Wednesday, May 04, 2011

A Quick April Recap

April's gone. So, it's time to review.

Katie and Mikey play well together.


Here is one such time.

Mikey has figured out that when Katie gets a "special treat",
it's only fair that he gets one too.

Preschool had a "field trip" at a local pizza place.

The kids got a tour of the kitchen and then were able to make their own pizzas.

Here is Katie working on her culinary masterpiece.


Hawaiian pizza for the girl.

Believe it or not, she ate it ALL.

Excluding the crust, of course.

The joint was nice enough to serve pizza to the parents
and siblings too.

Mikey was in heaven.


And, the best part about going to this specific pizza place.....

Everyone gets a lollipop if they finish their pizza.

Next up at preschool was a "Bug Safari".

See picture below for bugs.....

The kids had a great time looking at and touching some
of the interesting insects that were brought.

Here they are looking at a huge centipede.

And, of course, the requisite
creepy tarantula was brought out for all to see.

It was another busy month for our super busy family.

Poor Mikey.

Sometimes he just can't keep up.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, please
enjoy a snippet of April cuteness.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...