Saturday, August 27, 2022

May 2022

 After not seeing very much movement from the bunny nest for a few days, I walked by one morning and observed what could only be described as a bunny dance party.

So cute.

By this point Ralph was onto them, he just had to sniff them through the fence.

All fingers were crossed that he wouldn't push through the fence to get at them.

The first week of May brought with it AP testing.
AP tests allow students to show their knowledge of college level courses and potentially receive college credit if they get a good score.

Katie decided to take an exam to test her Chemistry & Computer Science knowledge.

The Chemistry test she took just because she was interested.
The Computer Science course that she had taken during the year was actually taught as a "college in the high school" class.

The tests were long and arduous.
They did not sound fun.
The kids would have to wait until July to receive their scores.

A friend invited me to a Culture Fair that they put together at their high school.
I asked Katie to come along with me.

The best part about Culture Fairs are the food samples!
Each table represents a country and has information about their culture/country, maybe a craft, and then some food to try.

There were safe options for Katie to try as well.

Like, onigiri.

We stayed to watch some performances and to snap a picture in front of the balloon backdrop.

The first Friday in May, Katie's school participated in "Better World Day".
"BWD" encourages students to work on projects that can better their community and the world.

The students spent the day attending student led workshops, participating in activities and presenting about their projects. 

The school eSports team did a 24-hour live stream to raise money

Katie participated in a gardening project.
She helped plant some flowers and herbs on campus.

That weekend, my friend and I took another of my friends out to dinner for her 50th birthday.

I had a really yummy pineappley drink.

As well as a super delicious Cuban sandwich.

You better believe we ordered dessert.

Afterwords, we headed to a mini-golf bar. 
Minigolf in a bar.

It was surprisingly challenging!

One day Ralph was barking his head off for no reason.
At least I thought it was for no reason.

It continued F O R E V E R.

So much so that I had to go out and pull him inside to get him to stop.

And then it occurred to me that he might have been trying to tell me something.

He was.

We had a visitor up a tree in our backyard.

Once Ralph stopped barking, I could hear that it was chittering away.

Turns out it was talking to a buddy that was stuck in the same tree.
Most likely bad-mouthing Ralph.

I'm sure they were anxious to get moving, but I just couldn't let them go without snapping a few cute pics.

"Um? Excuse me? Yeah. You. Can you, uh, leave and make sure you take that a-hole dog with you? Yeah. Thanks. Sheesh"

A few days later, the baby bunnies left their nest.

It was NOT GOOD.

The crows were on to their hiding place and proceeded to take them out
one at a time.

A bunny would make its way onto a grassy patch and....

A crow would swoop down grab the bunny in its beak and fly away.
You could hear the bunny screaming.

One crow flew up onto my neighbor's roof with his new find.

It was horrible to watch.

My neighbor and I tried to save one. 
The crow dropped it and another swooped in and flew away with it.

At the end of the day, only one bunny made it back to the nest.

Traumatized for life.

Ralph was not disturbed by the horrific squealing.
I'm sure he silently commended the crows on a job well done.

During the Spring and Summer, I usually spend part of most Saturdays doing yard work.

On this particular Saturday, some PTA friends surprised me by stopping at my house to present me with an award.
They couldn't have come at a time where I was dirtier or more stinky.

I just rolled with it.
(I did take a nicer cleaned up photo later).

Katie was slowly getting closer to taking her license written and driving test.
We were still practicing as much as we could.

Here's a picture of her best parking job ever.

Sick of being stuck at home, we decided to head on out to get some fresh air.

What better way to do that than to take Ralph to a dog park on a rainy day?

He was a happy puppy.

Rain - check!

Mud - check!

Saying hi to other doggos - check!

Wading out into a lake - check! 

After Ralphs' little jaunt at the park, we decided to hike around a bit.

We enjoyed the empty park.

The best part was that the giant playground was EMPTY!

That means the kids got as many turns as they wanted on the zipline.

