Thursday, January 03, 2019

November 2018

The beginning of November brings with it LOTS of leaves.
The majority of them fall right at the end of October.

We have a big maple tree in our backyard that drops about a million leaves all over our property - including our roof.

Someone's gotta get up there and clean out the gutters before the winter rains descend.

That someone would be me.

I made sure to pick a day that wasn't cold, breezy or wet to climb up.

Usually, it's a Saturday afternoon or Sunday so that other people are present to help hold the ladder or call 911 in case I should slip, whichever is needed.

It's very cathartic on the roof.
Nice and quiet.

And although the roof may be clean, it takes just about the rest of November to clear all the leaves out of the yard. That's dedicating one or two hours one or two days a week.
At least it's a good workout.

November brings leaves, yes. 
But, it also brings craft fairs and bazaars!
Lots and lots of them.

This year, I went to one that had a Santa available for pet pictures!

Ralph had his very own visit with Santa.
I'm not sure what he asked for.

But, I'm pretty sure it was for either cheese or a pet bunny.

The kiddos also made their annual pilgrimage to "The Mall" to visit good ole Saint Nick.

We get a picture every year with Santa and we have been seeing this guy since Katie was 3 or 4 months old. 
There were only two years, 2017 and 2015, that they saw a different dude.

He still asks them what they want for Christmas.
Mikey was undecided.
Santa was concerned.

I'm not sure what Mikey eventually asked for.
But, it makes me nervous that Santa looks even MORE concerned in the picture below.

We have a habit of accumulating things here at our house.
Clay figures, various pieces of random artwork, graded homework, knick-knacks, etc.

Sometimes we just run out of room.

These clay guys were on our table for, I don't know, about 2 or 3 months?
It was time for them to go.

They were Mikey's.
I told him to take a picture and then they'd be remembered forever.

I don't know what their names were....I see Legolas in there. Maybe Sara the Elf. Maybe Binky Superhero.....

And then there's this.
This, ladies and gentleman, is a BUTT ANGEL.
You read that right.

With all the after school stuff, school stuff and other life craziness, November flew by and soon we were almost at Thanksgiving.

The day before Thanksgiving Break, the middle school holds its annual Turkey Trot Square Dancing competition.

Katie and her friends put together another team this year.
Their theme: Seasons.

You'll probably recognize two familiar faces.
The girl in pink and the boy in orange have been friends with Katie since they were all about 1.5 years old.

Check out these videos for some rockin' square dancing action!

Mikey, as well as the other younger siblings of the "Forever Friends", were in attendance.
Maybe, just maybe, it'll be their turn to dance when they get to middle school.

No awards were won at the Turkey Trot, but much fun was had.

The next day, it was time for TURKEY!
Bacon wrapped, of course.

I made everyone watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Then we watched a little of the National Dog Show. At least through the Sporting Dogs.
'Cause everyone knows that Sporting Dogs are THE BEST.

Speaking of Sporting Dogs.....

This just might be Ralph's favorite day of the whole year.
We don't give him any turkey or anything. So don't worry.

He acts as our "Clean Up Crew".
Any errant crumbs or oil splatters are licked up in seconds.
If crumb cleaning was a sport, he would be king.

"YUM," says Ralph.

And, "YUM," says Katie as well.

She got to lick the mashed potato masher.

Turkeys done!

Now that the kids are older, they actually look forward to the Thanksgiving meal.
Mikey will eat more than rolls.
And, well, Katie can't eat rolls but she eats all the other stuff.

Here's a look at Katie's plate.
Nice variety.
She also DID have rolls. Gluten free garlic rosemary rolls from a baker in Cali.

And Mikey? He had TURKEY.
And a LEG no less.
I think it was the first time he's ever eaten turkey on Thanksgiving.

I think he's having second thoughts about the turkey leg....

Here's my plate.
Potatoes, stuffing, carrots, turkey, bacon and sausage gravy.
Each kid had a leg, so I was out of luck.

The kids were satisfied and were ready to move on to dessert.

But first, candied yams!

It's like the pre-dessert dessert.
Katie had a small serving and actually ate the yams this time. 
She usually just eats the marshmallows.
Mikey had none.
Too bad for him.

I ate the rest over the next few days.

The problem with Thanksgiving is that there are dishes.
LOTS of dishes.

I guess it works out though.
It gives a forced break before dessert.

And dessert was pie.
Two pies, both apple - one gluten free.

Mikey loves him some pie.
I think it's his favorite dessert.
Just like Huzbend.

Katie is not a big pie fan.
But she suffered through a bowl.

And, well, Ralph didn't get any pie.
But I'm sure he got some crumbs.


After sufficiently gorging ourselves, we sat down to watch a movie.
I don't remember what movie it was.
Huzbend was cold, so the kids helped him out.

Sometime that weekend we headed out for some fresh air and a round of disc golf.

As soon as we arrived at the place, it started to pour rain.

We played anyways and got soaked.

Guess what? I was there too.
A rare photo of the Green Frisbee Fiend.

Remember I mentioned being soaked?

Another car ride home sans clothes for the kiddos.

As the weather turns darker, wetter and colder, our warm crawl space begins to look quite inviting to those of the Kingdom Animalia, Class Mammalia, Phylum Chordata, Order Rodentia.

Grrrrr. STAY OUT!

To close out November, we took a ride to a local crazy Christmas light house.

Bring on December!

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...