bags and bags of them.

Here's a look at some of the other goings on in the month of July......

Although I am not walking yet, I get around ya'll. I crawl faster than the cat who sits in our yard runs when the sprinklers go on. That's right. Ludicrous speed, people.

I'm working on the walking, alright? I "cruise" as they say. It's just a matter of time.

So, in the meantime, I've been working on other modes of transportation.

Here's me and Daddy doin' a little biking.

And in case he's busy, I've always got my fall back.

I just have to figure out how to get it to move when I am actually sitting on it.....

We went away last month too. All the way to a place called Portland. Daddy rode to it on his bike. I hear it's a long way. All I know is that I was sitting in the truck a long, long, long time and I was not, not, not very happy. We had to stop at an "Old MacDonalds" parking lot (as Katie calls it) for a little "sanity" break (as Mommy calls it).

But, once we got to Portland it was all good. I tell ya, I had a good time investigating every inch of our hotel room. Here's me and Katie smudging up the closet mirror.

And then, before you know it, someone told me that I was a whole year old.

Huh? I don't even know what a year is.

But, I guess it's good 'cause we had a party. I like parties.

My whole family sang to me and there was this flashy light on a stick and they blew and it disappeared. I was a little creeped out by that. But then, they gave me a taste of the stuff the stick was in and WOW, it was awesome.

After I ate that cake stuff, I got a whole bunch of new toys from all my relatives from all the way across the country. I loved the toys as much as the cake. I play with them every day!

I want these birthday things more often. They totally rock.

Now listen up.

If you for one second think that I am going to disappear just 'cause I've hit one year you've got another thing coming.

With all the cool stuff that's happened in Year One, I can't wait to get to work on Year Two!.

I'm just gettin' started.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...