He's such a good boy.
Just a tad bit soggy.

The kids also had the spider web all to themselves.


As the school year began its march towards summer, PTAs have their last meetings of the year and usually hand out awards and such.

My PTA council had their last meeting which included recognizing various volunteers for their service to the community.

We like to have performances from students to break up the award speeches.

I submitted Mikey and his friend's performance from HONK!
The superintendent and school board got to enjoy his Bullfrog hijinks.

And here is the non-sweaty/stinky version of the picture for the award I received.

I tested positive for Covid.

Yay, me.

The suckiest part, besides being sick, was that I had to miss Mikey's induction into the
National Junior Honor Society.

For some reason, Huzbend wasn't able to attend either.

So, Katie went to support Mikey.

At the reception afterwards, they helped manage the allergy friendly treat table.

Katie's school had a spring formal.
I was not able to volunteer due to Covid, so I wasn't able to spy privy to what
activities they had at it.

Katie read Romeo and Juliet in her English class and was tasked
with a final project.

Katie chose to immortalize famous scenes in clay.

Juliet stabby scene.

Tybalt death scene.

Mercutio cursing both houses (and dying).

Romeo and Juliet dancing at a party.
Noone dying. Seriously.

Romeo and Juliet getting married.
Symbolizing the death of being single.

Balcony scene.
No death.

We ended May with another outside adventure on Memorial Day.

Huzbend and Mikey rode their bikes to a local park.

We met them at the park with Ralph in tow.
We enjoyed the lake and bird watching.

Ralph was not happy that Huzbend and Mikey went out onto the pier.
He wanted to go too.

But, alas, there were too many birds out there to bark at and chase.
We would've ended up swimming.
Which Ralph wouldn't have minded, but I would have.

That evening, Mikey wasn't feeling so hot.

The next day, he tested positive.
Exactly two weeks from the day I tested positive.


Tuesday, August 02, 2022

April 2022


I planted flowers in the fall because I was tired of this blank weed-covered area in the front yard. There used to be a bush here, but it died due to it being frozen in deep snow during one of our winters. 

I dug up the whole area a few inches deep and then threw the bulbs in. I was wondering if they would actually grow.


Yay me.

The first week of Spring also brought ducklings.
Ducklings of the human sort.

For the first time in 2+ years, the middle school advanced drama class was able to perform
a production on stage!

And wouldn't you know it....Mikey got sick.
It wasn't COVID, but it was a nasty cold that kept him out of school for an entire week at the end of March.
He was still coughing as the musical debuted, so he had to miss the first few performances.

But he was ready and raring to go by the third performance of the week.

Only during the first performance did he play a duckling.
He's the farthest duckling on the left.

His other part was an annoying T.V. journalist named Jay Bird.

And his other part was Bullfrog.
I'll save a picture of that one until later.

With his first performance under his belt, he couldn't wait for the next one. 

There is a tradition that all the 8th grade drama kids that are "graduating" can 
add their handprint to the wall of the prop closet.
Because Katie's 8th grade year was unceremoniously cut short due to COVID, she never got to add her handprint.

That ended this night.

After the performance, the kids went to hang out at Baskin Robbins...even though they can't eat anything there.

And, gulp, they were driven there by S who had had her license long enough to be cleared to drive other people around in her car.
(For the first 6 months after getting their licenses, teenage drivers here can't have anyone under 21 that is not family in the car with them).

I tell ya, it was REALLY WEIRD to watch them drive away.

The next night, Mikey had another performance.
We were all super busy and couldn't attend.
Katie had an IV infusion that day and I had to teach a PTA class.

The next day, Mikey went off to perform AGAIN while we walked Katie over so that she could leave for Costa Rica! A trip 2+ years in the making!!!

Back in April 2020, Katie was supposed to go to Costa Rica with two of her middle school science teachers. Darn COVID trashed that trip and kept it in limbo for the next two years. The company allowed the trip to be put "on pause" and Spring 2022 it was finally time to go!

