Monday, May 30, 2011

MIghty May

Let's break it down, shall we?

First up, Fish Boy.

Moving on.

May was chock-a-block full of preschool stuff.

While I had loads of un-fun preschool business stuff to do,
Katie and Mikey had totally fun preschool stuff to do. Like excursions.

Here we are at a ginormous pet store.

It's really hard to see, but Katie is holding
a stick bug in this picture.

Notice the smile. She wanted to take him home.

Then, the pet store people upped the ante.

They brought out the dogs.

Again, notice the smile.

Okay. Now she wanted to take the WHOLE STORE home.

We did have a few R&R breaks.

Here's a little dress-up spectacular.

Next up was the preschool Bowl-A-Thon.

This time around our school raised enough money to build
a two room school house for children in Uganda!

Here's Katie rockin' it Granny style.
(No offense, Granma's)

Mikey had his turn too. It just took a little
longer for it to make it down the lane......

Soon, the end of preschool was upon us.

The sun did shine (for a little while) and
so the water play was in full effect.

This is a preschoolers brain on yoga......

Mikey warmed up to preschool just in time for it to end.
Oh well.

Here he is getting pouty about not being able to peddle the trike.
There's always next year, dude.


He had a great time playing with the ball chutes.....

......eating snack and......

.....doing the art project for the day.

At the end of his last class he received a
huge bucket with his certificate of completion and
some bubble stuff inside.

He was very excited.


He loved his bucket so much that he took a nap with it.

And, adding to his excitement, it is the only bucket
we have in the house that he can fit on his head.

Mikey was done. Now, it was Katie's turn.

Graduation/Goodbye Day was upon us.

Check out this awesome cake - all Katie safe!

The kids did a great job with their songs.

Katie was very excited to get her time in the spot light.

Here she is receiving her certificate of completion.



We're ready for summer.

Not that it will be any calmer.

We've got park dates, play dates, camping,
swimming lessons, summer camps....

Mikey's ready.

Have waffle, Lightning McQueen, and
Choo-Choo pants; will travel!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

For Mom's Day, the family went to the science center to check out a display
of Star Wars stuff.

All she needs is a brown robe and a gun.......

Help you, I can. Find some pizza, we will.

I think Katie was a little creeped out by

Whadda you think?

Katie's favorite.

Alright. So, going to the Star Wars display turned
out to be more interesting for me than for the kids.

They had more fun playing with the stroller than
marveling over the fact the original version of Luke's
land speeder was RIGHT THERE!

Oh well.

After geeking out with SciFi stuff, we went on
over to the regular exhibits and got all nerdy with
Dinosaurs among other things.


"NahNah. CAH."
(mikey. car.)

Next up was the butterfly house.

Mikey really enjoyed the butterfly house.

He made me take this picture.


When we got home it was time for dinner.

Burgers, steak fries and corn on the cob.

Somewhere in there, it was costume time.

Katie's costume was awesome, but did not
include a lot of clothes - thus no pictures.

Mikey came up with this.....

And last but not least, I baked up some
Rhubarb, Strawberry, Raspberry Crumble.

It was the first time I had ever had rhubarb.
I tasted it before I cooked it and it was the most horrible thing
I had ever eaten...but after it was cooked....OMG.

Threw some vanilla ice cream on that puppy and it was delic!

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

A Quick April Recap

April's gone. So, it's time to review.

Katie and Mikey play well together.


Here is one such time.

Mikey has figured out that when Katie gets a "special treat",
it's only fair that he gets one too.

Preschool had a "field trip" at a local pizza place.

The kids got a tour of the kitchen and then were able to make their own pizzas.

Here is Katie working on her culinary masterpiece.


Hawaiian pizza for the girl.

Believe it or not, she ate it ALL.

Excluding the crust, of course.

The joint was nice enough to serve pizza to the parents
and siblings too.

Mikey was in heaven.


And, the best part about going to this specific pizza place.....

Everyone gets a lollipop if they finish their pizza.

Next up at preschool was a "Bug Safari".

See picture below for bugs.....

The kids had a great time looking at and touching some
of the interesting insects that were brought.

Here they are looking at a huge centipede.

And, of course, the requisite
creepy tarantula was brought out for all to see.

It was another busy month for our super busy family.

Poor Mikey.

Sometimes he just can't keep up.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, please
enjoy a snippet of April cuteness.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...