He tells me, very matter-of-factly, that, "Pre-K is the name of the class I am in that is in the building that is called preschool."
He was very excited about being in Pre-K.
But when the day came to actually go......
Well, he was less than excited.
One of his bestest pals felt the same way.
There are 23 kids in his class (including him). It was kinda overwhelming to see them all out on the playground. It was even overwhelming for the grown-ups.
This is only 14 or 15 of them.....
It kinda helped that his first day was also my day to "work" at the preschool.
So he was able to get into the swing of things easily.
Here he is sharing Donatello in front of the class with Teacher Dorothy.
He had a lot to say.
A little art project.....
..... and then doing the calendar and the pattern.....
....and getting to be "line leader" because his Mommy brought snack.
It was a crazy first day at presch.....Ooops. I mean Pre-K.
When we got home. It was back to normalcy.
Knocking down spider webs with sticks while wearing his "bitey spider whacking" outfit.
This past weekend we attended a "Walk for Wishes" event
to benefit Make A Wish with some of our preschool buddies.
Here's Katie palling around with a fellow preschool alum.
Mikey was ready to roll.
He rode in the stroller.
The walk started off cheery enough.
Katie and her friend decided it was going to be a "RUN for Wishes" and took off with Huzbend in hot pursuit.
Then there were the rumbles of thunder.
Then there were some raindrops.
Then LOTS of big, giant raindrops.
And then a full on downpour.
Holy soakage, Batman.
But, we all made it to the "finish".
We were a tad soggy, but happy that we could help grant some wishes in our own small way.
Poor Soph couldn't run, but she and Granma were good cheerers.
Here's a pre-run game face photo.
Mikey and I were first.
Here's our run in it's entirety.
It's a bumpy video. I apologize if you get a little sick watching it.
And it's long. Almost 5 minutes.
Mikey decided that he was going to do a mud walk and
not a mud run.
Here's a vid that Granma took from the sideline of us.
Here's Kelly and Joey and their journey though the mud.
And last, but not least, Katie and Huzbend.
This was the aftermath.
It seems like the adults took the brunt of the mud explosion.
Katie did a pretty good job getting dirty.
We had to get the mud off somehow. The lake was mighty convenient.
Mikey wasn't too sure.
But, lucky for him, he wasn't really dirty and didn't have wash off in the lake.
When you get to our age,
You gotta suck it in and stick it out to get a good photo.
Then we drove home for a nice relaxing afternoon.
Like, reading books on a phone.
I guess I shoulda put this on the previous update with the summer camps stuff.
The kids last day of summer soccer was the same day that the family had to leave.
Mikey's ready to play.
Mikey cracks Joey up.
Next, it was Katie's turn to play.
Here she is with her soccer ice cream.
It was enjoyed by Granma.
Then everyone had to say goodbye.
As my sister said as I hugged her, "It never gets any easier, huh?"
And she's right. It doesn't.
And then my Mom went and did something that made me cry for the rest of the day.
She called me "Kiddo."
I didn't expect to hear that.
Something about hearing that word just set me off.
A whole bunch of emotion wrapped into that one word, I guess.
Memories and feelings that I hadn't thought about in a while.
I just had to remember how I explained it to Mikey when I was
helping him calm down the day he didn't want to stay at summer camp.
It's okay to miss people you love. And to be sad that they are going away.
But, you have to remember, that the people that love you will still love you even when they go away.
You can be strong and brave knowing that there are people out there in the world that love you no matter what. And, as you know from preschool, they will always come back.