Saturday, February 17, 2024

The Rest of August 2023

 Everyone slept WAY in the next day.

We picked up Ralph from his extended vacay at the dog sitter's house.

I guess celebrating Katie's birthday in Italy wasn't enough, so we celebrated again when we got home.

Happy Belated Birthday!

Something Italy didn't have.....


Katie's favorite horror movie at the time.

Can't beat a good mind flayer shirt.

Or a fancy gothic jacket!

Hmmm. Maybe too happy for the couture?

That's more like it.

Katie is a book hoarder.
You people are enabling her.

This is plastic.
We swear.

Nothing funnier than shrink-wrapped Pokemon.

It's a Gengar!

Ralph enjoys present opening.
It means that all his favorite hoomans are on the floor with him and have to pet him.

To cap off present opening, Mikey broke out in song.
"I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan

"I'llllllllll, make a man out offff...."


The rest of that week was spent on "getting ready for school" stuff.

Katie had ASB (school government) prep. She was handling communications for them this year.
She also had some doctors appointments and an IV infusion.

And at the end of the week, this happened.

Now you see braces....

And now you don't!

Mikey got to chill and I got to jump into Washington State PTA work, POGS (Parents of Graduating Seniors) meetings and a Drama Booster meeting. I'm handling their communications. Phew.

The next week, the high school held it's Back to School event.
Katie was over at the ASB table.
We had our PTSA table set up to corner unsuspecting parents before they went in the school to take care of paperwork. 

It was also school picture day.
And right before he went in, Mikey ate a BLUE lollipop.
His lips were blue too.

Not only that, but he still had burst blood vessels in his eye from barfing so many times on the plane back from Italy.

Mikey ended the month attending one of his good friends' birthdays.
They got together for a few sets of bowling and cake a slab of cake.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...