These kids waited a LONG time to take this trip.
Off she went for a weeklong Costa Rica extravaganza.
I'll share some pics a little later on in the post.

Typically, the middle school has a few spirit weeks throughout the year.
This happened to be "Fancy Friday."

Believe it or not, the drama kids had three more performances that week!
One on Friday evening and then two on Saturday.

Of course, I went to see them all.
If COVID taught me anything it was to make sure that I take
every opportunity to see my kiddos shine.

COVID cancelled Katie's last middle school musical.
I really loved watching her on stage.
She was so in the moment and comfortable.
Something that I could never be.
It was amazing.
She was going to play Winthrop in The Music Man in the spring musical that was cancelled by COVID.
After drama went virtual, it just wasn't as fun and she lost her love of it.
She hasn't performed since.

So, I was determined to see as many performances as I could.

Say hello to Bullfrog.
This character was CREATED for Mikey.

Mikey did some character study by watching Rodney Dangerfield.

Bullfrog is a confident, kind-hearted frog that helps Ugly (the main character, the Ugly Duckling) see that there is someone out there for just about anyone.

I mean, it may be just because I am his mom, but he brought down the house every single night with his song "Warts & All".

At the end of Friday night's show, some kids asked their mom (a teacher at the school) if
they could have their picture taken with "The frog".

I'm pretty sure you've seen these three before.
We've got B in red as a turkey, S as a goose and Mikey.

Saturday night's final performance featured these three kiddos in three spotlight parts in the musical.

B was the evil Cat.
S was Ugly.

Mikey played his two parts. 

Jay Bird......

"This is Jay Bird from America's Most Feathered saying if you see anything suspicious from thieving magpies to lost little ducklings, the chicks on the switchboard are waiting to take your call."


But this one was extra special.
He got to play it alongside his bestie as Ugly.

Finally, both of them onstage doing what they've been doing for YEARS at home...but this time getting applause for it.

"I mean, have a word with yourself, Feathers. Who am I to call you ugly? Look at me...
....There, see? I mean connect the dots. If we're talking "ugly" they don't come much more aesthetically-challenged than me"

"I say to myself, "I'm just a handsome prince in frog's clothing and one day someone's going to come along and kiss me and release my inner beauty.....and then I say to myself, 'Nah, get real, who wants to snog a frog!'"

Time to sing....and dance.

Here's part of the song....

"If you just sit tight on your lily pad
Each silly fad will pass
Then those who sport this seasons look
Will fall flat on their asssssssk your mother what it's called...
For fashion is a fickle thing but just you wait and see.
The day will come when we're in style and then I guaranteeeeeee.

Out there someone's gonna love ya.
Someone's gonna love ya.
Warts and All.
Out there just around the corner, in amongst the fauna
Someone's gonna fall for you.

Though we may look a bit Jurassic
Trust us we're a classic, in our pond.
If this old frog can go awooin, time ya had a wake up calllllll.

Cos' out there somewhere someone's gonna love ya.
Warts and All!"

Bullfrog called out his "froglets" to back him up.

All good songs end with a little kick line.

And a hug.

Mikey was sad that it was his last performance.

It was a joy to watch him and to listen to the reaction of the audience.

Yay for performing on a stage!!

And double yay for middle school drama teachers!

Mikey was officially on Spring Break.


Katie had made her way to Costa Rica!

Katie kept in touch with me via WhatsApp and sent pictures and updates from her trip.

We were worried, of course.
She had to pack everything in a carry-on and there was concern about some of her meds.
Especially the one that she has to take with honey.
We were able to find single serve honey packets to send in her liquids bag.

All that worry was for nothing as she made it into the country just fine.

From there on out she was super busy traveling all over the country and doing really cool things.

Here's a quick snap shot of some things she experienced.....


White water rafting.

Hiking to scenic views.

Not only were there monkeys everywhere....

....but there were also potato chips, Hershey bars and Skittles.


