Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Rest of January

After the craziness of the first two weeks back at school after the holiday break,
things calmed down just a bit.

There was a Family Fitness Night at Katie's school.

Huzbend couldn't resist getting his Tarzan on.....

......Katie worked on some karate skills......

......and Mikey honed his powers of observation.

Katie has been disappointed with the lack of snow action around here.
She's been bugging us to go sledding or skiing.

We opted for snow tubing up in Snoqualmie Pass.

It was a beautiful day.  Sunny skies and temps approaching 50.

After the initial snow sillies, it was time to get serious....

"Speed.  I am speed.  One winner, hundreds of losers.  I eat losers for breakfast.
Breakfast?  Maybe I should have had breakfast.  A little brekkie could be good for me....."


The kids liked the tubes.

The parental units liked the thing that hauled the tubes back up the hill.

We escaped mostly unscathed.
There was only one incident involving Huzbend almost taking out
Katie, who was stuck in her tube at the bottom of the hill, and managing
to knock Mikey over with the tube that Katie vacated at the last minute.


Here's the reaction I got when I asked Mikey if tubing was fun....

Yay, tubing!

Katie is the greatest big sister in the world.

She took an hour or so out of one weekend to make Mikey
his own Captain America shield (the flag was a school project).

Last week Mikey's preschool class had an excursion to a local PetCo.

To say the kids loved it would be an understatement.

They were NUTS.

I was like going to a free zoo.

They spent just about an hour looking at mice, rats, fish, reptiles and parakeets.
There weren't even any dogs or cats.

An hour.  That's a long time for a bunch of 3 and younger 4 year olds to do anything!

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...