Friday, December 27, 2013

It's Christmas 2013

It was quite the party atmosphere around here leading up to Christmas.

Here's Mikey busting some moves to his (still) favorite song.....

As a treat for all you loyal readers, the rest of this entry will be written by my guest blogger.....

Take it away, kid!!!!

Hello, people! (giggle)
I'm gonna write this thing! (giggle)

Here is making gingerbread cookies.

We cut out the dough....blah, blah, blah....

Okay.  Now we baked them.
Okay.  Well, it took, like, almost an hour to cook them.
Well, that's what Mikey thought.

And here are our gingerbread cookies all baked and frosted.
I know one of them looks kinda silly.  Well, guess who made it?
I did.
And it splatted on the counter and his foot came off and I got to eat his foot.

And some of them are ninjas from Ninjago, zombies, angels, candy canes, Christmas trees, a plain cookie, reindeer, unicorn, a star, Lord Garmadon, a teddy bear and that's about it.

And here is our Christmas tree.
I know it looks kinda pretty.

And here is it on Christmas.
And there's lots of presents.

And here's the morning of Christmas.
I know you're probably tempted to open all those presents because they have pretty good stuff in them.
I'm telling you, they do!

"Ooooooh!  I got my favorite toy!"
It's not exactly my favorite toy.
All my toys are my favorite.

Here is Mikey being a silly dude.
He's yawning in this picture.
Well, he's actually "oooo"ing.
Because he has a super cool present.

And, I'm opening another present.
"Hey, it's a thing book!"

He's trying to whack something.
Well, I think he's actually shaking it.

Insert from Mikey - "Yeah.  I was trying to see if it was Legos."

Oh, cool.  Gryffindor!
Oh, no.  Slytherin.

Albus Dumbledore sent me this thing.

Okay.  Wow.  He really loves that thing.

I think it's a Spiderman Lego set.

I like legos too.

Oh.  And here he's showing it to you.

Oh.  And I got my American Girl Doll.
She looks just like me.
Okay.  Nothing else.  Down.

Opening presents video now.

Okaaaay.  We're building legos.

Come on, guys, lets get building!

And here I am, building my own.
It was hard.

I know I have crazy hair.

Here's Mikey playing legos in his Brony Hat.

A Brony.....  Oh wait.  I'm talking about a Brony Hat.
Okay.  A Brony is a boy who likes My Little Pony.

I'm licking this because it tastes so good.

I forgot to mention, it's whipped cream.
And Daddy gave it to me.
It was from his recipe for Pumpkin Mousse.

He made the Pumpkin Mousse because we were having friends over for dinner.

Here's me and my friend eating gingerbread cookies and you can see a little bit of pumpkin muffin and probably a red water bottle.

And that I painted hair today.
Not mine.  Hers.

Here is our dessert.
Here you can see the cookies that I showed you earlier.

Mikey and Logan and Mr. Tim are in this picture.
And the one above is part of my Dad's sleeve, me and Sienna.
And Mrs. Kerri is sitting there too.  And so is my mom.

Sienna, Logan, Mr. Tim and Mrs. Kerri are our friends.

Here's me with my American Girl Doll all dressed in jammies.
And her name's Ella.
She has matching pajamas.

Here's Mikey eating bar and reading a book before going to bed.
He was Thor at that time.

Next blog, I might be writing.

Wrapping up Christmas and now we're hitting New Years!


November & December 2024

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