One evening Katie had an ant in her bathroom that was this big.

Hot springs located near Mt. Arenal.

A sample of one of her dinners.

They visited a cacao plantation.

I wish I was there right now.

You know what else they have in Costa Rica?


I think maybe she could do her own blog about her experiences.
You'll have to ask her about it.
She had a great, but exhausting time.

Meanwhile, in Washington....

Huzbend was busy lighting the grill on fire in the rain.

Now that is skill.

And adventure.

I hung out with Mikey all week.

First up on our exciting agenda....

Grocery shopping!

Mikey discovered that they had very danceable music at the grocery store.

We also hit the lanes and did some bowling.

Check out that post throw wiggle.

I beat him.
Both times.

He still liked me even after I destroyed him.

After bowling we decided to get some froyo.

Although it was really not appropriate for the weather.

What is wrong with our state?

Mikey enjoyed an eclectic mix of non-dairy froyo flavors including gingersnap, Dole Whip and pink lemonade sorbet.

It really was pink.

He was also able to work in a little Spring Break swim date with some friends.

An impromptu Pokemon song. Performed by Mikey.

On the Friday of Spring Break, we headed to MoPop (Museum of Pop Culture) to check out
what was new.

Some of the displays were this indie video game display.

And, the sci-fi room.
Mikey actually knew what this was this time around as we had watched Terminator.
And Terminator 2 and Terminator 3......and on and on.

We also stopped in the fantasy exhibit and checked out a touring
Disney costume exhibit they had.

Hi Space Needle!

That Saturday we just hung out and waited for Katie to get home.
Like Ralph.

I tried to make my own chocolate bunnies this year with some new nut-free, gluten-free, dairy-free chocolate I found....

...but, sadly, did not have much success.

I also made a carrot cake.

That Saturday evening, we gave Korean food a try.

The beverage below is very dangerous.
It is Soju - the national drink of South Korea. 
Gulp, gulp, gulp.

Huzbend and I had bibimbap - a hot bowl of rice, vegetables, kimchi and meat.

Mikey tried kalbi - Korean barbeque short ribs.

Mikey fell in love and declared that kalbi is "THE BEST."

Huzbend and Mikey went off to pick up Katie from the airport later that evening.

I stayed home and played Easter Bunny.

And, for the first time ever, Ralph decided to "find" one of the eggs.

So naughty.

Time to search for eggs!

The Easter Bunny put this one here after Ralph decided to "investigate" it the night before.

Oh my gosh.
Sometimes, it's hard to watch.

Ralph enjoys everyone in the backyard.

It took a bit for them to find their last eggs.

Eggs found.

Next comes opening the eggs.

Candy, money and Lego guys.

Time to follow the clues.
For the first time ever, Mikey found the carrot egg with the
first clue of the basket hunt.

Sorry, kids, Ralph is not allowed to help.

Baskets were found.

Each inspected their basket and found video games and candy.
What a winning combination!

Katie brought me back some chocolate from Costa Rica!

It was a surprisingly warm and sunny day.
Especially for Easter.

Since Katie didn't get home until late the night before, we held off dyeing eggs until 
she was able to help.

We used this weird foam stuff.

This is what the eggs looked like when they were done.
We had to let the foam sit on them for a bit.

This is what they looked like when they were done.

The kids spent the day playing their new games and eating way too much sugar.

We wrapped up the month with Ralph's 8th birthday.
Even though he's pretty gray, he's still handsome.

We made sure his day was special.

He got to find treat eggs.

And, he got to play with his treat toy.

As I walked past these garbage cans in our backyard, I noticed a strange pile of leaves tucked in behind them.
I could've sworn I picked up all the leaves that were there.

I got a little closer, shifted some leaves and, sure enough, found a nice
cuddly warm layer of rabbit fur underneath.
It was another bunny nest.

I did my best to protect them by surrounding them with a big metal fence crossed my fingers (and toes) that a certain nosy dog didn't sniff them out.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...