Friday, October 27, 2006

Lookit all 'dem rich folk

Yesterday, I went to the movies. Let me rephrase that.

Yesterday, Katie AND I went to the movies.

Yep. You read it right. To a REAL movie theatre to see a REAL movie.

In a town about 20 minutes south of here, right outside the home town of "The Evil Empire", there is a movie theatre that shows 3 movies every Thursday just for parents. You can bring your kids and babies to the show. They turn the sound down a bit and turn the lights up just a bit. That way you can catch the latest movies with noisy baby in tow. They will even deliver concession goodies to your seat if you want. It only costs seven dollars.

How awesome is that?

We decided to check it out. Katie and I went to go see "The Queen." We were the ONLY ones in the movie theatre. The previews started out kinda loud and I was nervous about how the rest of the movie would go. Katie did get a little antsy during the previews, so I had to walk her around.

After the movie started, she calmed down a bit and actually watched the movie with me. She sat on my lap and watched the whole thing. No fussing, no crying, no fits, no....nothing. It was extraordinary. I fed her during the movie and even changed her twice. She was so well behaved, you would have thought that she was a couple of YEARS old. Hmph. It must have been the british accents. You know that's how SuperNanny gets those kids to listen, she has that musical british accent. Same goes for Mary Poppins.

Katie ended up falling asleep for the last 15 minutes of the show. Just sitting there on my lap. She fell asleep. That has never happened.

After the movie, I decided to check out the mall next door. Talk about ritzy. Since there are many, many million/billionaires in the area, this mall must cater to them. They had those stores that offer unique couture. The ones that don't have, like, small/medium/large. You just have to buy what they have on the rack at that time. There was a store that only sold black and white clothes. Super fancy. They had all the high end stores and even a shop that sold fancy-shmancy cupcakes. I did not buy one, but Auntie Onion Dip did when she was here visiting. According to her and Uncle Junior, it was just a plain old cupcake with a bunch of extra frosting.

I felt so out of place. There were all these 'MetroMoms' walking around with their kids. The kind of moms that wear business casual clothes ALL the time. For example, there was this one mom that was wearing a black button down fitted blouse with pin-stripe pants and high heels. She was pushing an Eddie Baur stroller with one hand while talking on her cell with the other. Her hair was flawless blonde, pulled back into a smart pony-tail. She was wearing a pair of those bug-eye, Elvis sunglasses with a soft brown tint. Her kid, no doubt, was styling in the most up-to-date baby wear; matching shirt, pants, socks, shoes and hat.

I saw another fashion-victim (wearing the same stupid looking sunglasses) carrying her little dog who was wearing a sweater to match her outfit. She was carrying her dog. In the MALL.

Me and Katie, on the other hand, looked like we just rolled out of bed (which we literally did). I was wearing maternity jeans (sigh), a blue shirt, sneaks and a purple rain coat. Katie was wearing some pink onesie with long sleeves and legs, no socks or shoes (she likes to wiggle her toes) and no hat. I'm surprised we weren't kicked out of the place.

We window shopped a bit and then headed for home.

This morning we got up bright and early for the echocardiogram. Katie, again, was on her best behavior. An echocardiogram is really just an ultrasound of the heart. She was able to stay in her baby car seat/carrier. I had to undress her, except for her diaper. They put four little circle thingies on her to record her heart beat and measure her heart rate. Then they gelled her up and took pics of her heart in motion. She didn't cry at all. She even smiled at the ladies while they were doing it and tried to grab their hands. At one point, she started getting a little fussy, I popped the binky in her mouth and she fell asleep! The whole process took about 45 minutes, with no tantrums. Again, I was amazed. We get the results on Monday, so I will let everyone know what happens with that.

"What a well-behaved baby!", one of the nurses said. "What a little angel," said the other. If people keep telling me these things, I might start to believe them.

Too late.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...