Wednesday, July 05, 2017

The Rest of April 2017

We got back from D.C. on a Saturday night.
That next day was EASTER Sunday.
Nothing like cramming as much as we can into a vacation week, huh?

Mikey was still recovering from the cold he came down with in D.C..

We told the kids that they had to stay in their rooms until, like, 9am, I think?
We wanted to sleep after getting in late the night before.

Mikey passed the morning "room" time by playing his DS and apparently blowing his nose.


We finally got it together and were ready for the egg hunt.

Mikey and Huzbend tried to start a few minutes early, but I made them wait for Katie.

Katie found the special clue egg this time around.
I think she finds it every year.

The Carrot Egg contains the first in a series of clues that leads them to their Easter baskets.

Mikey found his eggs pretty quick with only a few clues given by the Easter Bunny.

Katie was the last egg-hunter standing.
The Easter Bunny had to give loads of hints to help out.
She forgets that she's taller and needs to look UP when hunting....

Found 'em all!

Now, pose for the GParents......

...and on to Egg opening time.

Lots of Lego guys, little tiny toys and some cold hard cash in them eggs.

Time to follow the clues.....

They found it!  On to the next....

They take turns reading the clues and work together to figure them out.
I quit trying to record this frantic craziness because they run the whole time.
They're bigger now and harder to keep up with.

Next clue!

The clues are staggered to send them across the house multiple times.

Last clue!

It lead them up two flights of stairs.
They might have been out of breath at this point.
They were running, as you can see.

Found them!

Yay for Easter baskets!
Katie is hugging a stuffie dragon and, yes, those are Doritos in Mikey's basket.

The next week it was back to school and regular life.

The YMCA spring soccer season started with Mikey's first practice.
I was coach this year.
The player-voted team name this time around was the "Blue Jays".
The kids on the team were great.  Mikey loves playing co-ed soccer.  Especially because he gets to play with his bestie, Sienna.

Katie met her new GI doctor.  Her other one retired and moved to Vegas.

Her new doc had some concerns about some breakthrough symptoms and some of her blood work results.  He decided that her Remicade infusions should be moved to from every 8 weeks to every 6.
All other meds stay the same.

We also worked with the doctors office to get our insurance company to let us continue receiving infusions at the hospital.
The insurance company wanted us to move to home infusions (a nurse comes and does it at your house) so they could save some money. 
Problem is, Katie's veins are very persnickety and decide that they just don't want to work sometimes.
We asked to continue at the hospital because they have an IV Team whose whole job is finding veins on hard case kids like Katie.
The insurance company agreed and so we can continue receiving infusion at the hospital.
Yay!  A success!

The new doc wanted to check out her, uh, deposits.
So, we got "The Hat".
I will not explain what goes in "The Hat".
I'm sure you can guess.

I'm sure you can also surmise that IT did not go into the hat before this picture was taken.

The weekend after, the kids had a friend overnight.
They picked an excellent movie to watch after dinner.

Mikey is ALWAYS the last to wake up.

That kid can sleep anywhere with just about anything going on around him....

...or with anything on top of him.

The end of the month brought with it Ralph's 3rd birthday.

He's such a good boy.
We couldn't have asked for a better dog.

I felt that he should get a little something on his birthday.
So, I gave him a rawhide bone.

He chewed this thing up in about an hour.

Welllll, there must've been something off about the bone or he wasn't used to digesting them anymore (he used to get them all the time)....'cause overnight he had some, uh, stomach issues.

He's free to roam the house now and sometime during the night he had to go to the bathroom.
No one let him out, so I'm guessing he ran downstairs into our basement area in a panic and did his business.

He crapped everywhere.  And peed too.

I mean EVERYWHERE.  You could follow the poop trail from where he started to where he ended.

I spent that next morning, for about an hour, on my hands and knees, wiping as much diarrhea off the carpet and absorbing as much pee as I could.

THEN, I had to go to the grocery store after the kids went to school and rent a carpet washer.


Good times.

It smelled for a long time.
Actually, it might STILL smell and we've just gotten used to it.
Sorry, people that visit our house.

The last weekend of the month was spent at the annual State PTA convention.
By myself.
There's not much to say about that except that it's weird to be in a huge hotel room all by yourself.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...