Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Rest of April and May 2016

The first week back from vacation:

 - The kids went back to school.
 - Katie had a dentist AND an orthodontist appointment.
 - Katie took the first of her many state mandated school tests of the year.
 - Katie had a supplemental IV Infusion.  Her doctor decided to up her infusion medication amount due to increasing Crohn's symptoms occurring towards the end of each 8 week period between infusions (total bummer).
 - Both kids started practice on their first-ever soccer teams.
 - Huzbend and I started another co-ed adult indoor soccer season with the Unicorns on Ice.

Ugh.  Reality.

It was also Ralph's 2nd birthday the last week of April.

He got a playdate with his dog best friend (DBF), Wicki, and a Frosty Paws ice cream.

And, lucky him, he got a hat!

He was most happy to have us home from vacation.

It meant more begging and more yummy crumbies.

"Is that cheese?"

"I love cheese."

"Oh.  Chicken nugget."

"I love chicken nugget."

Batman paid us a visit.

He was joined by Wolverine and Black Widow in a freak comic cross over.

There was a giant "first friends" sleepover for our pal Logan's birthday.

"First Friends" = Brothers and sisters from three families went to preschool together since age 1.

The kids enjoyed Blue Milk on the May the 4th.

Katie had a dentist appointment to take care of her first ever cavity that same day.
Not sure Blue Milk helps with the cavity situation....

I just threw this in here because it's awesome.

The first Saturday in May brought with it the kids first-ever soccer games.

Katie and her Thunder Hawks were ready!

Katie and her team did a great job.
What a great group of kids.
All nice and supportive of each other no matter what their skill level.
We couldn't have asked for a better first team experience for Katie.
I even got to help coach, which was super fun.
We found out that I yell a lot, super-loud-like, at games.

Next up, it was Mikey and the Falcons!


"Um.  Hello?  Anyone?"

I tried to explain that being bored as a goalie was a good thing.

The other team only had 3 or 4 players because of drop-outs.
So, Mikey and a few of his teammates volunteered to play for the other team.

So, he's in green and his best pal, Sienna, is in silver right next to him.

The coach did a good job of letting the kids play just about every position.
Mikey really liked playing and had a great time.
Mostly he had a great time because his best friend was playing with him.

They were super cute to watch, stealing little moments to giggle with each other on the field DURING THE GAME.

After soccer, the kids went to a friends birthday party and then we took off to stay overnight in Seattle as we were participating in The Color Run the next day.

After a yummy burger dinner (with no milk shakes. Honestly, who RUNS OUT of milkshake!), it was pool time.
I escaped swimming this time and was able to just lounge on the deck.

We were up early the next day, lined up and ready to go.

The Color Run has been hit or miss the past couple of years.

Last year, a miss.  Mikey was in the hospital at the end of April with pneumonia and then Katie was in the hospital the first week of May with a Crohn's flare and an allergic reaction to some of her medication.  Yeah.  That was ugly.

The year before that, we ran the race and then Mikey ended up puking that afternoon.  We took him to urgent care and he was diagnosed with pneumonia.

Maybe this year would be good??
Yes, children?????

No worries, Mom!

I got hugs for reassurance.

I felt like we did a lot of walking this time around.
Huzbend said that we actually finished faster than we usually do.

I guess the kids did run a bit.  I've got lots of pictures of them doing so.

Here's a cute hand-holding picture.

Katie always seems to get stuff stuck in her shoes.
I'm not sure how it gets in there.

Here's a "shoe clean out" break.
One of many.

Yay!! Color time!

Katie LOVES the Color Run.

Look at that smile!

Oh look!  We're jogging again.
Go us!

This year they had something new.
Tropical Foam.

It smelled like Dole Whips.
But, alas, did not taste like Dole Whips.

We made our way across the finish line and over to the big color celebration.

It didn't seem as organized as in past years and people were just throwing color dust randomly pretty much the entire time we were in the crowd.

Mikey was not pleased.

Katie was all into it and just kept throwing color dust right along with everyone.

We decided to get some fresh air over by the International Fountain.

Mikey was STILL not pleased.

Katie wanted more.
She even had color on her teeth (besides her braces).

You  know what happens when we are at the Fountain...

...The kids cannot resist its call.

Guess what?  No one got sick!
Happy Mother's Day to ME!

Captain America: Civil War the movie came out right around then.

Katie had zero interest in seeing it in the movie theatre.
Mikey, on the other hand, was super excited.
So, Huzbend and him went to see it.
Mikey thought it was awesome but was disturbed by one of the plot points of the movie regarding Bucky/Winter Soldier.

So that I could talk about it with him (and because I wanted to see the movie too!!!), I went to see it during the week, while the kids were at school.

I guess going to the movies during a school week in the middle of a school day is a good time to go!

The weather got all summery all of a sudden.

The kids asked me to take out the pool.

And so, I did.

Ralph loves him some pool.

A soggy, but a still very handsome, Ralph.

As soon as the kids got home from school (and after they finished their homework of course, I AM the party pooper) they jumped in for a swim.

A random cute picture of a girl and her dog.

I know.
Not sure what brought this on.
But, I like it.

Mid-May, I had to take off to Yakima to attend the Annual Washington State PTA Conference.
By myself.

The conference is always good at getting PTA peeps fired up with new ideas and information.
I even pushed myself and attended a dinner hosted by my local council where I had to, GASP, talk to new people and introduce myself.  Yikes.

I don't think I've ever stayed in a hotel by myself.
It felt weird.
And quiet.

The second night I was there, I walked to the nearby Olive Garden and got take-out.

It's been a while, Tiramisu.

Upon my return, Katie had a check up with her GI doc.

There's usually a white board in each exam room.

Katie passes the time drawing on it.

I liked this one best.

Ralph and a bunny.

Memorial Day weekend couldn't have come sooner.
We needed a break.

We decided to visit Northwest Trek, as we hadn't been there in a while.
I think Mikey was a baby last time we went, I'm not sure.

After visiting some owls, we headed over to the tram ride.

Katie was excited to see some animals.

Big Horn Sheep!


Grumpy Mikey!

Change seats so he can't annoy his sister anymore!


Turns out Mikey just needed some lunch.
After that, his attitude much improved and he didn't seem to be on his sisters (or our) nerves anymore.

So, there was no reason to throw him to the bears.

Near the wolf habitat, we found this cabin with a wolf skin and park employee on hand for questions.
Mikey was currently working on an animal report at school about wolves.

He was creeped out by the skin and verified with the employee that it had died of natural causes.
Which it did.

In the name of research, he overcame his reluctance and pet the wolf skin.

His comment was, "I miss Ralph."

Speaking of Ralph, this is one of his favorite places to lay down if I happen to stand still for 30 seconds or more.

I'll leave you with this gem of a video.
Don't go thinking that it's all flowers and sunshine here all the time though.
Although the kids play together nicely during some moments of the day, sometimes all they seem to do is argue and annoy one another.

Best friends one day, hated enemies the next.
C'est la vie!

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...