Saturday, April 09, 2011

The March Post

Boy. Let me tell you something. We went places and did things in March.
That's why it took me until April to post about it.

Besides the stuff you see here; we did the zoo, we did preschool stuff, we registered Katie for Kindergarten. She's getting so big. Sniffle. Ugh. Enough about that.

Here's the March rundown......

At the beginning of the month, Katie and I hopped on a plane and headed back East to the land of good pizza and fast drivers.

"Are we there yet?"

Upon arrival at Granma and Granpa's house, Katie was greeted with
a surprise......


Of course, below is the real reason for the visit - it wasn't just the pizza.

It was for little Sophia. The newest cousin.


A lot of popcorn was eaten (and spilled) that weekend.

"Um. There's a what behind me?"

We paid a visit to the Peabody Museum. Dinosaur bones and science galor.

Katie was in heaven.

"Look, Mommy. That triceratops only has one horn!"

"I like the pink one."

Katie made a new best friend on her trip.

She misses Harry.

She was sad to say goodbye to everyone, but nothing makes it
all better like chocolate pudding at an airport!


When we got back, Katie wanted to share all the shells she
found back East with her preschool buddies.

You see, our beaches generally don't have
much sand (we have rocks) and we definitely don't have cool shells (just lots of gross seaweed) and maybe a seal or two.

Here is Katie, in playdoh form.

Made by the girl herself.

This is for Uncle Andrew.

THIS is steamies.

Mikey had a good month too. His language is exploding.
I think he learns a new word a day and has begun to link together
words to form short two and three word sentences.
For example, "I WANT DIS". That's a favorite of his.

Here he is figuring out how to go down a giant slide.

Really. That is what he says.

I'm not sure what is going on here, but I put it here because it's cute.

Spring in the northwest is usually rainy and gray - just like fall - but a little warmer.

When the sun shines it's time to get outside and PLAY.

Here we are hitting the sand box.

And after playing hard in the dirt, it's time for a little
bubble bath or as Mikey likes to say,


I will leave you with this.

Four year olds (at least my four year old) can be very ornery somtimes.

They like to say, "NO!" really loud and stamp their feet in an attempt to get their way.

Here's a picture of one such moment.

For those of you who have never seen the dark side, gaze now upon......

Katie's angry eyes!

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...