Saturday, August 27, 2022

May 2022

 After not seeing very much movement from the bunny nest for a few days, I walked by one morning and observed what could only be described as a bunny dance party.

So cute.

By this point Ralph was onto them, he just had to sniff them through the fence.

All fingers were crossed that he wouldn't push through the fence to get at them.

The first week of May brought with it AP testing.
AP tests allow students to show their knowledge of college level courses and potentially receive college credit if they get a good score.

Katie decided to take an exam to test her Chemistry & Computer Science knowledge.

The Chemistry test she took just because she was interested.
The Computer Science course that she had taken during the year was actually taught as a "college in the high school" class.

The tests were long and arduous.
They did not sound fun.
The kids would have to wait until July to receive their scores.

A friend invited me to a Culture Fair that they put together at their high school.
I asked Katie to come along with me.

The best part about Culture Fairs are the food samples!
Each table represents a country and has information about their culture/country, maybe a craft, and then some food to try.

There were safe options for Katie to try as well.

Like, onigiri.

We stayed to watch some performances and to snap a picture in front of the balloon backdrop.

The first Friday in May, Katie's school participated in "Better World Day".
"BWD" encourages students to work on projects that can better their community and the world.

The students spent the day attending student led workshops, participating in activities and presenting about their projects. 

The school eSports team did a 24-hour live stream to raise money

Katie participated in a gardening project.
She helped plant some flowers and herbs on campus.

That weekend, my friend and I took another of my friends out to dinner for her 50th birthday.

I had a really yummy pineappley drink.

As well as a super delicious Cuban sandwich.

You better believe we ordered dessert.

Afterwords, we headed to a mini-golf bar. 
Minigolf in a bar.

It was surprisingly challenging!

One day Ralph was barking his head off for no reason.
At least I thought it was for no reason.

It continued F O R E V E R.

So much so that I had to go out and pull him inside to get him to stop.

And then it occurred to me that he might have been trying to tell me something.

He was.

We had a visitor up a tree in our backyard.

Once Ralph stopped barking, I could hear that it was chittering away.

Turns out it was talking to a buddy that was stuck in the same tree.
Most likely bad-mouthing Ralph.

I'm sure they were anxious to get moving, but I just couldn't let them go without snapping a few cute pics.

"Um? Excuse me? Yeah. You. Can you, uh, leave and make sure you take that a-hole dog with you? Yeah. Thanks. Sheesh"

A few days later, the baby bunnies left their nest.

It was NOT GOOD.

The crows were on to their hiding place and proceeded to take them out
one at a time.

A bunny would make its way onto a grassy patch and....

A crow would swoop down grab the bunny in its beak and fly away.
You could hear the bunny screaming.

One crow flew up onto my neighbor's roof with his new find.

It was horrible to watch.

My neighbor and I tried to save one. 
The crow dropped it and another swooped in and flew away with it.

At the end of the day, only one bunny made it back to the nest.

Traumatized for life.

Ralph was not disturbed by the horrific squealing.
I'm sure he silently commended the crows on a job well done.

During the Spring and Summer, I usually spend part of most Saturdays doing yard work.

On this particular Saturday, some PTA friends surprised me by stopping at my house to present me with an award.
They couldn't have come at a time where I was dirtier or more stinky.

I just rolled with it.
(I did take a nicer cleaned up photo later).

Katie was slowly getting closer to taking her license written and driving test.
We were still practicing as much as we could.

Here's a picture of her best parking job ever.

Sick of being stuck at home, we decided to head on out to get some fresh air.

What better way to do that than to take Ralph to a dog park on a rainy day?

He was a happy puppy.

Rain - check!

Mud - check!

Saying hi to other doggos - check!

Wading out into a lake - check! 

After Ralphs' little jaunt at the park, we decided to hike around a bit.

We enjoyed the empty park.

The best part was that the giant playground was EMPTY!

That means the kids got as many turns as they wanted on the zipline.

He's such a good boy.
Just a tad bit soggy.

The kids also had the spider web all to themselves.


As the school year began its march towards summer, PTAs have their last meetings of the year and usually hand out awards and such.

My PTA council had their last meeting which included recognizing various volunteers for their service to the community.

We like to have performances from students to break up the award speeches.

I submitted Mikey and his friend's performance from HONK!
The superintendent and school board got to enjoy his Bullfrog hijinks.

And here is the non-sweaty/stinky version of the picture for the award I received.

I tested positive for Covid.

Yay, me.

The suckiest part, besides being sick, was that I had to miss Mikey's induction into the
National Junior Honor Society.

For some reason, Huzbend wasn't able to attend either.

So, Katie went to support Mikey.

At the reception afterwards, they helped manage the allergy friendly treat table.

Katie's school had a spring formal.
I was not able to volunteer due to Covid, so I wasn't able to spy privy to what
activities they had at it.

Katie read Romeo and Juliet in her English class and was tasked
with a final project.

Katie chose to immortalize famous scenes in clay.

Juliet stabby scene.

Tybalt death scene.

Mercutio cursing both houses (and dying).

Romeo and Juliet dancing at a party.
Noone dying. Seriously.

Romeo and Juliet getting married.
Symbolizing the death of being single.

Balcony scene.
No death.

We ended May with another outside adventure on Memorial Day.

Huzbend and Mikey rode their bikes to a local park.

We met them at the park with Ralph in tow.
We enjoyed the lake and bird watching.

Ralph was not happy that Huzbend and Mikey went out onto the pier.
He wanted to go too.

But, alas, there were too many birds out there to bark at and chase.
We would've ended up swimming.
Which Ralph wouldn't have minded, but I would have.

That evening, Mikey wasn't feeling so hot.

The next day, he tested positive.
Exactly two weeks from the day I tested positive.


November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...