Monday, September 09, 2013

Catching Up Summer: Part Seven

There was a recovery period after the family left.

It was good that Katie was in her theater camp that week.

Mikey on the other hand, was pretty lonely.
Joey was gone.  Katie was at camp.

He got up to some crazy stuff trying to entertain himself.

Here is his "SnakeEyes" costume.
Notice the snake.

I'm not quite sure what this is.

This time a butterfly super hero.
Ready to flutter in and kick ass or something.

He even became invisible at one point.

(Any four year old worth his salt knows that turning your clothes inside out makes you invisible.)

"Mom-uh!  You CAN'T see me!  I'm invisible!!"

It was time to settle into a "get ready for school to start" routine.
With semi-earlier bedtimes.
We tried.  I swear.

There was one last thing we had to do before school started.

Visit the Fair!

Every year we have to visit the chickens and the dogs.
It's funny, 'cause they are in the same pavilion.
Just on opposite sides.

Mikey was NOT impressed with the chickens.

Then it was time for rides.
It seems the only reason the kids want to go to the Fair nowadays is for the rides.
Forget cows and baby piggies.

Oh wait.  Can I revise that?
They go to the Fair for rides AND ice cream.

This year I managed to avoid all the carnival games by explaining that I could buy the same thing at Oriental Trading for less money.
It worked.

Oh wait.......there is a little love for the cows!

This one tried to eat Katie's hat and then drooled on her.

She loved it.

One last ride before we headed home.

And then it was the last day before the first day of Katie school.

We hung out at the house and did a blissful nothing.

The calm before the storm.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...